Rookie Cop Stops the Final Boss of Speeders | CHAOS Ensues – Everything Law and Order Blog

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36 thoughts on “Rookie Cop Stops the Final Boss of Speeders | CHAOS Ensues”
  1. Got injured in an accident? You could be one click away from a claim worth millions. You can start your claim now with Morgan & Morgan at without leaving your couch. Remember, it's free unless you win.
    UPDATE: The blog post is now updated with the details regarding the warrant and his current pending charge:
    This footage was circulating on X/Twitter, showing police in Longview, Texas arresting this guy just inside the front door of his home. The incident began as a traffic stop for speeding 10 mph over. The stop took place in the driveway of the home. The driver proceeds to be extremely aggressive towards the obviously-rookie officer. After a backup officer arrived, the young officer issues the citation for speeding. Then the man goes to walk inside the house, but the backup officer follows him and an arrest was made.

  2. Good bad Santa impersonation.. I think you actually out do bad Santa's hilarious straight forward fu message ..

    I'm sorry but we have freedom of speech and if a cop cannot handle being berated by this guy he shouldn't be a cop…

    Cops must humble themselves in order to preserve everyone's constitutional rights … If this guy's language can set you off to make a bogus arrest then your not qualified to wear your uniform..

    Police are taught that they have the absolute worst customer service jobs in the whole industry , and that they must be strong willed enough to laugh it off and not retaliation..

    I want this guy as my lawyer.. He would get me 30 years in prison but b4 I get locked up I get to see a real man tell every customer service rep in that courtroom what they really are and what we think about them … 30 years , it would still be worth it

  3. The guy was in obvious pain which no doubt put him in a mood. Also end of the work day so no doubt tired and a bit hungry. He was on edge, and the blocked driveway was enough to tip him over.

  4. I would like some clarification….if police can't make a warrantless arrest at your home, how are they allowed to arrest people on domestic violence calls?

    Also, this interaction was super entertaining, but im a little concerned about this guys wife with all that anger he has.

  5. That dude reminded me of one of my drill sergeants I had in the Army. 😂

    I am kind of leaning towards that they didn’t have a warrant because neither one of them are seen talking about the warrant and the one officer was having trouble identifying him. Also, typically they wouldn’t send just one officer to serve a warrant.

  6. Even though that guy cussed both of them out thoroughly, he still did everything they ask except for handing over his license and insurance, which there was a workaround because they just used his tags and got the information. Everything after that was unlawful and disgusting they arrested that man for nothing.

  7. @thecivilrightslawyer So how does that happen; Section 521.025 – License to Be Carried and Exhibited on Demand; Criminal Penalty… Dictionary definitions of exhibited and display does NOT contain EXAMINE, so why did the courts in U.S. v. Zavala use the word examine? Is that technically a conflict; courts can't make up their own laws, so in the end, how does that work out.

  8. This guy must be a “defund the police” supporter. He losses his mind as soon as he sees the officer. And then he is probably the guy who screams and complains the loudest when cops dont help him in time.

  9. Dude shlda asked the police officer, why u shaking boy u got drugs on you???
    Think driving by u see a normal dude like this searching a cop and cussing him out!
    Man if a black or mexican dude tried this…

  10. FACT; When you are stopped by a Police Officer in your vehicle. YOU ARE UNDER ARREST. Whether the Officer tells you your under arrest or not (they WILL LIE TO YOU if you ask). Make no mistake, it’s NOT “Your License”, it belongs to the State.

  11. Display does not mean hand over. You can only display something in your possession. As soon as you had it to someone, you have stopped displaying it. An art gallery cannot display paintings that they have given to someone else.

  12. So there was a lawful traffic stop for a traffic offense. Officer contacts dispatch to run a warrant check. Officer writes and issues citation. Shortly after issuing the citation, the dispatcher comes back on the radio telling the officers about the warrant. The officers then arrested him on the warrant. Completely lawful to pursue the guy into the home when there is an arrest warrant. They weren't aware of the warrant till the dispatcher told them about it. You can't hear dispatch in the video as the officers have earpieces. The second officer even gets on the radio as the citation is issued to tell the dispatcher to "go ahead." The dispatcher was likely advising the officer of the warrant.
    If someone does a FOIA request for the report and radio transcript/recording, I'm 99.9% confident this is what went down.
    This guy was hilariously unhinged. Had me LMAO.

  13. I'm a civil rights advocate AND pro-good cop and, yes, you can be both if you're a proponent of our Constitution, and my opinion undoubtedly will be hated by most commenters here: the driver appears as an unhinged sovereign idiot and he alone escalated the confrontation that landed him in jail. Had he surrendered his license immediately as required under Texas law he wouldn't have been arrested for the outstanding warrant. If he sues I hope he loses. The driver is a punk. I have a feeling he's like that with other people. I feel sorry for his wife.

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