Corrupt Cops Arrest Pastor And GET SUED – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Welcome to Audit the Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.

This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.

Original Video:

MassLive’s Channel:



DOJ Press Release (Worcester PD Investigation)-

Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 272 § 53-

Disturbing the Peace Jury Instructions-

City of Houston v. Hill-

Lewis v. City of New Orleans-

Revere v. Massachusetts General Hospital-

Miranda-Rivera v. Toledo-Dávila-

Coscia v. Town of Pembroke-

Worcester PD Use of Force Policy-

Graham v. Connor-

Commonwealth v. Moreira-


36 thoughts on “Corrupt Cops Arrest Pastor And GET SUED”
  1. What a power tripping twerpoid. That is ridiculous. Guy did literally nothing at all. Nothing illegal. im not finished with the video but i can only pray this "cop" was fired and charged.

  2. Might I suggest drastically reducing the volume of segments that have screaming and other extremely loud noises? Particularly those loud enough that the recording microphone peaks and clips?
    Currently the body cam footage is about 3x louder than the narrator.
    Maintaining body cam and dash cam volumes at or near the same level as the narration would significantly increase the quality of the videos and can easily be done in the editing process.

  3. This one makes me sick to my stomach. They straight up trespassed a church and arrested its congregation. Any and all opinions aside about behavior and language, no legal recourse existed for it to escalate to the level it did. They had the whole city police force there.

  4. I know this is rather off topic but … I have a very dim view of religion in general. While it can sometimes help individuals with specific individual problems, "organized" religion is inherently authoritarian, fascistic, and sexist — even misogynistic. Which brings me to my point. When the video shows the reverend getting tackled to the ground, notice that horrific outfit the woman was wearing. A black, shapeless skirt that literally went clear to her ankles. There is NO fashion sense whatsoever with that kind of clothing. And this is what you always get with religion. The clothing women are forced to wear are deliberately designed to make women unattractive, to remove all semblance of fashion, to remove all semblance of identity or individual uniqueness, and finally, to ensure that women have absolutely zero sexuality or seductive qualities whatsoever. Which is why the woman's skirt in this video was shapeless, colored black, and reached all the way to her ankles. I doubt ANY woman would want to wear a skirt like that.

    And, as I've said, these ridiculous outfits are always foisted onto the women — while men are, of course, allowed to wear whatever they damn well please. What's worse is how rigidly these sexist dress codes are enforced. For instance, take the case that happened a few years ago whereby about a dozen young girls perished when their school caught on fire in the middle of the night. The girls came straggling down to the front door in a thick cloud of smoke — but the Saudi Arabian morality police would not allow the girls to exit the burning building. Why? Because the girls didn't have on their proper religious head covering. Because we all know just how much God HATES female hair and thus it must be covered at all times. In fact, the morality police literally tackled to the ground any rescue worker who tried to free a girl from the building — thus everyone stood there and watched a dozen young girls asphyixiate to death within the thick smoke. Because apparently their good, just, moral, and fair god would rather have a bunch of children die in the smoke than to appear in public with their hair showing!! But who cares anyway — they were only girls. No doubt if it had been a dozen or so boys, you can bet every last one would've been saved — and why not? God seems to have no problems at all seeing male hair. Which is rather bizarre considering just how many men go bald … right? But I think we all know it has nothing whatsoever to do with a god — and everything to do with men asserting their dominance over their women. It is incidents like what happened in Saudi Arabia that makes me despise religion – and how it is so flagrantly sexist and misogynistic.

    But also because religion … preaches hatred. The stupid female dress codes — from the atrocious Catholic 'habits' to the Islamic hijabs and burquas to the past-the-knee denim skirts and hair-in-bun dress codes of the standard American fundamentalist — they are all foisted onto women but not on the men. But … then you have the hatred and the intolerance preached in regards to homosexuals and the transgendered — all thanks to a couple of obscure passages in Leviticus and Deuteronomy — and without ANY understanding of the historical context. Never mind these are all OLD Testament doctrines. Why should we listen to them? It's just classic cherry picking — given that there is a law stating ALL adulterers are to be put to death — and yet there is massive amounts of hatred towards homosexuals whilst adulterers aren't treated any differently than a faithful spouse. Since all of this trash talk about gays and transgendered occurs in the Old Testament, does that mean we should reintroduce the institution of slavery since God condones it in Genesis 21? Or perhaps we should return to a time when we punish a rapist by making him pay $50 and must marry his rape victim — thereby the victim can be legally raped by her rapist over and over and over and over again for the rest of her life. That's religion for you. But who cares yet again. They're only women.

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