Entitled Woman Tries to Play the Race Card, Fails Miserably – Everything Law and Order Blog

On July 29th, 2023, in Ohio, police on patrol observed a vehicle speeding with their lights off.


48 thoughts on “Entitled Woman Tries to Play the Race Card, Fails Miserably”
  1. Can't remember the partner's name, but I legit feel for them. They are so reasonable, responsible, honest, and chill. I feel bad for them, I hope things are going well for them.

  2. It’s the juxtaposition that tells the story: in the same car is one belligerent, racist, Karen who just cost herself jobs, relationships, credit opportunities, etc, and one woman who demonstrated herself to be a decent and reasonable person. Karen, can you say “moral of the story?”

  3. Dressed like a Sexy Red Marilyn Monroe, yet you don’t trust men, amazing. Where in the constitution does it say I need a female officer, and I’m seriously thinking she is a good reason to rethink the 1st amendment…

  4. I can’t be racist. I’m black. F*** Y** sad part is I’m attracted to bock women. Just intelligent ones. Fun fact. Blacks owned more slaves. And for centuries. Before Europeans ever did. Therefore. You enslaved your own kind. Sorry not sorry.

  5. Who is she talking to LOL in the back of that patrol car she is just rambling on to nobody and repeating herself over and over and over which is the definition of insanity I think she’s a pretty good specimen.

  6. Symptoms of PTSD in adults include:

    Recurring upsetting memories

    Angry outbursts

    Substance abuse

    Distancing oneself from loved ones

    Reckless or self-destructive behaviors

    Lack of interest in favorite activities

    Avoidance of potential triggers (certain people, events, and situations)

    Violent behavior or destruction of property



    Exaggerated startle response

    Difficulty concentrating

    Memory issues

    Vivid and disturbing nightmares

    Hyperarousal or the opposite

    Sleep issues


    Continual negative mood

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