Kamala Harris Calls for Teacher Raises—An Anomaly in Presidential Politics – Everything Law and Order Blog

Democratic frontrunner calls for $315 billion investment—education activists, such as Lois Weiner, say it’s still not enough

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By phillyfinest369


38 thoughts on “Kamala Harris Calls for Teacher Raises—An Anomaly in Presidential Politics”
  1. Mrs. Harris's education policy is dead on arrival. No Republican in Congress and not enough Democrats will support the idea of 400 Billion + additional Federal Spending to motivate the states to pay their teachers more. Also, taxpayers will lobby heavily against it, as why should people living in Iowa, want to see a raise in their federal income taxes to pay for higher teacher salaries in Nebraska — let alone the other 48 states?

  2. Take it from a victim of a famous neoliberal incumbant in Canada, when an establishment neoliberal makes a progressive promise; THEY ARE LYING. It's a cynical stunt to get themselves elected. Don't buy it!

  3. What a great investigation and activist. Harris is a fake. Make sure you share this video on FB. People need to know where these shills get their bribe money. Their words mean nothing.

  4. There is a tell and harasses statement regarding on how they are going to pay for the increased wages: she said she will take it from the estate taxes.
    Couldn’t she just reduce the military budget and, instead of spending money on killing people, use some money from that budget to fund education?

    That is a tell. It shows that Kamala Harris and the Democrats are just like the GOP. They are beholden to the military industrial complex. Taking money from our exuberant military budget to use it for funding things like education or healthcare or infrastructure rebuilding are not even considered as options by them.

  5. Personally, I see Harris as just another that embraces neoliberal policies. And if people question candidates like her, there is reason to, because the lies out of some are enormous, and they say what they are for, but unlikely get it through, or just a fraction, if any. Also what is more popular today, is the promising of "money" for votes, tax cuts, pay raises, etc … reminds me of them lousy "cash back" commercials on the tele. It's like the whole thing today is just a racket of sort. I need action, instead of words, and Harris' actions on several issues of past speak for themselves, even on the unjust incarceration. – – Ranch Chimp Journal

  6. Harris = Obama. She's another wolf in sheep's clothing, will not regulate and jail banksters and end the wars for oil, she protected Wells Fargo here in California, and didn't not protect students from Student Loan Debt and says nothing about these issues. She didn't even implement any of these policies in California. Your record speaks volumes.

  7. She has a one item agenda to get union support. What else is on her agenda? And I don't believe she will follow through. Bernie's agenda is inclusive of all our problems!

  8. Weiner is right. "No child left behind" is a monstrosity, gave birth to "teach to test" The result was serious drop of US in world ranking to #37. – 3rd world levels. Every Fed dollar given to schools requires an hour of paperwork for teachers. "No time to teach!" Where is the money? Not in classrooms but to top heavy administration.

    Until we change funding sources for schools from local real estate taxes to a more equitiable distribution, US will remain the lowest ranking of all so-called first tier countries.
    This is segregation! Not much different from forbidding slaves to learn to read.

    There is no equality in education for the poor. If you are white, middle class, volunteer for 2 weeks at an inner city school. . Nobody can learn under these conditions. I taught for a few years in Philly – OMG beyond imagination. I dare Kamala Harris to stay for a day. She is a prissy, spoiled private school girl.

    Why not a state VAT tax specifically to fund education? 2% sales tax on every non essential purchase online & in-store & 3% on RE purchases. Teachers do deserve a living wage & free education for grad work. However, student education & well being needs to be addressed as equally important. Grades K-3 should have no more than 20 kids in a room. 4-12 max of 25.

    We are not an agrarian culture so extend school day to be compatible with working parents. 9-5. No more homework for teachers, kids or parents. Pay Americore, Aides & high school students to supervise assignments & outside play and clubs form 3 – 4:30 when they get ready to go home, bookbag free. HS kids must remain on campus unless they have a job, this is the time for sports, etc.

    Make this a re-birth for family dinners & time together. This will keep kids out of trouble & create a positive change for society.

    Buy more school busses! always the reason to make life hell for family scheduling.

  9. Politicians promise things they have no intention of delivering on, especially corporate ones. Don't be fooled she's no progressive.

  10. She'S doing it because she already knows she's in deep do-do with the ADOS movement (those Black folks and voters outside of the old time Civil Rights movement dinosaurs). So since she doesn't have the Black vote nailed down and sees it slipping away, she's got to grasp at something. Bye Kamala. No Black Agenda, No Vote. #ADOS!

  11. We should be careful to understand that we will never form a concensus with only like-minded individuals. If Kamala wants to support something we agree with then we should support the aspects that make sense and not be overly cynical.

  12. How about for all workers in general, a $20.00 nation wide minimum wage. NOW WE’RE talking. (Either way, no to corporate democrats and it’s OBVIOUS who they are).

  13. Harris is a desperate political joke that will latch on to ANY cause to get into office. She probably has no clue about teachers, but wind her up, give her a pre-written speech, and it's showtime! Loser.

  14. Bravo, Lois Weiner. Kamala Harris is not trustworthy. Period. And because she is not, we may be reasonably certain that anything she proposes has an ulterior motive, one calculated not to aid the people but corporations and right-wingers generally. Her reputation precedes her, and it isn't pretty.

  15. Wait a minute! By whose lights is she the "front-runner"? Lower favorability among African-Americans and hispanics than you-know-who. (P.S. I can't stand listening to that voice!)

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