Cop Escalates, Then Exaggerates to Supervisor – Everything Law and Order Blog

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44 thoughts on “Cop Escalates, Then Exaggerates to Supervisor”
  1. I think the officer didn’t like that Malik took control of the stop by getting out of his car and didn’t let the officer go through his shenanigans to trick Malik into a line of questioning that would probably ultimately lead to a search of the vehicle and Malik and Hancocks and in the back of the vehicle anyway, that’s what I think and it doesn’t matter what I think once again what matters are the facts they don’t lie as far as the officer lying I believe that the officer proved that he is not trust worthy and should lose his so-called qualified immunity permanently and should no longer ever be allowed to be a police officer, therefore losing his credentials in that state and in the other 49 states then again once again, what do I know?

  2. I wonder what would have happened had he sat back in his car. I can see why any cop gets nervous when anyone gets out facing them not knowing if they have a gun. He may have been profiled, but how can that have been proven? Yes, the cop escalated the situation and went too far, cuffing him with 2 other cops there. Smelling pot? Good excuse as he can be lying. 3 other cops smell pot?

  3. Cops are ultimately able to lie, and they do so, even to one another…

    The absence of a context is worrisome as we do not know the reason for the stop, nor do we know what made this cop act like this to this individual.

    Clearly the guy wasn't "pulled over by the cop", and as he was already parked, he would have been entitled to exit the vehicle, and that cop has no longer any legitimate legal right to be acting as if he has pulled this guy over, and no legal reasons for his actions that followed.

  4. Immediately they are trying to utilize cuffs, no warning or explanation, and it's done more often than it should be…

    Cops use various tactics to mess with people and then force identity from you.

    They know this isn't even legal but since taxpayer money backs up their criminality…

    This looks all kinda weird and wrong.

  5. Although I am less than impressed with this cops actions, I feel it necessary (in the interests of truth and accuracy), to point out that the cop absolutely gave this bloke specific directions. He told him to "get back into the car", and then to "get in the car", all the while pointing directly at the mans car. To suggest otherwise would be disingenuous at the least. They were the very first orders given. How could you miss that? I am a subscriber and believe you to be fighting the good fight, however i dearly hope that this is not an example of the end justifying the means.

  6. Do you David. Tcrl do know any lawyers in Las Vagas or near by I can't find a lawyer would it help call attorney Gen on town police and how they edited the body cam cause it was one of the first ones and they sent it to lens lock I didn't see it till way after this all happened .what can I do they hurt me harassed me told me that I committed a crime or about to said he was going to get me for purgey and I'm handicapped then he said if I keep moving around from twesting my arms so bad I was screaming and hollering but it's not on body camhe had it off .and sound I said how is it going to work in middle of my back .then he fricse me two times has body cam on ground. So they could edit it with other film .he say he didn't hurt me I have fractured rt foot and had broken rt arm years ago .but didn't hurt till he got done twisting my arm there is so much not on there that happened then they drive around falling me .cop went by 4 times lt cop and he said he was looking for a kid .lie the whole report is lies I don't know why I was arrested till next day around 2.00 pm this all happened Monday at 12.00 .and the cop was 10.mins late getting there he said I was guest getting out of car .I had no idea what was going on he was never behind me .I gotout of my car and cutrches and was standing behind car when he came flying in out of control. It was not rt I want to sue lends lock for editing body cam there logo rt on top of flim on all of them .that's why I didn't get them till July or Aug it happened 4 12 2023 so all I new was blinker to change lanes and my lience plate that was like it was for two years were he couldnt read it but he didn't see it till he was in store If you have any ideas what I can do I'm afraid of them all know .they heartening me or scared me .have good day Rob I got to get rest of footage I told the guy in claims I'm not watching lies he goes well it happened so quick you don't remember .I remember we'll. I never got to plead innocent the public defender got it all dropped .but that doesn't help me against cops .

  7. Yes, "cops" need to be asking themselves "do I I need to be doing this?' but also, I see it time and time again that none of their cop buddies ever put them in check, or take them aside and say "hey um this isn't right, have respect for this person whose taxes pay for our salary"! BUT NO! Instead they just support their fellow officer. It is almost as if they were trained or told by their "superiors", to not allow common folk (ie the people they like to shoot now and then) see them admit to their mistakes! Which, in that job, is not what I want taught to officers of the law..I want them to be checking themselves and having others keeping them in check on a regular basis! THAT is good policing, NOT what is going on currently in the police brotherhood! Sorry for the rant John, I love your channel!!

  8. I think this is more "fealty failure" than anything else. Police get their ego bruised so easily and escalate situations at the speed of light for the most insanely dumb reasons.

    But then so do non-police. This situation began with two bruised egos, which is never a good mix.

  9. The gentleman upset the officer by taking away his power play… Where in he comes up to the window engages in the normal license registration blah blah blah to be followed by sir I smell marijuana I need you to get out of the car followed by handcuffs search etc….

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