Woman Having a Complete Meltdown Kicks Police Officer in The Face – Everything Law and Order Blog

On October 16th, 2023, in Florida, Police were dispatched to Wawa in reference to a woman stealing and causing a disturbance


49 thoughts on “Woman Having a Complete Meltdown Kicks Police Officer in The Face”
  1. Sid you hear the female cop at 4:30 “we can throw all this away because she walked away from it” are you kidding me? She walked away few meters away. This shows the devil in that female cop.

  2. I couldn’t deal with someone in a mental health crisis like this, so props to police who have to do it on a regular basis, HOWEVER, I rewatched (the specific part) six times and that female officer lied, the lady may have kicked the other two officers, but she definitely did NOT kick her in the face. Her legs didn’t come anywhere near the female officer.

  3. The world has been trained to trust in witch potions to remedy its spiritual problem, instead of turning in repentance from darkness to light, which makes manifest all things that are reproved- that which convicts the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment and reproves you in secret when you act proud, slander, gossip, tell lies, revenge a wrong, retaliate, and when you curse, steal, drink for intoxication, take drugs, commit sexual acts of immorality, and every other vile thing. And because of this the world is judged, going from bad to worse, as it loves these evil things, and therefore that's what comes upon it, everyone being rewarded according to their works. The "mental illness" that is flooding the world and overcoming it is because people are being given over to destruction for rebelling against the light and doing that which everyone knows they ought not to do.

  4. She’s reminds me of Eileen wuernos. The female killer that Florida killed. Mental illness is a shitty problem all over the world. This is so sad. She desperately needs a stay in a secure facility for a long time. She’s fixable,poor lady is just soooooooo broken.🥺🙏

  5. Why are they talking to her? She is classy well behaved person that talks with respect. She needs to be in a hospital. Is that eileen warnos sister? She needs baker acted not jail. Our governments mind f-cking everyone causes alot of mental illness in this country.

  6. Lol…harmless and never talks??? That guy needs to be evaluated too!!! She doesn't stop talking and I guarantee you she's not harmless. Yes she probably is mentally ill but she is also a danger to others.

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