Cop Punches Mom Holding Baby – Everything Law and Order Blog

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42 thoughts on “Cop Punches Mom Holding Baby”
  1. If the officers would have given the mothers rides home IF they had been called first, why weren't warnings given and rides home offered? How many of us, our parents, our grandparents rode in cars before car seats were even known? Yet somehow, we survived! But now car seats, seat belts… All in the past were unknown, but now totally essential… ??? Also, these babies were now being taken from their mothers just to be put into state CPS or whatever custody. And foster children are all treated SO well…!!! Not to mention the days, weeks, and sometimes YEARS it can take to unravel the red tape, face case workers who only care about keeping the children for the $$ it will keep their jobs getting… All of this was totally ridiculous to start with. Not to mention the 4-6 (?) police hanging around when they could have been doing something useful! Not to mention the hatred engendered from then on, both by the mothers as well as ingrained in these babies as they grew up for ALL police! Fire them ALL!

  2. It's wrong for them to hit her. But that's the kind of things that can happen when you're so stupid that you get into a car with no lights, and no car seat, and the driver has been drinking! Come on girl, wise up! 😾

  3. I would imagine that historically these situations were more prevalent. I'd be interested how the tide changed to where we can now say it's unconstitutional. i'm sure it hasn't always been considered unconstitutional. Or let's say that the courts would take the case. Could you do a history based on court cases?

  4. I feel so bad for these women and babies. I wanted to stop them. But the babies should have been in carseats. And the cops should have given driver a fat ticket rather than taking the babies! These cops were heartless.

  5. It's a great mystery to me how cops live with themselves. There isn't a greater pool of liers, cheaters, manipulators and straight up thugs anywhere in the world. It's beyond obvious that this woman loves her child more than anything else. These tyrants are not necessary for our Republic to work. As of today the Constitution is only something that we read about.

  6. Golly gee. I have a 54 year old son and a 50 year old son, and we didn't have car seats back when they were babies. Only these chair things that hung over the front seat, not attached to anything. AND THEY LIVED!!!!! Taking a baby away from its mother is cruel and more dangerous than just driving the two of them home. People have gone nuts.

  7. Government officials are starting to realize Accountability isn't just for citizens in this country. That word has taken on a whole new meaning with some officials since cameras are everywhere and connected to the Internet. Now the public has one of the most powerful tools to fight against tyranny. Freedom is scary, deal with it!!

  8. You know if she called the officers for a ride, they would have just scoffed and put down the phone. But there's obviously more to this situation than meets the eye and the police officers know it, otherwise they would be issuing fines instead of trying to take those babies into their custody. So why are they treating these mothers this way? That first mother was scared enough that she thought she had to put herself and her baby in that car in the first place. I really think these women needed help. 😢

  9. Kidnapping child is absolutely evil. Emotional damage to child i don't understand logic these criminals. But i can say lawsuit x lawsuit. Multi million dollar lawsuit. She's said she can have someone bring a car seat.? Shes litterly begging them…. Its not only evil its demonic

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