L.A. Teachers to Billionaires: Stop Privatizing Our Schools (UPDATED) – Everything Law and Order Blog

The L.A. teacher strike entered its third day as contract negotiations broke down between district officials and union leadership

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By phillyfinest369


16 thoughts on “L.A. Teachers to Billionaires: Stop Privatizing Our Schools (UPDATED)”
  1. The industrial military complex that now controls the US government does not want a literate public who is capable of critically thinking independent of the corporate controlled mass media. Instead, they want a dumbed down worker who they can easily control. What has happened in LAUSD has been going on for decades. In fact, it is happening all over the nation.

  2. Why aren't Americans joining this protest with their YELLOW JACKETS on?…I'm not American and I'm wondering. Americans have the same issues that the rest of the world have we CANT MEET OUR BASIC NEEDS, what's STOPPING YOU AMERICANS?

  3. Holding the kids hostage? Where are they supposed to go to school now? Shutting down normal operation until you get what you want. We only hate when trump does this kind of stuff apparently.

  4. This is just one example of how capitalism is a huge failure for EVERYONE except the elites. The end of capitalism is near, why, because of the spreading cancer of corruption of governments by the corporate oligarchs of this world. The people are right to rise up and demand better from the out of touch, corrupt government representatives. That means participating in the election process by introducing new progressive members to run against the self absorbed garbage that currently occupy the government of the US. It has begun in earnest in the midterms, but you have got to keep up the momentum!!!!

  5. You want to win this fight fast? Follow these instructions…. take down your protest signs and replace them with sings that say the following. “We understand Modern Money and the power of the purse our elected officials have” “We demand our representatives fund our public schools” “The federal deficit is the private sector’s surplus” “We understand where our power comes from” “We’re not just fighting for a better contract we are fighting against neo-liberalism and we will win this fight” another sign can say “The longer we are on strike the more our fellow countrymen get exposed to their real power” “A true and right understanding of Modern Money” Do this and I promise you you will not be on strike for very long. The last thing the neoliberals want is an informed citizenry that can render them “the elite wealthy” irrelevant. Follow these instructions for the good and wellfare of my grandchildren and my neighbor. And study for yourself what is called Modern Money Theory.

  6. Try not letting illegals flow into your state. It’s hard to teach kids that barely speak English. It’s expensive to have to have a lot of Spanish/English translators. It’s expensive to teach kids struggling in every class because they don’t know what your saying.
    And why do you think your schools are bursting at the seams? It’s the illegals.

  7. Betsy devos has single handedly destroyed. public education im favor of charter schools. She is another corrupt trump.official who should not be in office!

  8. What the hell is going on damnit! Our children are always the ones to suffer! The teachers are not even teaching our children properly 😡😠 end common core! Get back to basics! Teach reading, cursive, math without calculator's, history, civics real science not this global warming crap! I am sick of people acting like they care about children when they are responsible for dumbing down our children for the corrupt system! I personally go to college and my colleague's all know that when you take placement testing to see where students are at in education, most don't know basics like division, multiplication and when they fail placement testing they get upset especially coming right out of high school and act as if they were supposed to have it easy, that's what high school is for is to prepare you for higher education or at least trade schools to place you in work related experience! OMGOSH!!! These teacher's make me sick! It's all about them! Not the children!

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