Bodycam: Florida Mom Accused of Neglecting Toddler Who Almost Drowned in Lake – Everything Law and Order Blog

Bodycam footage shows police arresting a Florida mom after her son nearly drowned when she allegedly left him unattended. West Palm Beach authorities said Francesca R. Geller is accused of leaving her 21-month-old toddler alone while she used the restroom for less than 10 minutes. Court documents said the toddler wandered outside and ended up facedown in a lake near their apartment. Geller discovered her child and immediately attempted to help him after calling 911. The child has reportedly been unresponsive and intubated since the incident. Geller was charged with child neglect with great bodily harm.

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47 thoughts on “Bodycam: Florida Mom Accused of Neglecting Toddler Who Almost Drowned in Lake”
  1. This reminds me of the upstanding grandma in Fl. as well, who’s grandson wander off and drowned in a pond.
    She got off on that charge but then again another grandchild died under her watch! Crazy 😢

  2. Every single time my child has ever been in the hospital, I NEVER left them! Her child is in the hospital fighting for his little life, and she’s going to work? Wtf! That’s just ridiculous and callous! There’s something very wrong with this picture!

  3. All the doors in my apartment are locked/ dead bolted, which leads outside. Otherwise, if I'm not in or going to be in a room, I close the door to those rooms. My daughter is almost two and has not escaped outside once yet (not saying it can't happen but highly unlikely).

  4. I'm guessing the arrest came days or weeks after the incident. The day of all focus would be on rescue and transport. I'm sure she was questioned – but likely a more thorough investigation was done including the physician conclusion about how long the baby was submerged.

  5. It's sad that so many are portraying her as not even concerned about her child. I'm a father of 4, and if something like this had happened to one of my kids, my wife and I would have been in shock. None of us know where her head was at the time of the arrest. And no, she shouldn't have left the child unattended, but you can't be in direct contact with your kids 24/7. This isn't like the cases where the parent leaves the kid unwatched while they go out with friends. She went to the bathroom. Her conduct was wrong, maybe criminal (I bet the charges are dropped), but we haven't seen anything to justify saying she didn't care about the child.

  6. I took my kids with me or put them in a crib/playpen to go to the bathroom! I don’t know what happened but in the least she should have put locks on if he was able to open the door! I don’t buy the story of 10 minutes because he was out long enough to nearly drown! Sadly it sounds like he’s going to have brain damaged! If she’s found to be guilty she should get a very long sentence in prison! She was at least negligent!

  7. Why wouldn't you take your kid in the bathroom with you if it was public. These are the things people don't think about when they have a kid or a pet, all the scenarios a decade down the road, people just make split second decisions with no forethought. Like a young couple who get a pet, then when the relationship ends in two years now they have kids or pets and their the ones that get screwed.

  8. I have seen parents high on drugs and doing much worse to their kids and they get nothing…. I do not know this whole story, but, from what I have heard she was in the restroom AT her apartment and the kid escaped……
    If anyone watches these then y'all have seen the toddler who ran into the street and a teen on a bike found him. It is insanely unfortunate but all these people in the comments saying they'd take their kids, no matter how many, into the restroom with them are full of crap!!

  9. All you you commenting on her nipples when the video is about her child almost drowning with permanent brain damage now are disgusting. This isn't the time or place to be perverted.

  10. This is a tragedy all around. She needs to spend the rest of her life giving that child the best possible chance to have a normal life. Not just rely on society to pay for and handle the parenting. I think people are judging her too harshly. Things happen with kids, parenting is the toughest responsibility there is.

  11. I'm sorry but if she just went to the bathroom and a toddler was being a toddler and got out I don't think she should be getting arrested. Kids do the darnest of things and it's like we all have to be helicopter parents now????? Sheesh

  12. although this is extremely sad & couldve been avoided, this could happen to anyone of us. even the parents who do take their children to the bathroom w them, one time they dont & boom, this could happen. i dont think this was on purpose at all; parents are still human and make mistakes but definitely need to be more mindful & careful with little ones😢

  13. Seriously? People are really over here like "oh poor her she just went to the bathroom for 10 minutes she didn't do anything wrong" uh why TF wasn't the door locked for ONE & for TWO if the baby was able to unlock the door themselves why wouldn't you have a baby safe knob lock like most have! I just don't understand how the kid got to the effing lake & had been drowning for 5-10mins they said ??? But she was in there LESS THAN 10 mins? Mmm ok…. I'm sorry but even if I wasn't allowed in the room with my child while they're in there I'd still be there in that hospital just in case this is ridiculous. I don't feel sorry for her lol.

  14. No excuse to leave a child that young unattended or in a safe spot, no matter what the reason. A child doesn’t ask to be born, so be responsible at all times… to make sure the child is secure, especially at 21 months old!

  15. My question is why is she not at the hospital with the child who may pass away?
    There is a lot more to this story than we are being given.
    You don't leave your front door open with a 21 month old while you are not in the room.
    This is absolutely disgusting.
    She doesn't even mention the child, only what is going to happen to her.
    What would the charges be if the child passes?
    No excuse.

  16. why are you wasting time on something that is clearly marginally negligent and definitely not malicious when full blown insanity is occurring every 5 seconds in that state. shes traumatized enough. low hanging fruit.

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