Police Surprise 21-Year-Old at Her Door For Committing Loan Fraud – Everything Law and Order Blog

On November 3rd, 2023, in Illinois, police were called to an auto dealership where a woman was reported attempting to purchase a vehicle with a fake ID. The officer then went to the woman’s house to speak with her about the attempted fraud.


20 thoughts on “Police Surprise 21-Year-Old at Her Door For Committing Loan Fraud”
  1. Before I got sober I stole my fathers identity and went to prison for 3 years. It ended up saving my life and not counting the 3 years I was locked up I’ve been sober 6 years and my father and I have a wonderful relationship today. When you’re held accountable it can force you to take a look at your life and make the changes you should have made before you dug the hole that you’re in.

  2. "out before dinnertime" yeah I'm sure that's going to incentivize them not to commit crimes. As soon as he said it her whole attitude changed. There is no reason not to do get arrested, they're not going to send them to jail and 9/10 they lower or completely drop the charges, especially if you look "oppressed". That one trans had his charges for showing "her" penis to women at a gym dropped, saying that "she was too fat to see "her" penis… I'd like to know how they proved that. This identity politics and soft on crime agenda is literally destroying this and other countries, but not if the terrorist coming across open boarders don't first. Y'all please be safe out there.

  3. Identity Theft is way more serious than these 2 and many others think. Just as others who had their identity stolen know, it's not just simply making a call to your bank and having them reverse the charges. Depending on how they abused your identity and like in my case, applied and received several credit cards and even secured a 20000 loan, those other institutions don't want to give you your money back so easily. You have to spend a lot of time fighting with them.

    Once you clean all that up, you have to try to get your credit repaired through other agencies that have no desire to help you in good faith because just like the others, they just want those dollars/fees/penalties and don't make it easy for consumers because they don't give a dang. You have to invest several weeks/months and maybe years trying to straighten things out.

    I hope one day our government will rein these anti-consumer business practices in. It is not a victimless crime like so many assume. Financial institutions don't just write it off and say 'sorry you had to go through this'. They fight tooth and nail to not cancel/refund any purchases/loans/fees etc. that were fraudulently secured with your stolen identity. Even when you have filed a report with law enforcement. Financial institutions don't care about you.

  4. This absolutely is disgusting. She is just laughing and having a good ol time and does seem to care about the fact she just committed a crime. This isn't a learning experience nor will it detour her from doing it again. I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't the beginning of her life of crime, I see a future of identity theft and she will continue to get better and better each time.

  5. I agree that she should suffer consequences for fraud however the man did not give you attitude all he did was ask for a warrant. Seems to me he knows the law. If it wasn’t for him she would have let you enter.

  6. How stupid fake ID but gave there real address duh 🙄. People are so stupid plus dumb to even think that would work at the loan place. People were not born yesterday company's know if it's fake or real just so stupid. Thank you to the officers for your services GodBless

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