SWAT Team Shoots My Innocent Sleeping Client – Everything Law and Order Blog

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38 thoughts on “SWAT Team Shoots My Innocent Sleeping Client”
  1. let me get this straight the feds allowed child porn to be uploaaded to the internet then they came after someone who downloaded it in a swat style raid ,,,,sounds like ENTRAPMENT to me why arent they going after the uploader??????

  2. The uncle was ‘Downloading pictures’, huh? I realize that had little to do with this guy being shot unjustly…. But, why are you obfuscating on what the guy they were actually supposed to be looking for is supposed to have done?

  3. He have the right to bare arms in his own home,thinking they were robbers in all black and flashlights at 5 am. They love putting their victims in handcuffs after being shot to death.. for their safety 😢😢

  4. My uncle was arrested for "illegal photos" in a similar pre-dawn raid. He had clicked on a url to a site that, we learned, the FBI maintains, which site downloads onto YOUR computer 100s of illegal photos. My aunt had just happened to have installed white-list antivirus on their computers a few days prior; there were 0 illegal photos on his computer nor had there ever been any such photos.

    NC dropped charges within a month. The Feds held him another year trying to get him to plea to accessing an illegal web site (his claim was he clicked a link in a chat room about Game of Thrones) until they sent him home the day before Thanksgiving and two days before he died of cancer

    To sum up: The FBI runs web sites that have code that downloads illegal photographs onto any computer that accesses the site without the user's knowledge or approval, and the feds will hold you in jail until you plea to anything rather than let an innocent man go.

  5. Way things are going camera companys will be some of the richest company in the whole world just about everybody will have camera's in and outside their homes and in their vehicles and on themselves as well where the recording automatically goes to the backup hardware drive just incase law enforcement officer's try to destroy the evidence

  6. Thing is, they AREN'T afraid. They're arseholes. Oh I have body armor and sub automatic weapons, and I fear for my life because you have a scary scary finishing hammer. Tell you what: I've been targeted and I'm saving up for body armor.

    Here's my idea: Legalize suicide. There's people who actually WANT to die. Point rabid corrupt cops at them. It's a win win.

    What's a Cop? Criminal with a badge and a state issued sidearm.

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