A federal judge ruled that Trump’s ban on asylum applications from those who do not enter the US at a legal port of entry is in complete contravention to US and international law. Angelo Guisado of the Center for Constitutional Rights outlines the practical and legal background of the decision
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The U.S. Illegally?
Illegal entry (or "improper entry") to the US carries criminal penalties (fines and jail or prison time), in addition to civil penalties and immigration consequences (deportation and bars from future entry).
Criminal Penalties
For the first improper entry offense, the person can be fined (as a criminal penalty), or imprisoned for up to six months, or both. For a subsequent offense, the person can be fined or imprisoned for up to two years, or both. (See 8 U.S.C. Section 1325, I.N.A. Section 275.)
No one is forced to cross into the U.S. illegally. My country is not the only safe place in the world. If there is not a single country, city or town in all of central & south america that is reasonably inhabitable, then they need to put their energy into fixing that instead of running away from their problems like they have collectively done for decades.
It is an invasion. I hate Trumo & his uninformed bafoonery & lies, but he's right on this one. People who enter the country illegally & are found or make themselves known by filing asylum claims should immediately be deported. They can't break the law & expect to live here by crying victim.
This message to all who Hate President Trump. A Judge is appointed in the US by the President to lay down the Law. Not to get involved in the policies of the President who was appointed by the People for the People to keep the US safe from all harm. I can't believe this Judge who swears President Trump to the highest office to keep American from foreign invasion, then signs a ruling that bans Trump's asylum. I have a question to this Federal Judge, suppose you were appointed by the native Indians who had adopted stringent immigration laws, would you go against the Natives? How can a Judge swears the President, then start making laws to stop him to be the President. I firmly believe every Judge in the US should mind his own business, just as President Trump minds his own business to keep America safe from illegal invasion.
What a bizarre backwards world we live in where the judiciary tasked with enforcing the law is forced to instead do the executives, that's trump's BTW, job and protect the constitutional rights of the people.
Terrible interview. Not one mention of how these people will be taken care of once here. Please tell us how you plan on integrating all these people? Who's got the money for this? Maybe the same people that got them to the border in the first place. Wake up. Offer solutions not rhetoric about what the president is doing/undoing.
Why haven't these people stayed home to fix their own country? If you don't like your country, fix it. Don't carry your baggage to a different country. BTW, these migrants are racist against the people who have applied to the proper offices and are waiting patiently at home for the approval for them to come. IMMIGRANTS WANTED, not migrants. Who is going to pay for all these people? Don't say the gov't. They have no money. Wake up. If you want the migrants, let them stay at your house and you take responsibility for them.
leave it to fraudulent self-appointed mad men to make the genocide of a Nation legal….America is at war with Vampires!
Tijuana is against the Caravan invaders!
Your news and analysis is quite good, you could use some work on your audio quality.
The Invaders have their own lawyers and judges. The are imposing their will on the American people who don't get a say. This illegal invasion must be stopped.
Trump being a rich man never intended to stop cheap labor from coming in the United States. His rich buddies demand millions more to come to the border to help keep American wages down
We should donate SF to Mexico.
but but US code 8 1324 … bringing in and harboring certain aliens? "I'm coming to find work" is not a reason for asylum ðŸ™
You know, it amazes me how so many haters make their appearances here in the comments section of this small news outlet. You people can't get enough of your drug from Fox so you go to the Real News to cluck for your fix. This is your brain. This is hate. This is you brain on hate. Any questions?
So Trump wants Trump judges that will bend the constitution to his will. Got it.
The Really Really Fake News