State Department Perpetuates Disinformation on Iran – Everything Law and Order Blog

Regular State Department briefings have been few, but the public is entitled to them, to hold the Trump administration accountable, such as on its policies towards Iran, says Col. Larry Wilkerson

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By phillyfinest369


38 thoughts on “State Department Perpetuates Disinformation on Iran”
  1. I wonder why the State Department has re-instituted its' overt propaganda campaign? They must believe the Assange truths must have dissipated in the failing memories of the majority. Mike Pompeo: 'We Lied, We Cheated, We Stole'.

  2. For Larry to claim that there are no good journalists now is absurd.
    I'd like to see him in a discussion with Noam Chomsky, or Robert Fisk.

  3. "United States of Murder, Inc." IS NOTHING NEW.. been the operation by RICH ELITE RULING CLASS FAMILIES in the United States since World War 2 as a " Business Model " ongoing…and current. The U.S. CITIZENS are victims of cowardace .. The current President is no different in activities than any past government U.S. PRESIDENT.. just the "FACE" OF FEDERAL GOVERNMENT "face" is propaganda.. not factual. Criminal Operation for the U.S. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT is just " Business as Usual" ongoing fact.

  4. Iran's current Ruler's promote " DEATH TO AMERICA ".. unfortunatly the citizens are many good people under a Dictorship of Torture, Death and Political Imprisionments .. to it's citizens.

  5. I am not ignorant, I think your ignorance is quite despicable. The Military Industrial Complex Machine, the Fossil Fuel Industry and Corporations run the government. Do not ever take the American people for ignorant. My grandchildren know the bullshit I was fed for decades. You will never take my grandsons to war ever. You fools are done, Vote Progressive for real change.

  6. Basically there's NO , US Government foreign policy. This has been the case for at least 65 years! US foreign policy is thought through and written by Britain and Israel.

  7. They espouse the narrative that Iran is the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism. This is wrong on so many levels, but it is also deflection and projection on the part of the United States. It is the US that is the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism. The USA created the Mujahideen in Afghanistan, as well as Al Qaeda, ISIS and the Al Nusra Front in Syria. These are all Sunni groups, and Iran is a Shia country.

  8. "Public diplomacy," compliments of the SMITH-MUNDTZ MODERNIZATION ACT of 2012, (incorporated into the FY 2013 NDAA) giving legislative authorization, via the U.S. State Department and the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), to disseminate PROPAGANDA "activities," onto its own [US] citizens domestically, and abroad!

  9. No "Disinformation" but War Propaganda. – All over the "western"World. Looks like it's getting hot soon. One big "Event" and we change from being in War into being at War. May God bless the People of IDLIB and protect us all.

  10. Yeah…don't mention the US sponsored terrorism that's going on in Central America, Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq.

  11. Who is the state department chick? Someone from central casting??? She has so much makeup on it looks like she's ready for the broadway stage! Does she know anything about foreign policy?? My god is this country f'd up!

  12. The spokesperson reminds me of the plastic talking head mouthpieces we see from China and North Korea.

  13. Guys like this who are also Democratic Socialists are the ones who are supposed be running our government.

  14. Is He still looking for Saddam Hussein WMD?
    Ps I believe Saddam Hussein is hiding them in the white house. In trump office!

  15. The state department was never here to tell the truth, it was here to tell what it wanted you to believe.

  16. "The world's foremost state sponsor of terrorism" is NOT Iran, it's the USA, and everyone around the world knows that except for Americans. Iran is actually one of the most stable countries in the region.

  17. US has cause tremendous destruction and hardship in many countries in the world, current example is Iraq and Libya. Ever since the US overthrow the legitimate govt of these countries, they have cause untold destruction, death and miseries to the people of these countries .Compared to the relative peace and properity before the US move to destroy these countries.

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