Cops Drag Legless Driver After Wild Pursuit Crash – Everything Law and Order Blog

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50 thoughts on “Cops Drag Legless Driver After Wild Pursuit Crash”
  1. It's so funny that police officers get mad at people who do the thing the police are employed to stop. Officer, you hate the fact that this guy is the reason you have a job and treating him like that is the reason you can lose your job.

  2. Did anyone else notice @ 10:13 that there is what looks like a civilian in khaki's with black hightops on sitting in the front passenger seat of the State Troopers vehicle that they put the guy in?? Is that even legal to do? What was it bring your kid to work day to learn how to beat the hell out of a half dead nonthreatening "criminal"?

  3. Because our streets are so much safer with 10 vehicles flying through traffic then 1… juat get his plate and grab him later my god these chases need to stop its dangerous to innocent people.. we have technology and helicopters now unless they are immediately dangering people with guns actively u gotta just let them go and put your ego aside and pull up to their house later on… thats actual protection

  4. Some of these officers clearly acted like criminal thugs. Ii don't care if the guy was a drug dealer and put people at risk trying to get away. They got him and the officers cannot retaliate. It makes no sense to have criminal thugs in charge of criminal thugs. We need better officers

  5. that looks safe for the public . WOW they terrorized a highway for an hour putting thousands of lives at risk chasing someone they knew and could have been arrested latter with less risk to the public . this high speed chase crap needs to stop as police are insane and this proves my point they should not have the right to put everyones life at risk for this kinda crap.

  6. I travel this area quite often and the construction that this assinine officer is racing speeds exceeding well over 100mph southbound through, up to and over the Arkansas River just to intercept the truck is unbelievable. He then falls in and behind the driver and practices the same unnecessary behavior through residential area to perform a pit maneuver is unimaginable. He should never be allowed on public roads opporating a motor vehicle again and should be personally held responsible for all damages caused by his neglegent behavior.

  7. Given the fact that the police knew the drivet's identify, based on the video narrative, was the high-speed pursuit necessary? The patrol car's dashcam makes it appear the police officer was endangering every motorist and potential pedestrians, particularly once off the highway.

  8. Why would anyone carry all that? No chance he's selling all that in a day and has already made over 8 grand. Wherever this town is seems like both the cops and criminals are equally as dumb

  9. I noticed that the drivers get out of the way faster than most videos from other states. I guess it's normal behavior for the cops and drivers have adapted to it. They can't get fire trucks through New York streets.

  10. Many years ago they wouldnt do a high speed chase like this because of the risk to innocent people. Many years ago they didn't curse you and call you out of your name.

    There is zero professionalism for cops any more and apparently it is ok with their superiors. Im surprised they chased because they are quite concerned with their own safety.

    This is unacceptable. They should be criminally charged for this behavior.

  11. 12:32 As we only have the Dash Cam footage, and the LEOs are on the other side of the truck we can't see what they are doing to this man. From the video it sounds like they are beating on him, tazed him, and then the dragging back into view of the camera.

  12. Here’s another consideration in regards to Use of Force. Most agencies have policies when officers can/ should use Vehicle Intervention Techniques. Those policies will indicate at what speed those techniques can and can’t be used. The technique used prior to the roll-over, I can guarantee was not approved or taught. That technique was what caused Dale Earnhardt to lose control and ultimately lead to his death. The unprofessionalism displayed by these officers is an indication of a much greater problem.

  13. That's a tough one! Part of me says he deserves everything he got for all the lives he put at risk, another part of me Screams, that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and "Lady Justice" is blind! I am a combat veteran and a tow truck driver. I really do SEE both sides of this coin. I know what the Constitution and Bill of Rights says, but I also know that humans are humans. I am just grateful that no one appeared to be seriously injured in this chase. I'm sure my opinion would easily be swayed if one of my loved ones were in any of those multitude of vehicles

  14. OMG.seeing them drag him inconceivable to me. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. This is insanity. I don't care what the guy did, what those police did was criminal. They put everyone on the roads life at risk AND DID NOT CARE. Then drag a leg less man like it happens everyday. Police truly are a danger to the public. An aberration of the purpose the police were started for.

  15. Because their adrenaline is high . They honestly dont care if someone is hurt . This is demonstrated in how they throw him in the car with even looking at his legs .they make no attempt to give him any medical attention at all . This is why qualified immunity needs to be abolished. Xause then they have to act like human beings of face charges themselves . the only reason there is even qualified immunity is to keep the number of lawsuits against justice system employees and government officals down . This is ridiculous! Train your poeple in laws and how to properly act in accordance within the law . Not give them a free pass to break the law . EVERYONE NEEDS TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE. EVERYONE!

  16. Although I don't agree with cops violating the rights of citizens it's kinda hard to have sympathy for people like this having their rights violated when it's pretty obvious in the video that this guy has zero respect for the rights of everyone else out on the road that he could have potentially killed. Respect is earned by showing respect to others

  17. When cops give commands, they should firmly state the command. The excited voice, the profanity and the name calling should not be allowed. This verbal activity directly leads to the excessive force use. This is a problem of the police culture.

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