Iran Ruined By Shah’s Most Expensive Party Of All Time | Witness | Iran Corruption Documentary – Everything Law and Order Blog

In 1971, the Shah of Iran, the self-proclaimed ‘king of kings’, celebrated 2,500 years of the Persian monarchy by throwing the greatest party in history. Money was no object – a lavish tent city, using 37km of silk, was erected in a specially created oasis. The world’s top restaurant at the time, Maxim’s, closed its doors for two weeks to cater the event, a five-course banquet served to over sixty of the world’s kings, queens and presidents, and washed down with some of the rarest wines known to man.

Over a decadent five-day period, guests were treated to a pageant of thousands of soldiers dressed in ancient Persian costume, a ‘son et lumiere’ at the foot of Darius the Great’s temple, and the opening of the Azadi Tower in Tehran, designed to honour the Shah himself. Every party leaves a few hangovers. This one left a country reeling, never to recover. It crystallised the opposition, led by the Ayatollah Khomeini. More than any other event, this party marked the break between the king of kings and the people of Iran he reigned over.

This documentary was produced by Sideways and directed by Hassan Amini. It was first released in 2016.


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By phillyfinest369


12 thoughts on “Iran Ruined By Shah’s Most Expensive Party Of All Time | Witness | Iran Corruption Documentary”
  1. Shah was trying for peace in Middle East and the World. He was awake. USA/Europe and their Guadeloupe looked for their financial benefits. They protected Khomeini in the name of Human Rights. Does Iranians have Human Rights now? Where are now USA and Europe to ask for Human Rights in Islamic Republic? They ruined Iran. But look Western cities and universities now. Look Ukraine, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria… this is the result of pushing Shah out of Iran and killing him. Isn't better to use money for joyful events instead to make missiles like Islamic Republic is doing and the World applauded them and protected them. Answering reporter Quinn. At that time, all kids in Iranian schools had complementary food in school every day. Mr. Lahiji, Banisadr, … and every body who helped Khomeini to ruin Iran have bloody hands. Their hands are in the blood of Iranians killed since 1978.

  2. I’d say watching this will show you how unjust and idiotic the reasoning of anti-Shah/Iran people was. You can tell from the title of it. All countries are advertising in different ways to show the beauties and richness of their countries, but looks like it didn’t make sense for us, just as basic and stupid as it sounds. Shame on the producers and director of this video.

  3. you should be noticing that
    how much revenue that
    celebration made many years after . but the perception of people during that time unfortunately did not keep up with majesty thats how and also one of the way that enemies penetrated to decline the shah

  4. after all these years you guys are still trying ruin this great man's name. Shame on you all….look at what's left of our country…thank to you all…shame on you shame shame shame…

  5. Slander and downright treason from his allies and relentless global propaganda against the Shah ended the monarchy, not a celebration. Besides, heads of state don't host a "party" but rather a "ceremony". The same tools (or is it stool 💩?) are biting back the West right now.

  6. Let's see. The Shah had decided to have a gathering for dignitaries. He wanted to show the world that in 50 years with his father had made great advances. He wanted to show the world that Iran had a 2500 year Monarchy. He wanted the world and his people that they not He had made great advances. He was likening it to "The Great Civilization". He wanted the world to know his people were intelligent and were with He and the Empress Farah. When the media says it was a 100 million party. Number one they do not know this. The Shah had new schools, universities, hotells not for guests, but his people. Iran was not always Islamic. That was a threat to the Mullahs that had stopped progress to this day. There is so much more than a party. People should wake up. Khomeini killed over 100s of thousands of his people. The Shah would not allow Communism. Not in their laws. The Iranian people need to overturn the leaders. Much easier said than done now.Your government has enriched themselves. The Shah and his family did not take billions. Fabrication. They did not take the Jewels, the cars. All there for the be blunt your parents and Grandparents fell for the biggest con job.

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