Woman Confesses to Murdering Child at Daycare During Shocking Interrogation – Everything Law and Order Blog

Thirty-seven-year-old daycare worker Melissa Calusinski was questioned by police after one of the children at the daycare was pronounced dead after a severe head injury. Calusinski later admitted to slamming the 16-month-old boy to the ground in a fit of frustration. Stranger Stories breaks down the shocking interrogation in which Calusinski confesses to the tragic crime and deep dives into what happened to her after her confession.

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43 thoughts on “Woman Confesses to Murdering Child at Daycare During Shocking Interrogation”
  1. The confession is not shown in this video. She was sentenced to 31 years in prison and she is now 37 years old. She has an IQ of 87 and her attorney argued the confession is coerced. She is up for clemency and the governor should be making a decision soon. Her parents see her almost every weekend and state she is completely innocent. There are X-rays showing the deformity that the little boy was born with (which may have caused his death).

  2. “Was it in the back of the head or the front?” “Why would you ask that?” Oh, I don’t know, because you’ve spent 20hrs accusing me of it!

    The officer got so excited when she asked that, it seems like a perfectly legitimate question to me especially when you’re being grilled about causing it or witnessing it.

    I don’t understand why these officers latched onto her and were so adamant that she’s involved. They’re relentless, like a dog with a bone! This is infuriating to watch.

  3. “Why wouldn’t you just let him sleep?” So he’s suggesting it would be better if she had ignored him and they hadn’t tried to revive him and save his life?!?! These officers are garbage pails. They’re totally railroading this poor girl.

  4. I think they talked her into an accident that never happened. I don’t believe she did or saw anything but wanted to help the detectives by the way they talked to her. I think she is totally innocent.

  5. Wow just seemd like there were too many people close by for her to have done something and dont you think someone would have heard the baby cry or a thud? I feel so much for this young lady,and she had been working there for over a year come on,she was really trying hard to find something that she may have done wrong. Whoever sentenced her has stolen her childhood she was just a baby herself and please dont say well she killed an innocent baby boy cos nobody knows if she did and i really believe she didn't 😢

  6. Even though she wants out of prison, (who doesn’t?), this confession sounds truthful. The crying seems like she’s finally letting go of the lying & hiding, and she’s finally letting go and being honest. I believe she’s feeling relieved that she’s finally telling the truth. She is where she belongs.

  7. 1:02:58 this interview is exactly why EVERYONE should ask for an attorney. They’re literally manipulating her into believing she did something wrong. The detectives talk way more than she does. They’re straight up accusing her, and she isn’t even getting frustrated with them – yet a baby would to the point she’d kill it? No way.

  8. She is innocent. I believe her and I don't think there was ever an accident. I think this little boy had a medical issues that were undetected…. And misdiagnosed. She definitely broke cause of the constant questioning. She is clueless.😢

  9. This lady did not do anything to the baby. I have watched this several times. The detectives are dead wrong, its like they want to get someone for a crime, when babies fall and hit their heads. The last few 30 mins, this girl is under pressure. Because she has said in the beginning he hit his head by falling out when she told him no. My condolences to the family.

  10. I worked childcare for 10 years, I don’t doubt her about the naughty baby who throws himself back when they get cross or don’t want to do something but how you do something cruel is beyond me!!! I’ve been at my wits end before to but you walk away, take a breath, and return, never to harm them 😢😢

  11. Why do people keep speaking to Police without legal representation. The police are not your friends they just want you to incriminate yourself guilty or not to close out the case. The amount of these American crime programmes l see and no one ever has a lawyer present. I am in the UK. Their interrogation is repetitive to tire you and confuse you so you end up tired your mindset all over and they get what they want a confession.

  12. I don't think she's guilty of murder. But these cops are guilty of not knowing how a daycare works. They're on schedules. Children aren't left there to sleep all day like the cop's wife may do at home…

  13. I've read other reports that say there was no fracture and that she didn't hurt him at all so I think for people to keep pushing this video without adding to the title that there was a wrongful accusation and that he had no fracture in reality is bs. This poor girl was bullied into a confession.

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