This Text Message Says I’ve Won $500,000 – Everything Law and Order Blog

A random text message informed me that a package of mine had been found and it contained $500,000! Could it be true? Or is it a scam?

Take my smartphone safety course to learn how to stay safe from scams and develop a healthy relationship with your phone. Only $7 and GREAT for young kids.

Learn more about how I met Kingsley.


41 thoughts on “This Text Message Says I’ve Won $500,000”
  1. Bless your heart BanninkSolutions . Its so sad how the scammers prey on the elderly and the uninformed public. Bless you and all others who fight against these crimes.Its horrible how mainstream media is not doing the right thing by shining light on these things to help the publiccc!!!

  2. One of those "meta scams" I believe they're called. They assume you have previously been scammed out of supposed winnings, paying advance fees to strangers over the internet, but those scammers have now been intercepted. Now you're speaking with real law enforcement and they have your real earnings. You just need to pay them fees in advance over the internet. The irony…

  3. I plan to pursue computer programming/game design as my career as well, and it's definitely a tough job(I've begun self-teaching myself already; I'm 17 years old), but I know it's gonna be a very satisfying career for me!

  4. Lol of course he will make more money scamming than working for a living, cause there are stupid people out there that believe this crap. That's on them not the scammer. The scammer has just found a gap in the market like all good business people. We should should praise him not stop him.

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