We update our profile of Jair Bolsonaro, who is leading in the presidential race in opinion polls, now that Workers Party candidate Lula da Silva was forced out of the race on corruption charges.
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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **
"The Real News" its even faker than CNN, damn!
Bolsonaro is the man!!
The communist news. Bolsonaro is the best
Your "journalism" is based on fakenews form Brazil. Do some REAL journalism at least…
The Brazil won't be Venezuela!
You don't know anything about Bolsonaro! Dictatorship as they like to say, just killed about 1.000 comunists in 60s and 70s. See how many people are dying now because of the violence!!!!!!!!!! Yes we vote for Bolsonaro!
Shame on you! What about Lula! Will not you say anything….
This is far from being considered Real News. Get a grip and stop supporting communism, it never worked and whoever told you it will this time, lied to you.
Bolsonaro is The people
Those women are liers. Bolsonaro is a democratic man, and that woman speaking she supports Maduro and Cuba. Bolsonaro is free world, free from comunism… Because unfortunately still we have that type of trash regim in Brazil and Latin America. God bless Bolsonaro, right wing side and the western society!!! God bless Brazil, USA, Bolsonaro and Trump. Really good men!!!
O cara é foda
vai aprender ingles feminista sem nocao!
They did jokes, fake news and all the shit about Mr.Trump, and now they're doing the same with Bolsonaro. It's all you got, bro? You'll need more than this to separate the population, son!
This video is just repetition of FAKE NEWS about Bolsonaro being racist, same old same old. you guys never learn do you? The more you LIE about Bolsonaro, the more he grows.
Bolsonaro is a complete failure in all possible ways. He once was asked about education in a convention and he simply said: "I don't know, I'm accepting sugestions", his followers see this kind of statement as "being sincere", since they see the rest of the politics as ineffectives because of the crisis here in the country.
What they don't see is that he should know better about many subjects a president gonna have to deal in the office, he should have learned about it in 27 years as a political, instead, the only subjet he seens to know about is homossexuality, the majotity of his law projects are superficial and do not attack the real problem, he pledges the self-defense with guns, but because he and his friends and family have the resources to have one. Most of the brazilian people doesn't have economical ways to invest in a gun, and is exposed to a badly trained and corrupt police force, wich is a heirloon of the dictatorship years.
He have zero tolerance with those who think different from him, and zero arguments to even debate, instead, he relies on quotes and simplifications, calling anyone who disagrees with him a "communist", he even call a NY Times reporter a communist whem he disagree with him. And the huge majority of his followers NEVER read a single line of anything related to socialism or communism.
He doesn't show any intention to dismount the constitutional amendment holding the public investiments for 20 years, his vice, a General, is against the 13º wage, wich is a bonus give to the brazillian workers created in 1962 and talks openly in privatize ALL brazilian strategic companys like Petrobrás created in 1953 by our president Getúlio Vargas, Embraer created in the military government in 1969, wich was already a private company with the government being the biggest shareholder and having 80% if it's shares now on the hands of Boeing under Temer government, and Eletrobrás created in 1962, all these and others are mixed economy societies, the income is 100% public. Jair also don't talk about bringing back the Pré-Sal to the production sharing regime, which determined that Petrobrás would have priority in the oil extraction and would direct the profit to the Social Fund, to be invested in Brazil's social healthcare, education , culture, science and technology as is said in the art. 47 of the Law 12351/10 | nº 12.351, December, 22, 2010.
He and his party was one os Temer's biggest supporters, even Temer having only 3% of public approval, he only talks about shooting bandits, comparing black people to catle, and spread hate to gay people and fake news, he contradicts himself all the time, he voted against the Domestic Workers regulating Law, that embraces 93% of brazilian women, being 70% black women.
German Embassy on Brazil published a video about how they educate the people about Nazi party, and his followers appeared there to "teach" the Germans his own history.
Everything around Bolsonaro is obscure and fake, looks more like a cult. Can't compare him to Lula because Lula receives love of people from all different layers, but have a special love from the northeast people, an historically forgotten part of Brazil. Specialy because he and Ciro Gomes managed to make real the transposition of the São Francisco river, that was an idea originally conceived in 1847, by the time of Emperor D. Pedro II, and revived under the last military president João Batista Figueiredo and postponed since then, until Lula and Ciro Gomes bring the attention to this project and finally make it real.
Pre-Sal Law nº 12.351 (Port): https://presrepublica.jusbrasil.com.br/legislacao/1026276/lei-12351-10
About the Pre-Sal sharing regime (Port): https://www.cartacapital.com.br/economia/o-pre-sal-e-a-regulacao-interesses-nacionais-ou-estrangeiros / https://quintans1.jusbrasil.com.br/artigos/394722151/alterar-a-lei-da-partilha-da-producao-e-entregar-o-pre-sal-aos-estrangeiros
São Francisco river transposition (Port): https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transposição_do_rio_São_Francisco
Brazil and for Brazilians not for political party
Real news my eggs
This is a lie…
Lies lies lies and more lies fake news
Oh my God, this is the most biased video I've ever watched.
O nome do canal não cumpre o que diz
Communism ruined my country and none of these criminals ever paid for what they've done because of support of the leftist internationale. Look at Venezuela, don't repeat their mistakes, get rid of Lula and his puppets. Support from Poland.
Bolsonaro 2018 😎🇧🇷👉👉
Fake News!
Fake News
Ele não é homofobico!
"The oppressor must be harassed until his doom. He must have no peace by day or by night. The slaves have always outnumbered the slavemasters. The power of the oppressor rests upon the submission of the people." – Huey P. Newton
Feke news!!
Brasilian Trump is Bolsonaro, president in Brazil
What a leftist bullshit, brazilian here
Talita you dont know anything about Brasil…we are at wor
Devil x future of my nation.
Bolsonaro – or the Legend, as he's called – is the Brazilian Napoleon. He's even better than Trump.
Bolsonaro put his life on the line for the good of Brasil.