Pompeo is “Setting the Stage for a War with Iran” – Everything Law and Order Blog

In recent congressional testimony, Sec. of State Pompeo linked Iran to al Qaeda and 9/11 and would not say whether he would apply the 2001 war authorization (AUMF) to Iran. Col. Larry Wilkerson discusses the implications

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By phillyfinest369


48 thoughts on “Pompeo is “Setting the Stage for a War with Iran””
  1. "I'd prefer to leave that to lawyers, Senator"
    Pompeo IS a Harvard-educated, bar-certified, experienced lawyer!!!

    The degree of lying has really ramped up with this administration, to the point where, like Trump, they actually go out of their way to lie for no other purpose but to put more lies out to confuse people more.

  2. United Satan of America is sending its salesman, Pompous Pompeo to create wars for the powerful wealthy families to sell more weapons!

    Why tf r u not bombing the saudis??? Its been proven SEVERAL TIMES, the Saudis have sponsored terrorism.

  4. With all respect to the american people but as an iranian i must say shame on your government who supporting MohammadBinSalman who is a real butcher and dictator. Shame on bolton, trump and pompeo and even the past administrations of the US that have always been behind anything bad which happen to iranian people. The US was behind a coupdeta which led to the fall of our democracy and doctor mosadegh administration before the 1979 revolution. The US navy fired a passenger flight of Iran and killed 290 Iranian which 66 of them where woman and children and the US General who did that got a medal for this evil action and no appology to the Iranian people. I'm talking to you American people. These are facts and you can read these just by a simple search on Google. The US supported Saddam even when he used chemical weapons against Iranian people. Now you can see why the Iranians hate the U.S administration. We are building our missiles because in 8 years of war which US by supporting Saddam imposed on us nobody sold a single missile to US to defend ourselves. This is the truth, not those bulshits that Trump, Pompeo and Bolton and your media are telling you everyday.

  5. As an iranian i must say we love american people but we hate your administration. My people are starving because of the brutal sanctions. And now they are going to war with us because of a bunch of lies. And in the meantime they support the Saudi regime which is supporting AlQaeda, butchering a journalist, dismembering its own people and was behind the 9.11
    Iran has never done anything bad to the US or the US people. For fuck sake you have many iranians in the US soil. They are all well-educated and have no harm for the american people. Why are you doing this to our people you fucking liers. Just leave us aloneeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

  6. also not all societies are ready for democracy. some have to be ruled by an autocratic leader or they will collapse. saudi arabia as an extreme…
    the society in saudi arabia is even more radical than the house of saud (most princes are relativly liberal due to western education) and changes have to be implemented gradually (womens driving) in order to prevent massive backlash from the people… they got ~20 tv channels with klerics preaching their religios stuff, hardly any islamic dominated country understand the concept of secularization so its hard to implement democracy without beeing overrun by religios fanatics (see egypt for further details, al sisi did the right thing)
    the problem is that the koran doesn´t play well with others… theres only one truth one god this world was created by allah and everyone should praise him….everyone else is wrong and has no right beeing on this planet. if thats state doctrin youve got a problem…
    so until they understand secularization or we eradicate this mental desease called religion from this world, democracy is not right for everyone
    iran beeing one of the few peoples in the area with the highest chances of implementing a successful democracy in my mind

  7. sure 9/11, they attacked two countries already where osama bin laden wasn´t, lets add a third… why not north korea, i´m sure there will be some connection found as well

  8. The end-time PROPHECY OF ISAIAH 33:7-10 is worth considering, esp. "TREATIES BROKEN". Why did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor? It came because the U.S. sanctioned them and cut off her oil and scrap metal purchases. (Expect an isolated and starving Iran to smuggle some nukes into the hands of her YEMENI pals (Houthi's) who can then lob a nuke at MECCA and vaporize the "House of Prayer" for the planet's 1.8 BILLION MUSLIMS (a dagger in the heart of Saudi-Arabia and "Sunni Islam", the final sting of a dying scorpion– get it?). And the Russians will have achieved their wildest dream: to separate America from her allies, who'll believe Russian protests of innocence in the U.N. Security Council (esp. all Trump' anti-Islamic rhetoric).The sinners in Zion really will be TERRIFIED as they consider that Putin & Trump would not start a 3rd World War over a bowl of spilled milk and honey — WOULD THEY? (Read carefully the Lamentations of Jeremiah, 2:14 & 4:17* "we waited in vain ALL DAY, our eyes failed waiting for a nation that could not save us" — that's because they just had too many "big deals" with those wealthy Arab neighbors -get it, Rabbi?) So pay attention, all Jews: Jeremiah 23:17 "they say 'Peace, peace' – to men who HATE GOD". You figure out who "they" are [Proverbs 1:11-18]. (BEWARE those who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they're "ravening wolves").

  9. That fat pig should go to McDonald’s and calm down .. the American people should be doing something about these retarded psychopaths they put I office ..he must be related to Collin Powell..

  10. Iran supported alqaede ?😂😂😂😂😂. Saudi arabia didn’t. How stupid can a government can be 😂😂😂😂😂

  11. Just in case you have not gotten the information from the investigators, scientists and demo experts, 9/11 was not what we were told. It was a Northwood operation, with CGI, holograms and demo ; maybe some DEW as well..These silly guys with box cutters were fiction, like their passports found , pristine in the street. Please……we are not stupid ! the deception was written all over the moronic face of GWB. We suffered from that and still do. Ask these poor families of 3000 innocent people. Yeah ! Collateral damage for them.

  12. War monger pompous Pompeo needs to chill. We do not need WW3. He is NOT Honorable. His argument reminds me of the WMD in Iran….and Bush jumping on the false reports from Colin Powell. We have destroyed the Middle-East and we do not need to interfere with Iran. Let these people be !

  13. Russia is having naval exercises with Iran Navy shortly, in the Gulf and the Gulf of Oman/Arabian Sea.  Message. Iran is smaller than you, but has big friends.  No fanfare, but advanced highly armed Russian ships allied with Iran are there. Your bluff is called.

  14. Of course, they wanted a war. There is no more card in Trumps Hand. When there is war, he will be able to reflect attention to himself. China wants world peace. US want war and world destruction.

  15. The Shias are upping the ante after the unfortunate ISIS events. Pompeo is right to cut short the Iranian adventurism.

  16. At what point do stop letting all of these fat white grubs in suits who's only concern is furthering their master's agendas?
    When will they have a war, and no one shows up?
    It is up to us, the voting public to elect only representatives who will strip them of any authority and relegate them to the ash heap of history, or prison where they F'n belong.

  17. 1.5 million innocent Iraqi men women and children murdered by USA in an illigal war waged against Iraq alone is not enough. Now the USA wants war against Iran . When will the USA governments will be honest and fair and stop their war crimes against nations. Why is the USA allowed to distabilise other countries . What international law that gives the USA the right to dictate to the world what should be done with one country or another. When will the countries of the world unite and stand firm and put so much predsure on those hypocrite war criminals in wachington to tell them that the world have had enough of their hypocricy . War crimes. Injustice and abuse of human rights. When will the USA starts minding its own busines and stop using lies and deciept to destroy the lives of innocent people around the world .

  18. What's next China did 911 what about the Israeli Mossad everybody knows how sneaky Jews are look up the David hotel attack Jews dressed as Palestinians did it

  19. Absolutely!! He (Mike Pompao) and M. Bolton love WAR!!! They are part of the Elite and will have 0 effect on them. We are being redirected with the Muller report. To not see the truth!!

  20. Why the fuck would the ultra shia Iranian support the ultra anti-shia Al-Qaida? They cant even work with Saudi Arabia and you think they would work with Al-Qaida? Thats a new kind of stupid.

  21. Is this America?  Terrorism is the systematic use of coercive intimidation, usually to service political ends. It is used to create and exploit a climate of fear among a wider target group than the immediate victims of the violence, and to publicize a cause, as well as to coerce a target to acceding to the terrorists’ claims.
    o   The FBI defines terrorism as the unlawful use of force and violence against person or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in further of political or social objectives.
    o   The U.S. Defense Department defines terrorism as "the unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence against individuals or property to coerce or intimidate governments or societies, often to achieve political, religious, or ideological objectives".
    o   When an act is interpreted as terrorism, it fosters public fears about continued unpredictable attacks on civilians. 
    As an organizing concept, the term terrorism conveys a moral judgment about the illicit activity of a group of persons, and the act of labeling a group terrorist transmits moral condemnation. Irrationality and fanaticism are also associated with terrorism, and these connotations tend to enhance the security threat and promote citizen solidarity in response to that threat. When an act is interpreted as terrorism, it fosters public fears about continued unpredictable attacks on civilians. As Card (2010: 125) expresses it, "a terrorist interpretation raises the specter of more and worse to come" and therefore differentiates acts of terrorism from common criminality, or the acts of mentally disturbed persons who are out of control.

  22. Catastrophe in the Gulf region will be devastating….imagine if all the oil reserves are blown up in flames that will burn for 1000 years….

  23. Attack Iran and then there will be complain that why immigrants are coming to western countries same like Iraq, Afghanistan Libya and many more

  24. America's motto – abide by western extremism, Zionism and Wahabism, also kill innocent civilians, invade countries and steal their resources such as oil, spend more money on nuclear weapons instead of helping its citizens such as free health care. America's answer: let's go to war, yeah, brilliant smh 🤦🏻‍♂️ WW3 is amongst us.

  25. Alqaeda and Iran working together?😂😂 Pompeo is insulting our intelligence. Alqaeda is terrorist Sunni group, and Iran is ruled by extremist Shiite Clerics. They hate each other to death.

  26. Go ahead, go and see what Iran got for you LOL. You thought Iran is the same as Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya or Vietnam? Haha, they will come after you, without any suicide bomber. Mark my words.

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