White Supremacy and the Progressive Movement – Everything Law and Order Blog

Host Jacqueline Luqman is joined by Paul Jay to discuss the importance of combating white supremacy within the context of a broad people’s movement

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By phillyfinest369


27 thoughts on “White Supremacy and the Progressive Movement”
  1. WS being in the DNA of America is exactly why so many white people don't seem to be able to really understand the amount of damage 250yrs of slavery does to a people followed by segregation and racist policies. They don't seem to understand the need for real Reparations to repair the damage.

  2. "and so they treat people like animals."

    I would advance the idea that the way we treat animals is the real problem. killing and torturing animals has turned people into psychopaths.

  3. The class system is older than capitalism, although the two social classes unique to capitalism are part of the whole class system they are not the creators of the class system, contrary to popular prejudice, that if we abolish the capital-labor relationship the whole class system will go with it. Sorry, the class system will not disappear if we socialize production. It would take more than that to get rid of a class system. Unique to capitalism is the value-relation between labor and capital, and only in production do they consummate that value-relation, outside of production labor and capital are not even neighbors in the same neighborhood. The rest of the social order consists of social classes much older than capitalism, i.e., bankers, landowners, merchants, clergy, politicians, military, slaves, peasants, are all ancient social classes. They have adapted to modern life or modern life has changed their appearance but economically as far as social classes survive through the ages they have always existed on wealth produced by a laboring class. Part of that laboring class became what is now free labor or wage-labor, the other parts fall into so many variables as to how people make a living is ridiculous! Suffice it to say, the wealth the social classes are supported by comes from the labor-capital relation. By now they have saved, accumulated, over thousands of years wealth through inheritance and wealth extracted from former slaves, peasants, serfs and the modern day tax payer, to never worry about money for the next ten centuries if what I will say does not happen.

    For this reason the tax code is well guarded in our laws as the prime mechanism preserving the class system. Can we abolish the class system by an abolition of the labor-capital relation?
    If we change the form of production from its present form of a class struggle paradigm into an antagonistic-free system of production wealth will still be produced. Labor and capital continue in new form. The old form resists is the problem. The class system survives on the wealth extracted from the past and the present is intact, but if we change the tax code, we change social classes and the form of production. The class system is still left intact through the laws of the state. The state is the home residence of another ancient social class, the politicians. The laboring population has to have a good reason to overthrow the politicians, the politicians have to become absolutely intolerable to the great mass of working people, just sick of the politics, sick of the general character of politicians, and be hungry at the same time. Not enough that they be jobless to get riled up, they have to be on the edge of starvation and the politicians have blind to reality, visibly living in the lap of luxury, for a takeover of the state by the mass of people to happen.

    Then you have to worry about the warrior classes, the Military, loyal to the old tax structure they are sensitive to losing income the new tax structure should make them an ally of the laboring population to defend the programs of the laboring population. The military can quell conspirators. Then, you have to worry how the other social classes will sabotage the programs of the laboring population and the propaganda used against the programs of the laboring population, and, above all, you have to keep the laboring population intact mentally, to keep from being poisoned by criminal elements within its own ranks. The laboring population has to become class conscious and united. Purify itself from the ideological contamination of superstition, false thinking, misinformation, ignorance, violence. On that basis push all this forward and desire an end to their own social class which automatically entails the end of the class system. If this happens humanity will never see another social class for as long humanity is alive on earth unless it falls asleep and a new class emerges to start the whole class system on a new basis, all over again.

    When a revolutionary plan is outlined and focus is given to the subject on how changes can be made, the project of social change, is a monumental task tried and tried again by many a people. The difference between the class struggle of capitalism to the class struggles in all human history distinguishes a laboring population movement from socialist and communists in this way, the labor-capital relationship is encouraged and socialized in order that the class system in general can be suppressed.

  4. Asking a white man this question is like asking the fox to protect the chicken coop. He had a yes or no inclination to answering the question. She should have asked a black man that question and get rid of that Progressive bulshit she's talking.

  5. donHooligan, the class war only exists because it is buttressed by racism, which was invented by elitist whites to separate non-elitist whites (in other words, 99% of whites) from the rest (POC, who are the overwhelming majority of Humanity) of the 99% of Humanity that are non-elitist in order to divide and conquer Humanity and infinitely benefit the 1%. End racism and the class war will end, because the class war will never end until racism ends.

  6. Roosevelt put a poor farm boy into office as his VP and this person gave power to the people. The Democrat party denied this man the ability to resist the dictatorship of the rich. We have repeatedly put war mongering people into leadership. We must find people who are not war mongering monsters who steal from the poor to build bombs and bombastic threats against innocent people at our Southern Border. Our current vision of a border is based on the walled cities of the Middle Ages. This is ignorance lifted to a presidency. Governmental power, money and prestige is not for the arrogant but for the women, children, the old, the young, those working, those disabled. If the rich want to be walled into a place where only they benefit from their billions while the rest are starving slaves, we don't have to look further than slave conditions of hundreds or thousands of years ago.

  7. Same pay for the same job. That's a good principle.
    Yeah I agree employers do choose people they feel most comfortable with. It can be your language, race, gender, religion or age, for example. Many sort of discrimination when applying jobs. I don't think it is white supremacy if you discriminate blacks in empolyment, I think it is either being racist or you are not as comfortable with people of another race (which really isn't same as being a racist)

  8. Sounds like cultural Marxism. So, instead of claiming the conflict is between the worker and the capitalist, they now claim every minority of color is oppressed by Whites Supremacist (Western civilization/culture). Now almost everyone of color has an excuse to demand more free stuff and instead of asking for equality of opportunity they demand equality of outcome. If a person wasn't smart enough or industrious enough to get a high paying job, it's the White Supremacists that are responsible. Personal responsibility is irrelevant. It was people like the Covington white supremacist high school students that caused the noble native American Nathan Phillips to be oppressed and a derelict (a sh*tbird as we say in the USMC). Jussie made a noble attempt to make America "woke" by showing how White Supremacists can be hateful by first sending himself fake hate mail and when America would not "wake" (and he got no attention) he scripted a Oscar qualifying scene that clearly showed how oppressive and hateful White Supremacists can be.

  9. Indentured Servants and Slaves initially banded together fighting the Colonist against inequality. The Colonist stopped sponsoring Indentured Servants and turned the Class struggle into a race struggle. Capitalism in Europe developed differently because it evolved from Feudalism. Living Labour was always considered Human but the Capitalist Class station was considered divine province affirmed by the Church. American Capitalism evolved out of Slavery; living labour was nothing more than property. As Capital accumulated more surplus it started to define Culture and Politics. We're on the edge of extinction and an Economist just won a Noble Peace prize for creating an economic model that predicts only a minimal slowing of growth when the planet has a 6 degrees C. temperature increase. In a culture that is defined by Capital propaganda becomes reality because true reality understands culture is defined by the social relations of its people. We have a President who's life long business has been exploiting the unsuspecting; what could possibly go wrong.

  10. Make no mistake; this system is exploiting and oppressing light skinned people just as much as dark skinned ones. They view everyone outside of their particular clique as animals to be farmed. Though the ones in control benefit from divisiveness based on color, gender, and every other type of "us verses them" mentality, they merely use that as a tool to keep all of us from coming together to deal with the real problem. The ruling class. They are vicious and will do anything to maintain and increase their power. The civil war did not free the slaves from the plantation, it expanded the plantation to include everyone outside of their particular cabal. Do not fall for their divisionary tactics. They are few. We are many. We are all God's children, though many have lost their way. Show them the way home. Love for all people!

  11. I think that a lot of these comments make it pretty clear that the progressive movement has a lot of work to do on dealing with white supremacy. Too many class reductionist think that white supremacy is a distraction and that identity politics are a waste of time.

    But they fail to see that white supremacy is not just a byproduct of the class system, but plays an active role in perpetuating said system. Classism and racism have a dialectical, base-superstructure relationship and feed into each other in a positive feedback loop.

    Think of how Nixon and Reagan were able to break apart the New Deal Coalition with a mixture of white supremacy and faux populism and then were unable to undo all the gains workers made under the New Deal. Progressives risk making these same exact mistakes again, because, apparently, many didn't learn a thing from the last go around

  12. DNA of culture is really the brainwashing or programming and what Aristotle called the metaphysics of the social mind. Yeah, how do each of us change it? We transform power inside and out.

  13. That is why i have problems with Bernie sanders, His always undermining I.D. Politics, like it is your fault to be discriminated by white and have nerves to create "BLM" !yet, he create the Progressive riding the wave on "BLM" movement but discredited the "BLM"! Remember , the republicans invented "I.D.politics" to attack all civil rights movements, and Bernie agrees with them and play along with it !? Therefore , i will never vote for bernie or another hypocrite racist greedy old white man!

  14. See – this is where intersectionality is stillborn. BLACKS HAVE NO POLITICAL FRIENDS. White Progressive/Liberal see racism/white supremacy as a “separate issue” rather than the common denominator. And this isn’t coincidence. To skew this simple fact speaks to the commitment all other non white, and non black groups have to maintain the global racial pecking order known Racism/White Supremacy that keeps Africans on the bottom no matter what country.

  15. She needs to do more research, the so call progressive Democrats were working with Neo Nazi leaders in the Ukraine to over throw pro Russia government, the EU and the American Democratics are working with Neo nazi groups and leftists extremists groups like ANTIFA.

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