The Bizarre Billionaire that Backed Bannon and Made Trump President – a TRNN Documentary – Everything Law and Order Blog

TRNN Documentary: Steve Bannon was fired from the White House on Friday, August 18th, 2017, but most of the media is missing the story of Robert Mercer, the billionaire that brought Bannon to the White House, who has now reappointed him as chairman of Breitbart News – TRNN replay

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By phillyfinest369


48 thoughts on “The Bizarre Billionaire that Backed Bannon and Made Trump President – a TRNN Documentary”
  1. All this does is to get me to not click anywhere and continue watching what i like only. These people will do as they want to. We cant control them. All we can do is just not to play their game. And that breitbar die young? I believe it! So much hate gives you a big ulcer in your arse that goes all the way up thru intestines to your brain.

  2. Good, now make a video about the other side of the political ideology and their infinte cash flow for what they beleive and for what agenda.

  3. What a brain dump of commie marxist horse crap. … Btw, TRUMP🇺🇸 is really our President, regardless of who is the Occupier in Chief sitting in White house

  4. The mercers are behind the attempted insurrection. Trumps desperate attempt to hold onto power can be linked back to the Mercer’s influencers. I wonder if anyone is looking at this.

  5. Thank you for shining a light on these monsters…but please rewrite the title, as a billionaire is a person, and a person is a who, not a that (although the Mercers just barely qualify as whos). The tiltle should read: The Bizarre Billionaire who Backed Bannon and Made Trump President – a TRNN Documentary

  6. The Tea Parties of 2010 were originally created by libertarians looking for a new investigation into 9/11 in Boston. They later got hijacked by Fox News and Conservatives being promoted into what we know now in Mainstream news.

  7. No one controls Trump….Trump won this election pure and simple. Trump fired Bannon….he feuded with Coulter….no one influences Trump but Trump.

  8. Yall make out like one is worse than the other hahaha lmaooooo, if Hillary Clinton had of won none of us would be here to watch this. Think about that dawg.

  9. 2020 to PRESIDENT TRUMP as the rest of majority of earth agree.. ==20 20 .. ask the Ukrainian president ask china ask mexico ask france even uk // start learning why… those agendas are pre set and many countries+ have realized they have been conned..or took ~!! Trump did not need a penny … yet lots to learn and people help each other… eh~ iffy for demies ..they see why… basically the vote is for a leader of this or that… who is the best for the job… [my document is better than your document ~] at least either one could of been a great document…. there is alot going on… learn faster .. way beyond ooh the word billionaire… check the currency lately fiat fluff that effect all… blowing on a field of golden dandelions.. crypto backed with ( )

  10. you way out of touch…!!!figure out what really happened over Michigan… your all very lucky … so sonic … the repubies and demies have nasty issues they have all been involved in… ask whom supported obama .. you have not even that out… your very lazy .. even this brief ~documentary~??? is a piece meal slap on kids scrap book most already have passed that stage… you'll find out some day… try to avoid being the butt of your own discovery…. may god forgive you. for the unknown… hey consider doing a piece on adjenda 21 but better yet agenda 2030 <—-your future ..practice in China first .. wilkerson really smiled at you back in the interview… yet clueless …! yet he does put your mind in a place….. of assuming he had answers or just played you… .. perhaps other countries have all been experiencing the very same … censorship/imbalance of wealth? that seem come across that your annoyed of that… //yet obama knew and brennan etc every word anyone has put on the net… eg as you know by now oooh area 51 nazies ww2 shared the spoils to many countries ==spread the nazies around and the jews eg hitler =jew~. =soro is the little boy (hungairan) and raised by hitler… seem bad groupies with the vatican bless ~ while you try to wake up .. focus on that epstein case and you will eventually figure life out… money even the vatican and hitler whom was used by the nazis to get funding from the bankers..of that era… maybe defending anything is not your style … just point and clip ~~~MAIN STREAMED new brief in to a ..form… for not a real document… do research PLEASE .. your going to need that , there is much more going on.

  11. Sleazy billionaire Jews all around — Hillary's TOP 7 (!) campaign "donors" were all billionaire Jews — and every one them wants the US (NOT Israel!) to start a war with Iran. Trump's got his own billionaire Jew sugar-daddies — not the least being Sheldon Adelson, who wants the US to nuke Iran (!) if Iran doesn't do what he says. I am not making this up.

  12. So the right started doing what the left does. On a new media platform. Like the democrats hiding the fact they were the slave owners. Or the fact that hitler based his laws of there Jim Crow laws.

  13. There are quite few actual facts to back this video up, propaganda, nothing less nothing more. Poor quality research imho, others will disagree and like the research.
    I'm very left wing and am attracted to TRNN but am aware of their distinct left wing bias.


  15. The Electoral voters made Trump President. Stop the denial…The Electoral voter is like a grand jury member; major significance, very little notice. Nobody remembers them, just their decisions. Americans have been delusional about the Ekectoral voters since Ronald Reagan. Hillary won the popular vote. Reagan was e!ected over the last decent American president with 26% of the popular vote.

  16. Somebody needs to say it, and it needs to be said with gentle understanding, real empathy, uncompromising truth, and genuine compassion. America is effectively a poor country now. Not a poor country like poor countries, but a poor country of its own kind. A poor rich country, a rich country where the average person lives like a poor person. That single fact is at the heart of American collapse, my friends. And it’s not OK! EVER!

  17. So Trump economical tweets come from the Renaissance Technologies? Having your pocket president is like having a time machine in the market. Clever.

  18. all these talks about money! LOL ! voters were not paid  to vote for trump… they voted   for him because they wanted to.  and that's why he won.. this is a nothing burger!! LOL!! screw you!!

  19. Ronald Reagan was the VERY BEGINNING of the downfall of this country! These people are Corporate Psychopaths & Narcissists!

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