ANONYMOUS Letter | Judge Impeachment UPDATE – Everything Law and Order Blog

Here’s the latest information I’ve received on the status of the impeachment proceedings in the West Virginia legislature, seeking to remove Family Court Judge Louise Goldston. Apparently, political pressure is being exerted behind-the-scenes. Additionally, an anonymous letter was sent to eight legislators set to vote on the impeachment.


Your help is needed!
Link to the contact info for all members of the WV House of Delegates:

Last Update Video:

Original Search Video:

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43 thoughts on “ANONYMOUS Letter | Judge Impeachment UPDATE”
  1. I know of a family court judge that shows bias against parents while lending the courts prestige to cps. If anyone knows of a texas civil rights lawyer, please send recommendations. I chronologically kept track of this nightmare along with videos and receipts.

  2. As to the pharmacy pick up by staff during working hours : assuming you can legally circumvent HIPPA regulations which I believe a court could do, it would be possible to determine who and when the judge’s prescriptions were picked up. Here in Indiana I have to sign my name when I pick up any prescription for someone else. Just an idea.

  3. Mr Bryan I have a question? I have a daughter who is now almost 23 years old. I have had the child support office on my ass every since my daughter was about 3 months old and have had them riding my ass for over 20
    years now and although my actual child support is paid off and all that is left is all supposedly interest they have tacked on and I have paid and paid and paid interest over the years and can't seem to get out from under them . They say somehow I still owe over $10,000 interest which seems nuts to me my child support is all paid off I think they're a bunch of crooks every time I do gain a little bit when I get laid off work or something it just comes right back I can't get out of the hole with them now they're threatening to throw me in jail for 6 months they've actually put in an order asking for it I'm a senior citizen now I'm out of work I have health issues I might have glaucoma I can't even try to get social security cuz every time I get off work for any amount of time I get threatened to get thrown in jail what can I do to get them off my ass? there's no way I should owe them that much money I don't know how their math works but my ex-wife isn't pushing for it she don't even get a dime of it and how they feel like they deserve any interest I don't know they've never seen a dime out of their pocket to her when I didn't send money she didn't get money so why do they get interested I don't understand how this all works but it's getting old and looks like I'm going to go to jail for 6 months and my daughter is 23 years old almost and she's got two kids on my grandfather of two kids what can I do to get off from under these people I'm so sick of them riding my ass
    Is there anything at all I can do to get them off of me it's not like my ex-wife or kids starving because of me it's not like they get a dime of it and like I said I can't understand for the life of me why they deserve any money whenever they never ever not one time taking a dime out of their pocket to give to my ex-wife or child she don't get any of that other money through them every time she ever received from me when I was working and like I said I paid my actual child support is paid so I'm sick of being threatened to be thrown in jail because I haven't paid my child support for a couple months every single time I'm out of work for just a minute there on my ass what can I do sir?

  4. Google, Judge Donna Davenport. None of the DA.'s or lawyers in her courtroom have been punished. They work in other counties now. Does a Family Court Judge's oath of office require them to defend the constitution, because they steal children over trivial "neglect" BS. while Tennesse DCS is constantly abusing children by the hundreds every day.

  5. Wow, hold the light on the bad acts going on behind the scenes. She decided the fate of children and their safety…imagine how sadistic she couldve been, covertly. Abusers side with abusers. That goes for ALL of them in the club

  6. When I Was Young And Dumb,
    (Back in the early 80's)
    I Ran With A Pretty Shady Crowd,
    One day l found myself up in South Detroit, At A Buddies In-laws place,
    After About An Hour,
    And With Steady Traffic,
    Of VERY Well Dressed Men ,
    Had Filed Thru the place,
    My curiosity Over took,
    So l asked,
    And Was Promptly Told,
    THESE Men,
    Were None Other Than,
    Seems There Was A Party That Weekend, And They Were Getting Party Supplies,
    (coke, hash, pot)
    Go figure, huh

  7. i need you… my home was invaded, literally by town 'volunteers ' that actually stuck their 'letter" on my bedroom door… in my home! that is not a traditional house….
    reported it to the local cop patty Mclaughlin in millinocket maine and was ignored….. no report on record .. I have, do not trespass signs up and.. now the cop is on leave due to another lawsuit.. don't know what to do

  8. First let's clarify, Immunity is ONLY an afforded protection embedded under the law, at the intersection of the Law where all processes and procedures clearly stated in the relevant portions of the Law pertaining to the case have been properly followed, where the word MUST is a Command to Do, the word SHALL offers discretion to redirect the matter before the court to lesser or more stringent set of laws and where the words SHALL NEVER is a clear indication of punishment to be served should voices ever rise to the heights where people are raising concerns over actions that go strongly against them all. These people adjoining in support are doing so in fear of punishment, but had the Laws been followed as they were written there would be no need to address the discipline now required for them all. The balance of justice is not an easy undertaking by people who have assumed these positions for the pure desires of control and having the power of control over others, it underminds the original concepts of freedom. They all need to be punished including a hard hit in their wallets.

  9. I'm sorry, but you can't install a backbone in a state legislator after he/she has been elected to office. It's impossible. The best you can do is to keep track of whatever misdeeds they do in office and vote against them in the next election – if you think you can improve on the choices available. THAT'S POLITICS. Always has been. Always will be.

    The entire political establishment is corrupt from top to bottom including the police, city councils, county officials, the state legislature (senators and representatives) and upwards from there. The few exceptions that reveal themselves to be "one of the boys (or girls)" are usually gone after a short time, thanks to the ones who "play the game" for their own benefit. If scattershot were used rather than a slug, few innocent people would be injured.

    Allowing her (or any other similarly guilty government employee) to resign without charges is evidence of the corruption that continues – just by the other ones remaining in office

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