Systemic Corporate Crime: Business as Usual, Making Markets Irrelevant – Everything Law and Order Blog

Russell Mokhiber, the editor of the Corporate Crime Reporter, speaks at the forum, “Destroying the Myths of Market Fundamentalism,” held in Washington DC, on October 19, 2018

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By phillyfinest369


19 thoughts on “Systemic Corporate Crime: Business as Usual, Making Markets Irrelevant”
  1. Extremely Informative and a true depiction of the Greatest Criminal Nation on Earth . Kudos to U Sir Russell Mokhiber hope all Americans are all ears.

  2. Yes, the establishment fears SOLIDARITY the most, and therefore we MUST get together and push for our common goals. The oligarchs LIE to divide us, definitely. And they are STEALING FEDERAL MONEY right in front of us, since 1971 when they devised the scam of 'privatization', which allows them to bill the federal govt ANY AMOUNT if they run a privatized company! So they bill for massive exec salaries, millions/BILLIONS in profits – our many DOZENS of war companies, federal prisons, detention centers, healthcare insurance, and more, all are 'privatized', nice Orwellian term to disguise the scam and pretend these are now 'private companies' that are 'run like a business'. NO, NOT AT ALL!

  3. So nothing has changed since when Christ, Ceasar, Dickens or Orwell walked the earth. Wake me when Armageddon is on the news.

  4. We must start by ending the police that protect these demons. The current police must be tried for treason. They are serving a domestic enemy of the Constitution. Until the police and corporate judges are held accountable their takeover will continue. We must surrond them and force them to relent and yield to the Constitution. We did not ask for this, this is what have handed us. If we do not act soon future generations will be raised up by this system to accept their lives as slaves. For our participation of inaction, God will serve his eternal judgment. May we find strength in Jesus and save our souls. Our flesh at birth is doomed to die, Jesus calls us to sacrafice this flesh for eternal life. The day draws near to the king of kings return. Do not be found with the mark of the beast!

  5. Whether it is fraudulent Capital circulation or productive Capital circulation Marx says that Capital needs new Markets to grow. Productive Capital has technology to help create new markets but Interest bearing Capital circulation doesn't have that type of mechanism. With Interest bearing Capital circulation when it's market is saturated that ends the circulation. I watched a Bloomberg interview with Hank Paulson and he was pleading with China that Empire had let them into the WTO and now they have to open their Markets to the West. The Tariff war with China is an effort by interest bearing Capital to open up another market. China has been several steps ahead of Empire since the 1970 Capitalism reset. Empire has used developing Asian countries living labour in the circulation of productive Capital. When wages got to high in an Asian country Empire would transfer production to another developing nation. China requiring Enterprises from the West to partner with Chinese Capitalist made production flight complicated. The trade War and China's high debt burden is supposed to force China into opening their markets but what seems to be lost in this narrative is that China's debt burden is a result of Empire based credit creation that lifted the World out of the 2008 collapse. The credit went into commodity purchases to create their one belt infrastructure and real estate purchases. A collapse of China's economy is a collapse of Empires economy but China and Russia have been buying precious metals that can be an anchor for a new currency.
    I've been doing a deep dive dialectic lately; the Thesis Nietzsche the individual; the Antithesis Marx the society and the Synthesis Hegel the reality; knowledge; the Truth. The truth is Climate makes the rules now; the society will consist of resilience in a hostile world and the individual will try to avoid extinction by creating this new resilient post Capitalist World.

  6. “Identity politics” has become a dirty word…few public commentators with a listening audience have pointed out that all these categories of “identity” cut across every socioeconomic, religious, ethnic, cultural and political line. The reference to “identity politics” as anathema reminds me of John Kerry in the 2004 campaign urging and rhapsodizing about a return to the “sanity” of the Reagan era. The cant, patter, and emotiveness of the kind of contemporary discourse exemplified by this speaker—the bad, ugly exploitative class hosing the good folk—leaves me with lingering doubts as to the premise “if we just change the system…” Listening to this systems-level discourse is like smoking doobies. What family, society, religion, and economy does to us is like being placed under a general anaesthetic, where we are rendered like unto helpless purple babies, and anything can be done to, dowloaded, epigenetically hacked, and put into us. And it is this stuff that ultimately countenances, gives a pass to, and perpetuates the “hateful” systems we find ourselves living under.

  7. Very surprising that you leftists actually get this, I'm shocked. However, there may not be that much difference between the 2 criminal parties, yet the both parties blame the other. Both are up to no good.

    Look at these elections, the mid terms cost billions, so this means every year they are sucking billions out of the economy for their campaigns. And knowing that over 80% of encumbents win and these have access to the most corporate crime money.

    The Dems still lead the way no matter which race you scrutinize.
    Ted Cruz and Beto, Cruz spent about $38m, Beto $69.7. Gillum, Nelson and most other Dems out spent Republicans 2:1! And that includes Hillary vs Trump, she out spent Trump 3:1. What's worse is that MSM is owned by the Left hammers the GOP non stop at the rate of 9:1. So before you blame it all on the GOP , you better know how bad it really is on the left.

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