Cops Kick DYING Man Out of Ambulance! – Everything Law and Order Blog

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47 thoughts on “Cops Kick DYING Man Out of Ambulance!”
  1. I find this absolutely infuriating! The level of compassion shown and the urgency to understand this mans condition was nonexistent! Everyone on that ambulance should be charged with involuntary manslaughter! That mans death occurred because of gross negligence!

  2. Dear God help us. When a person is in crisis a trained professional should know how to act. He even asked the police can you take me and the MFer said No. God will punish all involved.

  3. If they had no legal duty to attain him then they had no legal warrant to remove him from the ambulance to begin with.

    How can they legally tell a patient under medical distress to get out of an ambulance without "a just cause."

    "A Just cause" like disturbing the peace, possible threat to self or to others, or intoxicated/under the influence of drugs or alcohol or possession of a fire arm or weapon.

    Otherwise, they had no right to stop, prevent or remove someone from seeking medical attention.

    They cause him more of a higher level of distress like between 1 and 10 and 10 being the highest, then I believe he was over 10 like a 11 or 12 or something higher and then to refuse to give him any kind of physical help or medical attention even after seeing him fall face down to the ground and became unresponsive is just sicking to my stomach to watch.

    They killed that man from the lack of empathy for an innocent human being who was only guilty of needing immediate medical assistance and care and to be taken to the hospital.

    That poor mans Blood is on "ALL" of their hands Now. 😢

  4. All this time they spent treating him like a criminal bc of the color of skin or his class status. instead of getting him to the hospital this was murder. They watched him die slowly. All that talking waisting breath.. instead of getting him to a doctor who can open his airways.. image the time it even took for the police get there. She should be charged the officers who stood there and made shrewd condescending statements should be fired and tried for accessory that’s heartbreaking before Christmas his family needs to sue that place. That shit horrible

  5. This is why I don't trust White folks in law enforcement agencies or the medical field they're just racist and discriminate towards people of color.

    And majority of White folks are constantly asking why Black and Brown people call them out on racism and discrimination this is why.

    She made a comment saying she didn't know what is wrong with him but, she's a paramedic not a doctor it's not her job to find out what's wrong with him.

    The Man family needs to sue the paramedic and police department that showed up and kicked him out. It's pointless to sue the City when the City isn't at fault

  6. This makes me sick to my stomach to listen to it.😢
    I cant believe the way the people of this generation treats people.😪
    These first responders are not the type of workers to meet the need of citizens in need. They aren't very much into their work. Not at all.

  7. The care and compassion was not there. My heart goes out to this family. The lady EMT did not help him and the guy out the truck as if they did not want to touch him. They have gloves and mast. These people are heartless. No empathy at all. I hope there will be reprecautio to these cop and EMT.

  8. Why take a chance on him dying. This is horrible and so sad bit breaks my heart. That can be you, me. You love one. That ER lady needs to be accountable complaint about him. If you can deal with issues that happens in you're than quit. She is a cold hearted person. This has to change.

  9. Why didnt they call for another ambulance? or tell the police to take him to the hospital? I'm a woman – and if what she's saying is true her position is understandable – he tried to apologise by explaining why he did whatever he did. She's supposed to be a professional! Call for someone to get him to the hospital! Noone gave a shit! No-one. They're NOT even people. I wonder why that is???

  10. That EMT needs to be in jail, get sued, and lose her license and everyone involved! This is the most pathetic, cruel, rude and unprofessional neglectful response by medical staff and cops. And the cops did not enforce the law- they enforced medical neglect and committed it themselves. As a nurse- his medical distress was extremely obvious. And then no one cared right away when he dropped. If anyone doesn’t want to be sued, get a clue before you try these professions – cop or medical- and try not breathing right for a while and you will grab on to someone because YOU NEED HELP. Those people are acting like demonic morons!!! Horrific and shameful!!!

  11. Why are their faces blurred out? Could it be because they are afraid of some sort of vengeance from the public? I hope they all lose their jobs and this victim's family get a large payout!
    I do have a problem hearing any American official use the phrase ' …. that this WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN … FREE FREE 🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉

  12. Man this had me in tears , the Question is WHY was he denied ? Is it because he's POOR or is it because he's BLACK ? I can't see any other reason… ( Love and kindness is the answer ❤ )

  13. That lady emt needs to be prosecuted. She was the one going hard against him getting treatment. She even tells the police they cant take him to the hospital when he asked them to take him to the hospital

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