Cold War Radar System a Trillion Dollar Fraud – Lester Earnest on RAI (1/5) – Everything Law and Order Blog

Profit and deception drove cold-war militarization, says Lester Earnest, founder of the Artificial Intelligence Lab at Stanford; Earnest says the anti-nuclear bomber SAGE radar system never worked and carried on for 25 years – Lester Earnest on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay

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By phillyfinest369


41 thoughts on “Cold War Radar System a Trillion Dollar Fraud – Lester Earnest on RAI (1/5)”
  1. If you feel as I do that the Cold War was a wasteful scam, wherein the real enemies of the United States were in corporate boardrooms and attacked the country to stuff their pockets with cash then you feel incredibly angry and saddened by these stories.

  2. A few thoughts on this, not to dispel obvious hunger for a conspiracy!
    1. Radar jamming would prevent an obvious signature and a clear malign intent. Which is as good an early warning as anything. The sector would be able to localise the source with reasonable precision and despatch interceptors in the usual way.
    2. Anti-jamming tech may simply have been outside the security clearance/knowledge of many entities working on specific parts of a complex system

  3. An interesting show I must admit. And of course, these were the days of open checkbooks and the rise of the military industrial complex that Ike warned JFK of.

  4. It could have been an even nicer interview (given the magnitude of Lester’s stature) had not Paul Jay just SHUT UP and listened to the man instead of breaking in on his answers every 5 seconds!!! Far out!

  5. What scares me is the fact that both China and Russia are making more advances in Military tech than we and with far less money (they've stolen or bought a lot of our tech though). The whole hyper-sonic missile and their S400 radar systems are bad enough.

  6. The ignorance of the American Electorate is endless, they are played like they just stepped down from the Appalachian Mountains.
    They keep calling the American military heroes and the military eats it up, when they are nothing more than the cannon fodder actors needed to complete the con job that makes the oligarchs richer.
    For this privilege they pay with their lives or sanity.
    Americans are so naive and been fed such a crock of shit by media owned by the oligarchs that they really believe that their Government really gives a shit about them.

  7. Can't wait to see the other 3 parts. Look how long we have been owned and operated by the Parasites who pillage and rule us!

  8. Man! Thought I was watching the history channel for a min… then realized they arent pawning anything! Another really cool and informative interview. Keep them coming!

  9. The radar within the nose of the Jaguar ground attack fighter, built by Britain and France, did not work so a block of concrete had to be put in its place to allow it to fly balanced. This was supposed to be the attack aircraft against cold war Soviet tanks!

  10. The Pentagon has been called a money laundering organization. Latest example is the 21 trillion dollars the Pentagon "can't find." A trillion is 1000 billion. A billion is 1000 million.

  11. What's ironic is the radicals of the 60s turned out be the biggest greedest capitalist in the world. All claim that they want to change the world but within the system. A system I believe is soulless and rapacious; soon it will be metastatic cancer that will not only kill humanity but all life. Take the analogy of bacteria in a Petrie dish filled with growth medium. The bacteria wrongly assumes that there is no edge to what they assume is the world and that there will always be more growth medium. How wrong they are and we by extension.

  12. Lester sounds like a true genius and a good man. He represents why you should never underestimate the capacity for people to change their minds and outgrow bigotry.

  13. The Russians to this day still actively test the US radar capability. Their bombers (without transponders) are usually fifty to a hundred miles off the coast before they are intercepted.

  14. Economics is fraud, the MIC is fraud, elections are fraud, Wall St is fraud, MSM is fraud, Religions are fraud, the moon landing… ? So, basically everything at its core is BS. The "best and brightest"… at deception. Some meritocracy.

  15. The guest when he was younger must have had so much energy and creativity, it is too bad he did not have a chance to apply it to something besides the get rich scam.

  16. Amazing guy if he really is as clever as portrayed by Paul Jay. The cosy well heeled military command & control communications system military personnel & contractors whom he worked with conjure up farcical Homer Simpson quotes like "cover for me",. "it was like that when I found it", "stupidity got us into this mess and stupidity will get us out" etc.

  17. The people that Lester Ernest draws attention too will probably Own or control most of the media who would have in the past highlighted and covered the disgraceful wholesale fraud and misuse of public money , now strangely silent i wonder why $$$$

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