A Worldwide Web of Digital Colonialism: The Internet into the Present  (Pt 1/2)

A Worldwide Web of Digital Colonialism: The Internet into the Present  (Pt 1/2)

Watch full series https://therealnews.com/series/digital-colonialism-humanitys-struggle-for-digital-freedom

Big Tech is reinventing colonialism in the digital era says Michael Kwet in discussing centralized control of the Internet at the root of current problems like privacy and monopoly power and the associated rise of Big Data and the surveillance society.

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15 thoughts on “A Worldwide Web of Digital Colonialism: The Internet into the Present  (Pt 1/2)

  1. Microsoft software like MS Office is by yearly subscription now. So is Adobe Dreamweaver and other software. We no longer own the software we buy … we rent it. I don't like this one bit.

  2. Ok so how do we implement this? And isn't this a repeat of the open source crypto movement of the 2000s but with a focus on the global south? Talking is good…I like to talk too, it's a lot of fun…but talking doesn't get stuff done. It's like the difference between theory and practice…talking theory is great but if it is going to be more than mental masturbation and fodder for grant applications it has to be translated into practice and acted upon in the real world.

  3. ThinThread is the solution and the high crime, albeit, the usury of IT whereby Eric Schmidt said he could find a needle in a haystack. If you want to know, not that I believe anyone does, really, watch Bill Binney explain ThinThread in early March on LaRouchePAC Videos.

    As for Kansas, Dorothy, keep up with Dane Wigington for the reasons behind what Headlines with a Voice says about the floods in the midwest. Funny how the main news doesn't report this. Why does the news stay behind the eightball?

    The panopticon is Trailblazer after the leotards are donned, 5G. Macron has blue lobster and Marie Lapen has the IMF, Snowpiercer. mental_boost has the results of the air column being destroyed, The HAARP Report has the info about water, Ocean Iron Fertilization.

    MrCati has forthcoming knowledge about the bargains made with Mephistopheles, Pompeo in front of the Dome of the Rock, thus, The Lobby by al Jazeera. ThinThread thieves. How can you NOT see this?

  4. I recently installed Linux and the Firefox web browser (with an ad blocker). It's the best computing experience I've had in years. I feel like the people who wrote this software respect me.

  5. This subject is extremely important… It needs 200,000 views not 200… This is basically a breakdown of how the new information prison will work. It's dry because most don't get it but it's really where the rubber meets the road. Keep up the good work.

  6. Twitter is a microcosm of why global government will not work. They are imposing their sensibilities on all users regardless of culture. I got my Twitter account suspended for responding to a tweet by Tim Pool where I said "the need to #learntocode" they have created a protected class based on political ideologies detached from reality. The global thought prison will fail but I fear not until we suffer massively.

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