Security Guards LOSE IT After FAILING To Deescalate! – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Welcome to Audit the Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.

This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.

Original video:

Follow-Up video:

WHY S&M DON’T MIX’s channel:


Tex. Occ. Code § 1702.232-

Tex. Occ. Code § 1702.165-

37 Tex. Admin. Code § 35.82-

37 Tex. Admin. Code § 35.5-

37 Tex. Admin. Code § 35.10-

State v. Sheppard-

Michigan v. Summers-


Navarette v. California-

Adams v. Williams-

State v. Ford-

Austin PD General Orders-


50 thoughts on “Security Guards LOSE IT After FAILING To Deescalate!”
  1. Mr. Stone was wrong about every single law. He claims that security was not allowed to tell the kid on the bike to leave. It's private property. They can absolutely tell the kid that he's not allowed to be there. Also, given his demeanor, I'm not surprised he was sprayed. He probably did get that on video, but deleted it because it was incriminating.

  2. Cant act up and start yelling at a cop as soon as he shows up on scene. That's a good way to be detained bro. Cop didnt do anything wrong. Theyre already coming in hot because the dispatcher relayed probably an irate male with a camera cussing people out. I'm a dispatcher. You can't blame the cops.

  3. But if you were assaulted, why the being put in cut regardless is what’s being said they didn’t do a proper investigation when you put them in cups and put them out when he clearly he was the victim

  4. But if you were assaulted, why the being put in cut regardless is what’s being said they didn’t do a proper investigation when you put them in cups and put them out when he clearly he was the victim

  5. These are reasons why we need to defund the phone, but this was professional and have the escalation skills and they don’t use it. You don’t need them. You can go into how many however you like right right wrong is wrong.

  6. The blue line gang will defend each other. This is the problem who defends the Tilian who was out there on the round. This is why we need that app. Wait when you’re getting pulled over for no reason you hit the button on your phone it alerts everyone around you who is it lullaby the citizens caring a firearm that will show up to the site and protect you right by any means necessary Don’t let this blue line do whatever the fuck they want that is crazy

  7. For Terry stop you need to have reasonable suspicion and to cancel somebody you need to have reasonable suspicion that they are dangerous so this man did he approach the police did he come with his gun flying? Did he come to attack? This is why I’m saying America fight back they will make up any stories. They can promote their agenda. Your agenda is to stay alive and once your cups you cannot do that you cannot protect yourself, do not let them touch you fight back if you’re innocent

  8. OK so I gave the narrator of the show a C- I do upgrade a C to the person that was video recording us to a B- only because he was being argumentative towards the cops. I gave the cops a D due to them, not arresting that security guard for assault and battery with a weapon. It looks to me like these cops were taking the security guards word over the auditor word. They basically held him in handcuffs to prove a point that that security guard and them both have authority over the auditor. I believe that not only security guard be Arrested both security guards as well as those cops that assisted that security guard should always their jobs

  9. 3 things:

    1) Private security guards are not public servants and absolutely does not have to abide by the constitution as they are private personnel and no oath was administered to them.

    2) Guard card is not for citizens to demand identification hence why in most states, the DCJS requires security officers to have name tags and identifying security company. The guard card is for employers, law enforcement or DCJS inspectors to visually/physically inspect, not private citizens.

    3) Being handcuffed does not automatically mean you’re placed under arrest. You can be detained in handcuffs if you have weapons on your person or you’re being aggressive. One of the two things have to apply to confirmed if you’re placed under arrest, an officer said you’re under arrest or you’re being moved from point A to point B unless you have to be moved for safety reasons but still detained, not under arrested.

    This guy went ape shit as soon the police officer pulled up which definitely perceived him to be an aggressor. With the misleading narratives in the 911 calls, this guy was not helping himself. I understand he got sprayed by security and can be irritated about it but again, he’s coming off aggressive from the jump when the officers arrived. I would’ve done the same thing if he walked up on me like that.

  10. "Mr. Stone" Takes things backwards and is too confrontational
    He should have called the cops, waited outside the store, then gone in with the officer and confronted the security guard and ask he be arrested.
    He also gets way too emotional, I've seen that is other vids too.

  11. The victim was really wired crazy and i get it… he was sprayed then cuffed and he did nothing wrong… but he let his emotions take over… the security guard is a pos 💩💩💩… the cops let their emotins take over as well… once they realized he was never a threat, they shouldve took him out the cuffs… they punished him for standing up for his righys…

  12. To me this looks like serious clickbait. The security guards sure didn't lose it anywhere on this video. However, the guy claiming to be the victim sure lost his mind. He is full of all kinds of misinformation about what the law requires and his highly aggressive behavior and his screaming and badmouthing everyone from second 1 makes him seriously annoying if nothing else.

  13. The guy is a tool bag. Hate dealing with people when they will not listen to why i am doing something. when a person is yelling and acting like this man, yes i am separating them from any weapon. He would not listen, and wanted to talk over and louder than others. This auditor is what gives them a bad name,

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