Mechanic Arrested For Failure to ID | Makes Case Law! – Everything Law and Order Blog

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35 thoughts on “Mechanic Arrested For Failure to ID | Makes Case Law!”
  1. UPDATE: This trial lawsuit is scheduled for Oct 21, 2024 @ 9:00 am in Huntsville Alabama, we all need to attend the Federal Courthouse steps peacefully the day of the trial with our signs held up high to SUPPORT this guy and to show we are NOT accepting this unlawful behavior from the police any longer.

  2. Saw this when 1st posted. Forgot when. But this💩s outrageous! "Lurch" sneaking up on dude & unlawfully assaulting him & the whole thing goes south from there. Talk about "wheels of justice TURNING SLOWLY"!! WHY'S DO THESE KINDS OF COURT PROCEDINGS MOVE SLOWER THAN GLACIAL SPEED??

  3. Dude keep yourr fucking mouth shut begging and pleading with them will get you nowhere and i have yet to see one of these videos where the female cop didn't have a chip on her shoulder the sze of a redwood tee

  4. I’ve watched many of these types of videos and my conclusion is we are watching an Empire in its death throes. History tells us the average lifespan of empires is 250 years or 10 generations. Tick tock USA.

  5. Some Karen who didn't know what was going on and called the cops. Cops being the entitled jerks that they are blow it all out of proportion. The cops earn the hate because they are the ones who don't understand the law. Sue the crap out of these cops. Make sure that they have to pay for this out of their own pockets. Cops will never learn until they have to pay out of their own pockets.

  6. I could understand the cops POV. They were called by the lot security guard and they find a guy who doesn't know what tf he is doing. Lets the car slam down when no wheel on it. You'd never say he was a mechanic.

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