Don’t Let Scammers Help You Find Your Lost Dog #shorts – Everything Law and Order Blog

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32 thoughts on “Don’t Let Scammers Help You Find Your Lost Dog #shorts”
  1. Please have your dogs microchipped. It does help. My brother was in a car accident and he was unconscious. His dog, scared, jumped out the window and took off. It had a microchip. It did take 2 weeks before he got her back because an Amish family found her, and they took her to an English friend who then took it to a vet to have it scanned. It happened in a different state than where he lived. Thankfully, the microchip made it possible to get her back!
    They do work. Also, if your dog is stolen and you report it, if they take it to a vet, the first thing they do is scan the dog, and you might possibly get it back

  2. "Steal from you while you're out looking"

    I thought you were gonna say scammers claim to have found the lost pet to lure people out of and away from their home so an accomplice can loot the house.

  3. If there's one thing you don't do, you don't mess with pets on the internet. There's very passionate people out there that have nothing better to do than to track them down and cary out internet justice.

  4. I don't know if you can help but an elderly couple next door to me has had a bank account opened in their name. They're asking me what to do and I have no idea what to tell them. I told them about you and I'm wondering whether you or one of your scam-busters can offer any advice?

  5. I had this happen when my daughter lost her Frenchie. It’s so disgusting how someone could be so cruel. Love what your doing to help stop these horrible scammers and educate people so they don’t get scammed.

  6. Came accross the exact same thing with a stolen vehicles group of Facebook of stolen cars in south africa and then you have the moronic blood sucker's posting that they will track your stolen vehicle then they go on to give a testimonial about how they helped out 2 or 3 previous victims who had their cars stolen and how they helped them recover the car within a few days😮 like seriously???? These blood sucker's are no better than the actual thieves and hijackers who live on the losses and tears of others misfortunes. Please everyone don't trust or listen to any of these buffoons go with actual car tracking companies who are legit and have physical addresses for 1 and real employees.

  7. I had scammers contact me using a lost pet flyer & asked me for vanilla Giftcards. this was in 2016-2017 before I was dialed into the massive corrupt global scam industry. Luckily I felt their request was totally weird & normally if someone found something precious you lost, it would be up to the person who’s animal/item was recovered to decide if they were able to financially repay them!

    Because it was such a weird request I asked them where they wanted to meet so I could give them their vanilla giftcard (which I never got) & they could bring my cat, they told me “down the street”… I gave them the name of a fake store & a fake street & they said YES! I’ll meet you there with your cat, but please call me once you have the giftcard.

    I was so heartbroken that my animal was missing that I spent an embarrassing amount of time, playing detective paying for those online ppl search tools to reverse their phone number & stuff all plotting my revenge in my own head. After a few days I blocked their #’s and let it go, but it just goes to show the dangers of being antagonized with this BS, especially targeting in on ppl who are frantically searching for a lost pet.

  8. I had something like this happen when my truck was stolen last year. I posted about it on my socials and a couple people contacted me to say they could recover it. When I asked one how, he told me that if the truck has a radio, he could locate it. For just $1,200. I hope no one false for that BS. (I got the truck back four days later.)

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