Infrastructure, military, and security companies line up to take a piece from the budget for the Border Wall, funded by Trump’s National Emergency declaration
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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **
I've yet to see this question posted anywhere near mainstream media. This has to be one of the best source of news out there!
I'm going to try to explain it to you leftists: America is not Mexico, and Mexico is not America. We do not want America to become Mexico because we don't want to live in Mexico. If I could pay for the whole wall myself I would do it. I'm fine if the government spends my money on the wall, because I'd rather not spend it to feed all these people you want to let in.
I guess I am failing to see why this is inherently bad. What I see is EVERYTHING that is built in the US requires 'WORK". Companies do work and they earn payment for their work. This is a model that has been taking place for millennia. What I am saying is that even though that is true, I don't see why a wall being built is evil? If the US Gov suddenly contracts APPLE to be the standard of Gov smart phones for the US then Apple will earn wages for that contract, and their stock will probably go up because of that large Gov contract. What is the alternative? Is it to not do any work at all? For the Gov to make contracts illegal? To refrain from any infrastructural expansion and national security at all because someone may be benefiting in their stock holdings? DO you work for a company? Is it evil that you earn wages or stock options in that company? This is capitalism. Expansion is its DNA. The military industrial complex is America's life support, sometimes I hate it. but which part of your personal life benefits from capitalism and the Military Industrial Complex? Probably more than 50%. If people were smart and forward thinking they would of bought stock in the companies that earned the contracts for the wall. But you probably didn't, I also have not.
This is what I hate about people who make a really good point that makes a lot of sense, they never offer a better alternative idea that counters the original. This video is great and probably factual. But as all 'media' it only looks at one angle of the issue.
Group isn't the only person in America who wrote sawal to to secure our Southern borders that's how he got elected it's not Trump's wall it's my wall it's the man who standing beside me wall. Secure our borders stop the flow of drugs and human trafficking the Democrats or a contradiction in terms you will mother a baby in the womb but you will also let a little girl from Mexico be snuck across the border to be g******* until she is no no used to anybody and then shot in the head and buried in a shallow unmarked grave that's what the sex trafficking trade does open your eyes get your head out of your ass and pay attention
Thanks "The Real News Network"! I read annual reports of companies all the time, I understand what you mean, we are feeding a violence industry, that is what like to call these special interest groups!
Why not an American company? Provide jobs here and keep the money here. Forget the wall and just cut benefits for illegals with a stroke of a pen. Crime and drugs will always be around.
thank you for putting some light on this subject. I've been telling my friends about this for a few weeks now.
I really hope that you can keep Americans in America with that wall. But, as we have seen before, the CIA uses small planes to smuggle cocaine into the USA. A wall will not stop these drugs traffics. It will only reduce the concurrence a little bit.
A very crazy idea and project, would benefit only Zionist lobbies in America and Trump lackeys. Instead, a double layer wire fencing, with the so-called robot warning system should be more economical and effective.
Hello, THEREALNEWSNETWORK. How can I send a private message to you?
Wake up people.!!🌹🕵ðŸ½â€â™‚ï¸
Darn. After watching a couple of other pieces on this channel (the recent Haiti ones were great!), I had my hopes up that I finally found a no-nonsense news on the issues of the day. Then I watch this piece, and I'm reminded of cable news all over again:/ Companies are profiting from the wall? So what? Some companies will profit from every government program–including domestic infrastructure, which you claim without sources is crumbling. Maybe it is crumbling, but we're supposed to take your word for it while you play spooky music about the wall contractors?
If anyone knows of a non-partisan news outlet, I'd love to know.
Does anyone else see the irony of an administration which is trying to tighten the control of our borders while simultaneously ramping up to invade Venezuela and spreading propaganda about how they are stopping "aid" from crossing their border? Why is it that the United States seems to believe it is the only country with the right to control what enters its territory?
How will we pay for Medicare for all, they say? How about how will we pay for the wall?
and dams too!
Figured Israel must be somewhere in on the plan to transform the free Republic of AMERICA into a Corporate owned police state with a similar name . I'm surprised the Real News actually acknowledged it , having in the recent past becoming less the objective voice it was , and more a propaganda vehicle for the left . A wall also keeps people INSIDE and people who deny that are living in a delusional bubble . The amazing thing is Trump sees himself as some kind of Patriot when in reality he is a self-serving real estate salesman turning America into a gated community for the rich . If he spent more time reading Thomas Jefferson , John Locke , Thoreau , Emerson , Benjamin Franklin &Thomas Paine , and less time hustling real estate we would all be better off . Trump wouldn't recognize the Founders , the REAL Patriots , the advocates of Liberty , the freedom to come and go as you please , if they bit him on the ass .
"segregation technology" is becoming a growth industry in the Trump-Netanyahu world of fear and loathing of other people, and why not have your friends make a few bucks and shekels out of it.
the ruling class left in this country is nothing but a servant class to the small handful of the REAL RICH who run the WORLD and make ~all~ the actual decisions. i wonder if this wall really is just trump's folly, or if it is our global overlords who want the wall between the countries here. if so, it is because they are preparing to KEEP US IN, since poverty-strcken mexicans and war-torn central americans have never been, and are not now, a threat that would merit this warlike and manic response from the (currently) powerful america.
americans and others in the world have rapidly been forced (and easily caved) into becoming monitored with lazer-like focus 24/7/365, way more than actual prisoners have traditionally been monitored. the wall could be the beginnings of our largest physical cage, a symbol of the ever-shrinking cages to come.
this video glimpses the world in which physical barriers are placed only to assist and deliniate boundaries enforced by tech. the tech has allowed for us to be tracked. the walls will begin to deliniate our boundaries. we are being highly encouraged to get used to being 'sorted', as well.
none of this enthusiasm to pour tens of billions of dollars- probably endless 100's of billions if it were to be fully deployed- into this wall hysteria by a country whose infrastructure and water supply is in advanced decay is explainable by the actual facts surrounding immigration issues.
This just sounds like propaganda against the nation of Israel the maker of this YouTube video it's clearly anti-Semitic
Corporate Welfare at it's finest. "Murica" never met a US Company it did not want to support with our tax dollars. Especially if it's a defense contractor. Haliburton must be so jealous of these other corporate welfare queens!
I really think that the wall is build to keep the Americans trapped inside their own country when great distress and brake down of society happens. An economic collaps will happen, fema camps will be set up and martial law will be established.
Tgr Wall will never be built
Making America great again by outsourcing engineering and security jobs Americans can't do… wow..
Berlin wall was good too then
This is basically what Hillary did to Haiti, except she didn't strong-arm the country like a dictator.
Trump is so jealous of Hillary's corruption. He'd be far more dangerous, if he wasn't so stupid.
Walls keep people out and in.
Just a question. Why did Trump asked for the 5,7B AFTER dems recovered the House and not BEFORE when he hadn't opposition?
The money is better spent on maintaining and upgrading infrastructure, which is deteriorating.
Well well well look who is finally asking the right questions…well see how long you stay with it tho lol
This is a question I had when we saw that new fencing down around El Paso wherever it was he showed all that concertina wire. I was wonder what contractor got a kickback.
The wall is America in decline
Fake News!
Roman Abramovich is an Israeli oligarch whose Evraz Steel, a Russian corporation, is profiting greatly from the American border wall along with his friends, Trump and his family,and Putin.
What leftist haters you are… How did you possibly manage to make this about Israel?! Is this designed to appeal to an anti semitic audience, which the left throughout the world is now infamous for? Why do you display this as a tragic event ? I'm sure the majority of people are very happy with the wall getting built. Why don't you mention the people who's lives get hurt from Illegal immigration. I wonder why is it Illegal then? Also the premise of your entire piece is wrong. It sounds like communist BS. Wake up communism does not work. Unsubscribing! Off with this channel.
More theft !
I bet tRump has stock in those companies!
Thanks for digging it. I knew this is going to happen but could never imagine that an Israeli company is part of it. If things work like one country, why don’t we just regard Israel as a US state? I think that will make things more transparent. The Ruling Class in this country never ceases to amaze me.
The proto-fascistic ruling elites in the US profit. The wall is just political theater and is symbolic of the moral and social decline of the US as it slips into a totalitarian state.
Trump will be getting money under the table!
Excellent job, Marc
70-80 Billion
What was that BS background music behind trump?
Anyone having nightmares yet?