ATF Sued Here in WV Over 18-20 Handgun Ban | Update – Everything Law and Order Blog


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26 thoughts on “ATF Sued Here in WV Over 18-20 Handgun Ban | Update”
  1. According to our constitution, the ATF or any other alphabet agency has zero authority to make laws. And Congress has no right to give them that authority. It's disgusting. All alphabet agencies need to be dismantled and done away with for good.

  2. Thank you John!
    It is a verified fact that Joe Biden is attempting to use the ATF as a weapon (pun not intended) against the Second Amendment.
    A battle (no pun intended) is being fought between the ATF and the SCOTUS over RULES arbitrarily "created" by the ATF, and disguised deceptively as LAWS.
    18 to 20-yr-olds are old enough to die in wars for corporate interests, yet, can't purchase handguns for protection? ANYONE with a brain can see what's REALLY going on.

  3. Not really sure how I feel about 18-20 year olds being able to purchase a handgun. The mindset of 18-20 year olds today is not the same as back in 1700s. Seems like quite a few 18-20 year olds today seem to be very confused as what gender they are according to social media… Maybe if they are in the military, then be able to purchase one?🤷‍♂️. By the way, I'm a conservative gun owner. No way would I have wanted my son having a handgun at 18. If he did, he would have probably been in prison by making dumb decision… I'm happy to say that he's 30 now, a dad, and a responsible adult. His late teens/early 20s were a little wild. Late bloomer I reckon… Some sleepless nights for us during those times.😂😂😂

  4. You could say much the same for the thousands of retired Americans with a felony conviction for very small personal use quantities of pot. Most of these people were 'hippies' who were caught up in the massive fear of drugs that abounded in the US during the 60s and 70s. Many are retired white men, some professionals, all having endured the stigma of being a convicted felon even if they never served a day in state prison. In Texas the state law allows a felon to own a gun for in-home protection, but only in the home. It makes no provision for buying the gun and carrying it to the home, or for passing a background check, so guess where those guns get bought? At gun shows or between friends, of course, and hoping the do not get stopped and searched on the way home.

    They are not in the market for stolen guns because few of these guys would buy a stolen gun. At heart they are law abiding citizens with families and no desire to go to prison for a stupid act nowadays. But without a law that allows them to go to a gun store and buy over the counter they are stuck with limited options.
    These poor felons of many years get no notice from the NRA; it's as if they do not exist to that great protector of the Second Amendment * asterisk because they frown on people of color having concealed carry (re: Philandro Castile) and certainly have not spend a dime trying to right the wrong of a person being a felon for something that is legal in most states today.

    I sympathize with the 18-20 trap as regards handgun ownership. I am not sure anyone of that age is mentally mature enough to own and handle a handgun in this era of growing up playing violent death and murder games on the small screen. But that is for wiser heads than I; certainly the US Army sees no problem with putting an AR rifle in the hands of someone that age and sending them into harm's way.

  5. I imagine there will be a day when the majority desires the US to not be so full of firearms.
    At THAT time, the people and their corporate-owned masters can try to enact an amendment to the constitution to overturn the second amendment.
    But for now, we have it as law so governments and agencies need to deal with that fact.
    Making unconstitutional and/or illegal laws is so disgustingly common from states down to towns and school boards, as well as mystery regulations and rules enacted without political processes by government agencies (look at YOU ATF!), and our only recourse is when someone with enough spare time and money to afford justice decides to fight these things in our pay-to-play justice system.

  6. I'm glad we have people like you supporting, educating and fighting for our constitutional rights. I am supporting various groups like Florida Carry and the NRA. Thank you for what you do.

  7. In 1971 I was a 20 year old honorably discharged army veteran but according to this ATF I was not mature enough to own a pistol. Quite insulting to say the least and if I knew this I would tell the same government that in 1969 I am to immature for them to draft me and then give me a pistol.

  8. Historically, 12 year old kids were allowed to marry and we don't allow that any more, so while your argument may be legally valid may not reflect the values of the modern world. Our legal framework must be allowed to evolve and removing outdated notions is an important part of that.

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