AI Should Improve Quality of Life, Not Make Capitalists Rich – Lester Earnest on RAI (5/5) – Everything Law and Order Blog

Artificial Intelligence can make the world better or be a tool for war – says Lester Earnest, founder of the Artificial Intelligence Lab at Stanford, on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay

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By phillyfinest369


20 thoughts on “AI Should Improve Quality of Life, Not Make Capitalists Rich – Lester Earnest on RAI (5/5)”
  1. Did he say we are going in the right direction with food production? Haha. Check the status of diseases, it's been going up not down due to this food production manipulation,chemicals, preservatives, ect

  2. @ 02:07 "We can provide food, housing, medical care and other things for everyone with little effort. If we go in the right direction".
    So, during the last 150 years of the industrial revolution we've mechanized huge swaths of the labor market and increased production a thousand fold. Did this usher in a new utopia or is there merely more class stratification? If human labor is made obsolete, does he really suppose that the upper classes will suddenly have a change of heart, or will they simply consider the lower classes obsolete?
    Given that 150 year history what's more likely to happen. That society will fundamentally change, where everyone get a minimum standard of living. Or some dystopian future where a small portion of the population lives in high tech luxury and the rest live in abject poverty.

  3. I have long argued that the true revolutionary class will not be the employed or unemployed wage workers. They have proven themselves easily controlled over the last eighty years with bread, circuses and vice (all highly profitable), as well as the uncertainties of boom and bust capitalist economies. Rather, it is the technocratic classes represented by Earnest who pose the greatest threat to capitalism, as AI poses the greatest threat to THEIR careers, incomes and social status. Something to watch for, though I don't doubt for a second that the owners are busy making plans for dealing with it.

  4. Lester Earnest, wise words!
    I'm not so much worried of AI. I'm more worried of people who develop the AI. We must get rid of this war mongering culture.

  5. Check out the SingularityNet project. The main idea is to create AI that is not owned by private corps nor governments.

  6. so, socialism didn't really happen the way it was imagined it would, but who should really be surprised by that.

    but, communism is automation. and, it's closer than you think.

    they're talking about slaughtering us. this is class warfare; entirely rational. the real question is why we aren't plotting a means to take control. but, what i've been saying for years – and i'm sure others have been saying it, too – is that it's the inevitable result of unemployment, which is not very marxist, granted, but literally right out of bakunin.

    if you drop the classical marxist narrative around the uselessness of the lumpenproletariat and pick up the classical anarchist narrative around the lumpenproletariat as the essential revolutionary force, the road map begins to materialize more clearly, and the way it works is like this:

    1. automation savages the economy, leading to massive unemployment.
    2. a mass of unemployed workers finally organizes.
    3. ??????
    4. communism.

    and, the question marks are the point, here – they're the part that is really important, the part we can't write, the part we have to figure out on the fly.

    unions were necessary to get us out of the dickensian period, and are still required to help the mass of oppressed workers in asia. but, it was clear to all of the early socialists that were close to the movement that they were inherently conservative institutions, with no real revolutionary potential. i know that malatesta gets a lot of credit for pointing this out.

    a real revolution is not going to happen from well fed auto workers trying to seize control of production, auto workers that are themselves the beneficiaries of supply chains using slaves in asia. all they know how to do is march and take bribes. it is going to have to come from desperate, starving people that are looking to take control of these machines to redistribute their produce as a last resort – as was the character of the revolution in france.

    the capitalists could pull their heads out of their asses before that happens, and we could end up with another rooseveltian type intervention that restructures the system around a gai – we could write some kind of bill of rights to access the machines, and declare some kind of minimum standard of living. and, for a lot of people, that would no doubt be better than what we have.

    or, this could be the catalyst required to overthrow the system.

    that's up to us to figure it out.

  7. Agree – the elites have a plan – to leave Earth?. New frontier? Delusional? Psychopaths are beyond my comprehension. ."Where have all the flowers gone? "

  8. 6:40 "The Terminator" as an prophetic tale but where "Skynet" isn't a self-aware computer but a minority of elite hoarding a dwindling world's resources unto themselves and "humanity", the dying teeming masses kept at bay and disorganised by the hunter killer drones. Welcome to Dystopia and someone"s vision of the future.

  9. I was speaking with an AI engineer last year and he said, "If you think we've got problems now just wait till you see what's coming with AI." While watching this video I found myself reflecting upon a classroom experience I had as a high school Junior in 1963. The class was an AP course entitled "Government and Economics" and the teacher was a one time high level employee of Macy's in NYC who had seen the light and become a public school teacher. His lecture that afternoon had to do with emerging technologies that promised to ease our work
    loads and improve the quality of our lives. The game plan went something like this, Machines will bit by bit take off the dull, repetitive chores currently enslaving a large percentage of workers. This will leave those workers free engage in more interesting and rewarding work. The end result being that workers would wind up working fewer and fewer hours at more interesting and rewarding tasks for ever increasing pay. When the lecture ended I put up my hand and when the teacher called on me I said, "Let me guess Mr. Barclay, you believe in Santa and the Tooth Fairy. You must, because if you think that the wealthy, powerful people controlling industry are going to share the benefits of technology with the workers it only follows that Santa and the Tooth Fairy are alive and well." Fast forward a bit more than 50 years and it becomes apparent that the thesis that technology is going to improve the lives of the working class is even more fanciful than a belief in Santa and the Tooth Fairy. Ned Ludd and his group (the Luddites) had it right way back in the early years of the industrial revolution (symbolic name that when ya think of it). The entire motivation behind the industrial revolution was to empower the consolidation of more and more wealth in the hands of fewer and fewer and fewer and fewer people! And thus in
    the present we have the infamous One Percenters! Does anyone believe for even one moment that these people are going switch the focus of technology from the creation of wealth in the hands of fewer and fewer people to Making Life Better For The Common Man?

  10. This isn't that complicated, Interest Bearing forms of Finance require growth and Society can't grow any more. Capitalism does not serve the individual or freedom the Market requires a Slave/Master predatory structure to survive. The system is Anarchy par excellence and chaos rules; chaos leads to a dialectic synthesis or crisis that leads to collapse. Finance has foreclosed on the system; I haven't checked the Stock Market today but I don't have to because if it can't be paid back it won't be paid back. Time to pick a side; a society based on life or extinction; nobody sits this one out.

  11. CENSORSHIP: You and the big hair girls are doing great stuff. The following link is my account at Reddit. I've been banned from there several times for saying things they hate. One time I got banned for saying mass masturbation can cause a earthquake in Hollywood and set off Yellowstone. I've banned, shadow-banned, abusd and bullied so often it's not funny. Redit is like the CNN of social media Tim Cook says fake news s a sin. Check out my accounts.

    Reddit = bad

    YT = good

    WordPress= good

    the rest = evil

  12. How many 5G IOT bugs can we stick up our asses before they fuck our own brains out? It will take 10 years to roll out 5G, and 5 seconds to boil all the water on earth.

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