This is why LAPD HAS THE WORST RESPONSE TIME! – Everything Law and Order Blog

This stop was with a driver who is spanish speaking…I hung in there, bcuz i could hear a little of it being translated to the partner. But then 2 more officers show up. The male officer was especially curious, yet did not fully accept i was recording because he clearly said right in front of my camera “no rush” to a domestic violence call followed by another cruel truth, watch the video to find out what this lapd officers priorities are.

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


26 thoughts on “This is why LAPD HAS THE WORST RESPONSE TIME!”
  1. Take these vids. to someone on the defund movement and show how much taxpayer money just got wasted on that stop. Compile that info into dollars and cents. Just like business looking for ways to save dollars and cents the owner is always looking to improve their bottom line and that is the only thing they want to hear is did I make more money? When $$$ can be blatantly wasted, documented, salaries, autos, missed calls, slow response can all be attributed to the waste but it all has to be added up and compiled and presented to the public and the the city council who approves budgets! Seems like a lot but protesting will never be a remedy for solution and if any are made they are just a band – aid for the short term. I watch you and Daniel, a lot of others from Michigan the home of corruptness😞 you all need to collaborate this data together and put it in trust to a representative and play it to the people¡!!

  2. So I may be wrong but I slow the video down and it sounds like the female says" there's history of domestic violence: then he says" if they're used to abuse they can take it little longer:

  3. 🖕🏼🐖🐷🐖🐷🐖🐷🐖🐷🐖🐷🐖🐷🐖🐷🐖🐷🐖🐷🐖

  4. With that attitude they should be kicked off the force. Response time to an assault could mean the difference between life and death. Bastards, both of them.

  5. I have noticed that it always ends up with officers just standing around. I have seen sometimes as much as 10 officers for 1 person. So no wonder there response time is shit.

  6. And what is Laura shark talking about now first of all let me be an LAPD officer when I would show up to the scene and saw you I'd be like what's up sexy you need a man up in your life looking all cute and shit out here with the camera what's up baby anyways you are too much I like your videos so keep it doing anyways enjoy your day night whatever it may be and hopefully your holidays went well and stay safe

  7. What are we suppose to be mad about ? We don’t know for sure what was going on when we got there and we Didn’t hear enough of the conversation to make a well thought out judgement of the other two officers .. looks like a slow night of cop chasing to me

  8. I agree with you Laura, i hear people all the time. There is something major going on over there, bunch of cop cars. Body cams should be on all the time to monitor productivity of tax paying dollars.

    Like any small business, if your not being productive we dont need you around.

  9. Just siphoning the money down the tube hanging out doing feck all !!! No wonder the people are crying out to defund the police !!!

  10. LAPD is the worst one time i saw this Old Man getting Robbed ran and told a LAPD Officer in his car the guy needed help and he told me if I say another word he would Arrest me. So I repeded telling him this old man is being Robbed and he said repeat it one more time I am going to Jail.

  11. 🖕👮‍♂️👮‍♀️🤬! Blue line gang members earning the hate every day! Eliminate blue line gang members, qualified immunity,LEO's unions, and then require LEO's to purchase their own liability insurance individually!

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