Woman Loses it After She’s Caught Doing The Unthinkable in Public – Everything Law and Order Blog

On March 22nd, 2023, in Washington. Police were dispatched to a store where the caller stated two people in the back engaged in a romantic act.


45 thoughts on “Woman Loses it After She’s Caught Doing The Unthinkable in Public”
  1. I was an addict for 5 years worst years of my life you can never take back the time you lost.. i was in a bad motorcycle accident and had to go through one surgery and wait for it to heal up before the next surgery it was back when they didn't have any issues writing prescriptions for pain killers and how addictive they are after i couldn't get the pain killers so I switched to heroin it was cheaper and easier to get. I've been clean for 13 years now and seeing what has been going on with the junk they are selling. I hope she gets the help she needs. I tell people that have never seen what it does to you.. I WOULDN'T WISH THIS LIFE ON MY WORST ENEMY. Getting clean is tough but can be done

  2. Some of you put others through HELL FOR YEARS, your parents, your wife/husband, your kids your friends–then years later you are clean and you get on here expecting praise–just shut up and start paying back good people what you owe them.

  3. She's in for a rough time once that Narcan gets to work. My heart goes out to her. I've been wrestling with opioids for a decade now and wouldn't wish withdrawals on my worst enemy. It's the very shadow of hell.

  4. Ohhh boy is she in for a world of hurt. As an ex-Fentanyl addict myself whom has gone through multiple overdoses and been given Narcan, she's got it all wrong. All she's done is put herself into acute withdrawal, which is 10 times worse. The Narcan last up to about an hour and half. So hopefully she has enough opiate in her to feel better before withdrawal starts back up. If not all shes done is make it way more intense and it will last just as long. I've been through it multiple times. It's not the case of different people experience different things. She just has the logic wrong. Shes stating how long the Narcan lasts or wears off until you can feel opiates again. She just sped up and increased the intensity. She will be sick for a few weeks. Especially from the Xylazine in which they're cutting the Fetty with… People don't attempt this thinking it's a shortcut.

  5. All set with dope like that I never want to be sick and chase the feelings of being well for only a few hours then right back to being sick….not a fun way to live Fr 😒 I pray for all those still struggling with addiction

  6. Its not nice to be like that in public but thats her choice in life, but I cant undrestand that it took about 6 people to handle her, Whats all this rotating jail house doors swing open and closed so fast, and nothing actuallu been done about the WHY ? Its trowing good money after bad. How about safe houses that users can get clean needels , condoms , etc and a safe places to lay their head.would be money well spent , rather than all this and the next day back ont on the streets doing it all over again. Free drugh and treatment to allow the users safely lower their meds and help with education and work for the less fourtnate,

  7. I was on opioids from the time I was 14- 24 until I got help. I lost my dad and had a mother who already had an addiction to opioid and became emotionally and physically abusive in many ways after he died so I chose to numb myself by taking her pills. Not realizing that I was ruining my own future, I don't think I cared anymore. I've been clean for 3 years by taking bupenorphine and am doing a lot better with the choices I make. Emotional pain is torment, it can put you in an environment you don't truly want to be in but it helps with forgetting about how bad life is. Don't pass judgement on someone you don't know, especially if you've never walked a mile in their shoes.

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