Harsh Conditions in German Refugee Camps – Everything Law and Order Blog

In Germany, there’s growing criticism of the so-called ‘holding and processing centres’ where migrants are sent when they first arrive in the country. Migrants say that conditions inside are horrific.

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By phillyfinest369


26 thoughts on “Harsh Conditions in German Refugee Camps”
  1. Jeśli chodzi o higienę w europejskich np.niemieckich obozach dla uchodźców, w pierwszej kolejności należy zapytać, czy ci uchodźcy mają zapewnione odpowiednie narzędzia do utrzymania czystości w obozach oraz czy ich toalety są wyposażone w odpowiednie narzędzia do czyszczenia urządzeń sanitarnych, takie jak czysta bieżąca woda sprawna spłuczka toaletowa i odpływ, detergenty, worki na śmieci i rękawice ochronne Po drugie, powinna to być praca zespołowa, bo nie jest dobrym pomysłem sprzątanie po wszystkich użytkownikach tych sanitariatów,dla jednostek którzy przestrzegają swoich zasad i myślą, że toaletę za sobą muszą posprzątać, ale dlaczego powinni? Być może mają ustalone miedzy sobą umownie dni tygodnia, w których sprzątają,Ta osoba wykonuje dodatkowe sprzątanie po tym, jak wszyscy inni skorzystali z urządzeń sanitarnych i zostają w tej jednostce? ,Przestrzega swoich zasad higieny ogólnej, a dlaczego inni nie mieliby chcieć po sobie samych sprzątać toalety?? Czy inni uchodźcy uważają konieczność sprzątnięcia po sobie toalety za obrazę ich godności? ,Nie rozumiem tego sposobu myślenia i nie znam dokładnych powodów i nie znam dokładnych przyczyn tego, co myślą inni, może wśród uchodźców są też królowie?? ,No cóż nie wykluczam takiej możliwości ;), ale cały syndrom króla ,,syndrom Kinga,, jest łatwy do wyleczenia jak ktoś po sobie nie sprząta, niektórzy brzydzą się cudzymi płynami ustrojowymi co jest zrozumiale i naturalne ,ale nie rozumiem dlaczego mogą odczuwać wstręt do własnych płynów ustrojowych, ja nie czuję wstrętu do moich płynów ustrojowych i zawsze sprzątam po sobie toaletę niezależnie od tego, gdzie przebywam czy w domu czy np.w szpitalu psychiatrycznym o ile sa mi udostepione narzędzia do utrzymania czystości,Prorok Jezus został nazwany królem, a jako król umył nogi swojemu uczniowi i nie brzydziły go ludzkie płyny ustrojowe,Być może część z tych uchodźców nie jest w najlepszej kondycji psychicznej, a kto chce i czuje się na tyle stabilny i silny, ma prawo sprzątać nie tylko po sobie, ale i po innych.,Rozumiem Twój problem, jest równie ważny, jak wiele innych problemów, które istnieją w obozach dla uchodźców, a także w więzieniach, między innymi więźniów politycznych, i wiele innych problemów w wielkim oceanie problemów tego świata.

  2. Looks like my old college dorm so what’s the issue, it’s a refugee camp and that guy is not from a refugee country for sure. Looks like this channel was going for sensationalism 🤣

  3. I'm an immigrant. They were definitely not in any danger in their home country, because if they were, they would appreciate leaving that country , and finding a safe place, and wouldn't trash the place.

  4. Why don't they clean after themselves? Can't they make a plan for themselves/ their time, their place? What do they do during 24 hours? I had the same problem in one of my previous work places, I cleaned the entire place and started asking others to follow my lead..

  5. Improve the conditions ?????? which conditions ???? He said, inside is not much to do.Why you then don't clean your own rubbish ??? And the toilets ??? You think you came to Germany and you gonna live in a 5 star hotel.You already getting food and doctor for free.People in Germany has to work for that !!!! It make me so angry by listen him . If you are not happy go back to Nigeria !!! No ons holding you !!! And it will cost less tax money to remove you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. The place looks pretty decent. 

    It looks like someone deliberately soiled the place for publicity. How about a long shot and overview of the place? Reporting fail.

  7. I’m an apostasy asylum seeker here in Germany , I tell you the truth : the German police and German government are so so lovely and understanding, they are the true meaning of HUMAN , I’m living now in this camp since 3 months . I tell you what’s going on there – so read my comment with big heart:
    Most of the people who live in this camp are rejected application , they came to Germany just for better life .
    And most of them are not following the rules here , when police involve they fight back the police while police still kind to them , I seen a man slap the police in his face so hard and still the police was kind , I can’t understand how can they go so kind this much , the government office here in this camp saying the max time you stay here is 6months if your case is positive, who is rejected will not leave this camp and in my opinion as what i wittiness 1- they are rejected so we can’t consider them refugees. 2- they came from different Europe countries so Germany is not responsible for their case . 3- i can speak 4 languages so I understand what most of people talking in here .
    They trying to made up stories for their refugees case .
    5- they take payout salary every month and taking free food and free medical care and education in the camp .
    What Germany provide for them no one can do .
    6- they don’t follow the rules here they make fights and break all facilities and trying to make big mess so the government give up and lose control then they have their final target of being transferred to a privet house and to be considered as a real refugee while they are not .
    Most of them have received a post from BAMF to leave Germany as their case has rejected. But still they don’t go .
    They don’t clean they don’t keep the place in good condition purposely so the media and lab lab la keep push the people in charge to look back their cases . I asked most of the Africans here one question: why did you come from Italy to Germany since Italy is a safe country! He say they don’t provide good money as here . The question here as they come from Africa for protection or threaten and the first safe place they arrived is Italy ! They got the protection already in Italy why the came here and still complain! Believe me they are not refugees they just came for the Euro!!!
    Just come live one night in this camp you will understand what I’m talking about !

  8. I'm Nigerian, but if you are not comfortable where you went to. Come back home please. You lots create bad image for us the well meaning and hard working Nigerians.
    Life is better of home, look beyond the thought of being seen as a failure and come back home where you are a king. For crying out loud, how can a Nigerian be a Refugee in another country? It's pretty sad because Nigeria is largely peaceful except the North whose Residents don't travel.
    The East, South and West are PEACEFUL but most of you want to travel abroad by all means, you go there and disgrace Nigeria and also paint a Bad image which cause bad stereotype for Nigerians all over the world.

    Did I mention that you people should be grateful. They gave you shelter and food, and you are waiting for them to clean up your mess? That's stupidity. That they are even ready or have the intentions to integrate you into the Society is good will enough.

    I wish all countries all over the world can deport illegal Nigerians from their country so life can be easy and straight forward for the hardworking ones.

    It's really sad that these bad ones travel in droves out of the country, creating sad/bad experiences and interactions with people who then generalize and stereotype the good ones.

    Nigeria is a great country, stop bringing shame to her and other hardworking Nigerians.

  9. I am German, I tell you, this is ridiculous. The people shown in the clip are fully able to not not throw there rubbish on the ground and to wipe their own sh… from the toilet. There are cleaning supplies provided. Also, buying cleaning supplies is extremely cheap, too. The people are not confined to the so called "camp" – they can and do get out. Fact is, many of those men think it is under their "status" and their "dignity" to clean up for themselves – they demand cleaning women doing the job and are as sloppy as possible. Bad reporting.

  10. probably the Problem is like in Switzerland, that Privat Contractors are running these Camps and not the State,…and they want to make a lot of money so they save on Workers, Doctors, ect….and also some of the Refugees are very demanding,…so it is a Problem of "both Sides" i guess

  11. Ok, but why won't they clean up if it's a mess? Hourly, if nessicary, in volunteer shifts. Why do they want cleaners to come clean up after them?

  12. It reminds me of some incidents back in history where conditions too were made harsh for a large group of residents in Germany to encourage them to leave the country.
    Later the "people" was mislead to allow the conditions to be even harder and those still staying were contained in camps without permission to leave at all – except through the chimney.
    The likes/dislikes in this thread tends to show the misleading is repeated today – shame on such dead fish flouting downstream !
    Watch out for repeating that sad part of history !

  13. Those are probably better conditions than in the American internment camps because in the States they won't even allow anyone in to see what's going on inside.

  14. Have you looked at the farmland grabs/neo colonialism that is causing this crisis?
    Since 2008 crisis, investors have been putting money into foreign farmland and industrial agriculture, pushing local & indigenous people off their land, destroying communities. That is why the authorities are allowing this, they want the land in Africa, and South America & the global south, even Canada, NewZealand and Australia are being targeted. The Harvard University farmland investment is one of few investigated, the human and environmental disaster this caused demonstrates the tragic disaster of the unsettling of peoples worldwide for corporate profit.

  15. Refugee complains things aren't cleaned. And they can't work to keep things clean?
    They expect Germans to clean up after them. People should stay in their own countries
    as a generality. If things are so bad there, don't bring more children into the world there.

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