Does a Police Checkpoint on a Bike-Trail Violate the Fourth Amendment? – Everything Law and Order Blog

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24 thoughts on “Does a Police Checkpoint on a Bike-Trail Violate the Fourth Amendment?”
  1. the land of the Free.. here at least you have to show your ID but we can drink in the park a couple of beers! also police has more powers but they will not ask you easily unless there is a serious riot, unrest or some serious mass crime there

  2. This is so illegal and people shouldn't have to put up with this BS
    resistance to unlawful directives. It is so imperative that We the People unite. The woman in this video is an American hero. How do these cops sleep at night knowing everybody hates them BECAUSE of their crimes that they commit against innocent people

  3. Here is the problem with this, as it is with other like and type circumstances. "We the people" are judicial Ginnie pigs of Constitutional debate. In that, the government can enact any law that "may" or even "knowingly" violate the rights of the people in which they swore an oath to protect and defend. The government has (at current) no obligation to prove in any forum of law that what they are legislating is even lawful under the Constitutional and/or central law. California government has become experts enacting laws they know full well violates the rights of the people. They do this knowing the years, the expense, and the resources it will cost those that were forced into a position to either go broke and spend years and years defending their so called "protected rights" or, walk away and forfeit whatever right was taken or limited. Hence, the people are stripped of any particular right and forced to suffer the consequences for years of any such law. People have and continue to be jailed, suffer the abuse of police misconduct and suffer real damages as a result of this practice. What I can't understand is, when any law that is being considered that may (even at the slightest) be suspect of violating any particular right of the people, why that law does not face outside scrutiny for Constitutional compliance ensuring that the rights of the people are in fact "protected rights" and the people no longer have to suffer as opposed to: paying billions each year to regain rights that should have never been even challenged. Laws need to be enacted to force the government to ensure and prove to a people elected panel of Constitutional experts, that the laws they consider for enactment, do not violate the Constitution, and the rights of the people. This is a no brain easy to implement pre-requisite that will save billions, protect the rights of the people and force those that ignore their oath, into compliance.

  4. I know how to fix it all. Pass a law that says you have the right to compel the criminal charges brought against you in a court with a jury of your peers……. No more dropping fake charges. Lots and lots of losses for the DA's office. Overwhelmed courts. Many many payouts……the system would be forced to fix itself with such a minor change.

  5. Hi, what would of happened if say, you just happened to be meeting a person to buy there car and you had $2000.00 dollars on you? Would they keep it saying Civil Asset Forfeiture?

  6. I think I know how they thought they could get away with this.
    At sporting events/concerts they do this. They post a sign saying everybody is subject to search, and they check your bags on the way in.
    The difference: Those are private events, on private property. Not a public beach, which is part of a public park.

  7. In Lakeland Florida, years ago when the Red Light Cameras were just getting started, the city installed several. It was later discovered by a local news channel that Lakeland had shortened the yellow at at least one of those lights, "in the interest of safety" of course! But, there was no authorization by the State of Florida to collect a fine, so they made it a "code violation." And yes, they sent the "tickets" to people outside the city limits too. This scam was eventually challenged in a class action lawsuit. Ultimately, it was ruled that the City of Lakeland was indeed acting improperly. Now, you'd think they would have had to refund all their ill-gotten gains? Absolutely not. The court ruled that people who had paid these bogus "tickets" did so "voluntarily!" So this rotten city kept several million dollars.
    Many other stories too, look up their current "The Great Lakeland Electric Rebate Ripoff," by their boasting, over 1000 rebates, "upwards of $200K," which over $344K is technically "upwards." A blind lady, a grandma whose grandson was in the NICU for five weeks saying how desperately they need this rebate only to be lied to, the list goes on and on. But listen to that "Christian" Sara "I don't care about any of the victims" McCarley, "cause I'm like the mayor, if I apply for a rebate, by GOD I'd better get my money!" Their mediocre city attorney apparently believes that "Terms and conditions are subject to change without notice" is a license to swindle, hint it's not. But once again, if you can't get a real attorney to stand up for justice, the city can flagrantly violate people's rights.
    Lakeland: It's not the nicest city.
    Lakeland: It's not even a nice city.

  8. Yeah, I gotta agree. I think that's what it was was. They were getting consent, making it look like they were searching. Everybody but that man and his woman went by without being searched, so they weren't searching, everybody

  9. It is called fascism.
    Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, … Wikipedia

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