Robert Reich: Closing the Border to Mexico is “Insane” – Everything Law and Order Blog

$1.5 billion dollars per day cross the US-Mexico border and closing it, as Trump has proposed would be “cataclysmic,” says former Labor Secretary Robert Reich, whom Laura Carlsen interviewed in Mexico

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By phillyfinest369


37 thoughts on “Robert Reich: Closing the Border to Mexico is “Insane””
  1. Robert Reich is an idiot. He was an awful economic advisor and labor secretary. His ideas about cause and effect in the economy make no sense. He has to be a professor because anyplace else he would have to produce results.

    First, his assertion that he didn't know what Trump meant by stopping immigration is a blatant lie. Trump was completely clear in what he said – "if you come here you have to do it right." Trump said a million times, that borders should be controlled. Illegal immigration had to be stopped. The truth is he, like all liberals, lies about what Trump was saying.

    Secondly, we do not need an open border pouring immigrants into the country. We have always taken in a manageable level of immigrants. Bill Clinton and Obama speak numerous times about not allowing illegal immigration.

    What we actually need is to put all Americans to work; To dismantle the failed welfare system and education systems. Black Americans need to realize what democrats have done to them and be pissed about it.

    Robert Reich is a propaganda machine, spilling lies and half-truths to push a narrative.

  2. Well, he is a Democrat and therefore an open borders destroy America clown. He sucked during the slick Willy regime and he still does. Looks like he is missing out on his adenachrom fix.

  3. Robert Rich doesn't know shit about the US/Mexico border. Also, Trump has acomplished alot of things: strong economy, stop illegal immigration, slow down the Islamization of the USA, move embassy to Jerusalem). He is keeping his promises.

  4. Hey Robert Trump has never been anti immigration. No wonder liberals are getting dumber people like you are considered one with high intellect. What a joke!

  5. So give Trump 5 billion for the wall. If 1.5 in commerce crosses every day, it just demonstrates what a bargain the wall would be at 5 billion. It is a pittance in the big scheme of things. Illegal aliens do not pay federal taxes, so they do not contribute to the tax base, but they certainly do use USA assets in social programs.

  6. These people are idiots. Take a look at the crisis at the boarder. The shutdown was done by democrats. The socialist democrats bought and paid for by bribery. President Trump dont need their money. These people warp facts. Stupid people. We have plenty of unemployment here now, we dont need immigrants for jobs we dont have now. This is democrat propaganda.

  7. The only way to change what is happening in the United States government is to register to vote and make your voice heard in the election of 2020. Let's vote all these corrupted politicians out of office whether they are Democrats or Republicans. Educate yourself on the candidates and vote for people who will have your interests in mind. Don't support those candidates who take money from corporations or PACS because they will not be interested in helping the common people.

  8. Stop all entry into the U.S. by closing the border The coming AI/robotic revolution will replace all the workers. We don't need any more on welfare.

  9. Trump is a bully who likes to fuck with people. He is a negative person who thinks he is always isolated from his own actions. He is the sort who thinks teaching a working dog by shooting it will learn ya….whereas the dog is now isolated from applying anything it may have learned. Trumps remedies are more harmful than the issues.

  10. When Robert speaks of the greater good and its deterioration I think it can be mirrored to the deterioration of participation in organized religion. Whether Christian Jewish Muslim etc. As in in love they neighbor as you love your self . We are taught by the Scriptures to be good caretakers of our brothers and our world.

  11. Very reasoned and concise questions, thanks for making this one of the best interviews I've seen in the past few years.

  12. Rhodes scholar. voted top ten cabinet members by Time magazine. Secretary of labor under Clinton. (the only administration to show a surplus budget since 1930). When Reich talks.. people should probably listen.

  13. Hello to all.
    How about making the cost of living in America better so that American families can afford to have more children then you will not need masses of immigrants that ultimately destroys your culture. You Mr Reich and all your buddies have had a huge amount of time to fix things and you HAVEN'T, so stand aside, stop your criticism and genuinely help make America great again, that is if that is where your true loyalties lay and not another countries. We are all such suckers.

  14. Reich does not acknowledge the IQ crisis created by illegals displacing citizens with an IQ of less than 83 (that's 30 million citizens). The welfare costs of these 30 million citizens should be born by those who employ illegals and do not report the difference between market wages and what they pay illegals as imputed income to the IRS. IRS – where are you ?

  15. Closing our u.s. borders is the smartest thing we could ever do. We have 300 million people here already. We don't need to continue to dilute our people. Robert Reich is human feces.

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