Dismantle the American Doomsday Machine – Daniel Ellsberg on RAI (12/13) – Everything Law and Order Blog

Congress should hold hearings into nuclear winter and eliminating the hair-trigger and obsolete ICBM’s – says Daniel Ellsberg on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay

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By phillyfinest369


37 thoughts on “Dismantle the American Doomsday Machine – Daniel Ellsberg on RAI (12/13)”
  1. Nuclear winter! There are already lessons to be learned. One only needs to look at the aftermath of Mts Tambora (1815j & Krakatoa (1883) eruption.

  2. No first use?! The world knows, how the US-Empire respects treaties. The only way is to make the US a state who respects international rights and that is, as we all know, impossible.

  3. Ellsberg should be advising the Trump administration right now. Trump could actually be known for something special, just like Nixon's opening with China and Reagan's supposed "ending" of the Cold War.

  4. Get a second opinion. The studies Ellsberg likes to cite are 40 years old and are full of problems. There will be nuclear war and there wont be a nuclear winter. Scare mongering misinformation being used as propaganda… Im anti war but this sort of behavior ends up discrediting you… Especially when we have a full out nuclear war. If you play the long game (centuries) then wiping out a country can help your country out in the long run. All the people who 'matter' will survive in America.. Just the poor folks like use who will be wiped out.

  5. The nuclear weapon powers promised to do complete nuclear weapon disarmament in the NPT!
    The same treaty nuclear powers always mention, when preventing other countries getting nuclear arms. The non-nuclear countries promised not to get the weapon, only because the nuclear weapon countries promised to dismantle theirs.

  6. Great proposals! But the devils are doing the opposite, unfortunately!
    Few devils are in position to decide on everyone's life ending policies!!!

  7. Is there any reason why you folks don't link to past videos or the specific part of the website that does?

  8. MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction. Nothing else need be said to prove that psycho/sociopaths rise to the top in politics and industry. That those so called leaders in government and the military industrial complex can entertain MAD as a viable way to wage war is insanity.
    That the religious can believe that an apocalypse can bring someone dead for over 2000 years back to life is madness. If they are wrong?

  9. stop the evangelical cult from taking over the US government. Stop the mad scientists from developing AI and robotics. Stop multi national corporations from destroying our little spaceship in the sky. We are many. They are the few.

  10. The most destructive force on the planet is not nuclear, it's the result of combining ignorance with arrogance, and religion does that in the extreme. Conventional weapons have been far more dangerous and have slaughtered far more people than nuclear weapons. Death to Homo Sapiens.

  11. Question: If you're going to commit to a "no first strike" with nukes strategy, why in GOD's name would you do a retaliatory "second" strike?" What did the millions/billions of innocent people dying from a retaliatory strike have to do with one maniac leader or "mistake launch" that created the first strike??? No nuke should ever EVER be launched! Period!

  12. Paul's lipstick shade is seriously on point, cross between Nancy Pelosi's and Cesare's from The Cabinet of Dr Caligari and oh yeah count me in as totally opposed to nuclear annihilation go pats

  13. Evangelical fundamentalists highly integrated at the highest levels of military command, all the way to the Vice Presidency, even Presidency? And you claim that America isn’t tribal? That America isn’t another church-state system? America is clearly another textbook example of ubiquitous church-state tribalism, determined through the same ubiquitous hierarchy of institutions that all church-state tribalism is, spanning militarism, religion, politics, economics, and culture, in that order. Don't expect anything different; don't expect anything to get better.

  14. Why doesn’t even Bernie ever talk about this? He’s not a born again doofus. Is it just a scary nightmare fantasy or is everybody worried about the 60 millions who read Left Behind? Scary though, even if it’s just 10 millions who believe this shit. It must play a role though, as you can guess from all the joking about it, even among millennials.

  15. Great series! I'm 74 so I remember Daniel as a hero! IDK Nostradamus predicted Bear vs Bull would end the world & Bible said the same 🙂 Pence scares me more than Trump – "The Handmaids Tale?"

  16. And the Meek shall inherit the earth. Ants, flies, mosquitos, cockroaches, moths, worms, you know important creatures. Bye Bye, and buy, buy.

  17. After watching this series I've come to the conclusion that we would have destroyed ourselves long ago if there wasn't some type of Metaphysics guiding us. Our fearless leader is void of morality, ethics and humanity and would launch the rockets in a heartbeat if he thought there was a possibility he could make a few dollars from it. There are tensions in Ukraine, Northern Africa and the South China Sea and either one of these three hot spots could lead to Nuclear War but these aren't the only existential threats we face. The World Economy is nothing more than a giant fraudulent Ponzi scheme and Climate chaos has gone exponential. Now the Climate makes the rules; for most people Thanksgiving and Christmas have become a ritual of Holidays past. I think people should savor this year's holidays because things will be a lot different this time next year.

  18. Perhaps if Boeing built Bullet Trains and Raytheon made long range drones and missiles we could stop sending our kids to die for oil, stop building highways and plastering habitats with asphalt, and dodge extinction by switching to zero e power and synthetic fuels. We don't need oil and gas or coal and its a habit that assures extinction in under 5 years.

  19. Bush jr. tried to convince then president of France Jaques Chirac to join the Iraq war by referencing to the biblical passage of Gog & Magog in Ezekiel as the Armageddon of their lifetime

  20. Smart man. Great interview. Looking forward to the next one. Nuclear war is not an option. Everyone will lose. Peace is the only way forward.

  21. Okay, stop the rhetoric!Don't pretend that Russia is in the same league with the U.S. All other countries of the world don't even come close to the U.S. It is the driver of not only nuclear annihilation but also the environmental annihilation because of its philosophy of consumerism. Forget the other nations and concentrate on the root. Tha evil empire, the u.s.!

  22. Sorry mass outbreak of smallpox would call for nuclear weapons use! Daniel Ellsberg has not had access to US nuclear weapons planning since 1971. Do you think things might have changed in 47 years? But yes nuclear war is the death of mankind!

  23. If the perceived solution to Capitalism is Nuclear war how well does Capitalism work? How many times do markets have to collapse before we look to a new economic model? Isn’t it true that most of our conflicts in history been based on resources for commerce? The latest arguments of terrorism ring hollow when we read “Dirty wars” by Jeremy Scahill,and find out about “J SOCK”. During Vietnam this elite force was put together in secret to hunt the world for terrorist that didn’t exist? Created the problem for the go to reasons of war today!

  24. Recent studies show that the two hemispheres are not totally separated by weather systems. There is a considerable degree of mixing of environments from the North to the South Hemisphere because of the global weather pattern changes caused by global warming and by extrapolation also caused by global cooling.

  25. As long as USA remains subservient to the demon worshiping Jews/Israel and as long as the deficit remain, Elsberg's plan will be like trusting the enemy.

  26. They found a way of eliminating total destruction. Leave the infrastructure, resources and just take out the people. Meet IBM's Watson computing systems. Real time autonomous Neuroweapon signal transmissions Biometrically targeted to Individuals – by land, sea and air – the "new" 21st Century doomsday machine.

  27. I like how the cap for this series of interviews keeps getting extended. Real News is so prescient with what is relevant, needed and appreciated. KUDOS and BRAVO!

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