Deputy Makes a Huge Mistake | Video Released – Everything Law and Order Blog

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22 thoughts on “Deputy Makes a Huge Mistake | Video Released”
  1. Seemed the SUV had time to do some sort of reaction from the distance it was travelling from…anything. It looks as if it didn't even slow or swerve …really did nothing but continue straight on at same speed. Maybe the camera makes it look further then it really was? Such a sad way to lose your life.

  2. Yeah I don’t know about this. He held some serious restraint imo. He investigated from a distance before starting a detainment.
    He moved slowly & gave the detainee a lot of agency. He didn’t go hands on ever (which ironically would’ve stopped this from happening).

    When he fled, he took the time to announce he was tasering & was fleeing into traffic. I think there is a safety risk here, & the detainee was clearly utilising some subterfuge. If qualified immunity has to exist, I think this is a genuine case for it.

    I think there is a case for excessive force here, but I don’t know if the officer did wrong here from a reasonable standpoint. All he really has to say is he was trying to taser him to stop him from getting into the road way. I think someone running across the highway is a clear & present danger to the public.

    I’m a huge fan of this channel & Audit the Audit, but I think there are times where people need to pick their battles.

  3. I think the really horrifying part of this case is that when the man was run over, the cop first cuffed him then dragged him face down to the side of the road before incorrectly administering CPR.

  4. While researching this one i seen a statement in a CBS news update.. thought id bring it to your attention and see your thoughts on the statement made 04-16-2024 by the chief "The District Attorney determined that the deputy's actions were legally justified as he tried to stop Mr. Thompson from endangering innocent motorists. The deputy was forced to make a choice with no easy answer: act and try to stop the suspect, or stand by passively and simply hope no innocent people got hurt."

  5. So the DA dedided not to charge the officer because of information they gained on charges the could have pressed againt the kid after the cop murdered him. They decided the murderer I mean cop shouldn't be charged because if the boy hadn't died they could have pressed more drug charges as well as false ID, driving on suspended, and DUI. The video shows that he didnt bother to look, before tasing the kid, if there were cars coming or not, he clearly knew the kid would fall in the road if tased, he was more worried about handcuffing the kid than providing aid and I'm sorry but why did he stand in the road and shine his flashlight at the oncoming vehicle instead of trying to get the boy out of the road? He wanted that boy dead.

  6. Wouldn’t it be smart to have a 5 second delay on a taser Just long enough for a cop to think of the consequences of this action and to think of the reason he’s using it. You see it all the time. People hit their head, have a heart attack, etc. etc..
    The mind can think very quickly. Where am I aiming, how old is this guy?why does it look like he just got out of the hospital? And is it necessary? Are there any other ways of accomplishing this ?
    Remember, the cop still has a gun if needed.
    Tasers are being used more and more often like a new toy and you can’t have a “ do over “ . This forces cops to stop and think !
    Am I wrong ???

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