Elected – Then Arrested By Corrupt Town | Her Attorney Explains – Everything Law and Order Blog

Details: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2023/04/05/grandmother-elected-arrested-by-corrupt-city-officials/
IJ’s video on this case: https://youtu.be/bIu1s3srVWo
More about Anya Bidwell: https://ij.org/staff/anya-bidwell/
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45 thoughts on “Elected – Then Arrested By Corrupt Town | Her Attorney Explains”
  1. a circuit split… blatant corruption and abuse…

    This is one of those situations where if the court doesn't do what's right then it should be taken up by the 2a court.

  2. Total lack of respect for this lady by this whole town of tyrannical local small town government and this is disgusting and needs to be exposed for being wrong and should be fixed by the high court and everyone involved should be exposed and fired from ever being able to hold office in any town or city in America ever again this is the destructive behavior that destroys free Americans to pursue the American dream in a small town.

  3. Maybe that city should raise taxes so that they can afford two city managers. One to actually do his job and the other to answer phone calls all day from old ladies that have nothing to do in life besides complain.

  4. How the heck is a City Manager supposed to be able to return phone calls all day to petty complaints from old ladies that have nothing better to do all day than look for trivial things to complain about just so they can feel like they are justifying their existence, and still get his job done? Oh boy, do I know the type. They think the pothole at the other end of the street is the most pressing thing going on in the world. Anyone who drives around town in a car and walks outdoors with a full face shield is a looney tune, and her constituents who walk around in their own house wearing a mask despite being alone are just as bad.

  5. As the corruption increases and reaches a fever pitch, more and more people may instead prefer the disestablishing of America rather than continuing a perverted, dystopian farce.

  6. First of all – maybe I am deceiving you – check everything out by yourself
    (thats show my sincerety – which means – check it out)

    Freedom is about negotiation, Tyranny is about imposing , alwaysa has been this way.
    People gathered together and decided how they wont to live , it called policy (by the way this word perfectly preserved its meaning from Greak lenguage)
    Politics means the same as policy in gist – it is tha way we decided to live (organize our life)
    Of course people coulndt gather and decide everything all the time , therefore they could chose representatives.
    Representatives and those whou would carry out this decisions and decided order according to them.
    (pollice officers, goverment etc etc)
    All of them is a people thet only carrying out will of the people ,
    And if this guys dont listen to the request of the people (when people disagree with some desicions , i mean almost all of them) and this guys dont want to do something about it , they no longer represent the people , whitch means they should be
    replaced.(of course there should be a procedure)
    And it include any decision , regarding any law or pretty much anything.

    There is a brylliant book (as long as direct speach of a Don Huan is concerned — Books of Karlos Kastaneda,
    so Don Huan there described one dilema —
    Gardian think brodly , he is protector, but he could make more and more decision for you to allegedly protect you
    To the point when he would protect you from you (from your freedom) and he would become Prison Ward then.
    (the same goes for byble by the way – only direct speach of Jesus is make sence there , and i guess it a mere residual remnants but even this could give an idea.

    First of all he explain why he was here for us
    Comprehend the Truth and it would make you free (he came to help the people to comprehend the Truth, i would say then noone could comprehend for you , you cant exclude yourself from your comprehension otherwise you have nothing to do with it – it is as if you have sent someone insted of you on a vocation and call it – my vocation) Simple enough hah.

    Secondly he sad this – You have ears then listen , You gave you eyes then look , I would go a little bit farther and say
    – You have own consiousness – then comprehend.(noone can for you)
    And then he sad – You dont understand what you are doing.(I would add – the biggest problem not thet you dont know the Truth(how it is (to Understand something)) is you dont even try – and if you gave up completely you chance of saccess is 0 percent)
    And about 0 percent of saccess(when you dont even try and gave up completely) he sad this –
    there is no way then in the bad sort of tree would yield a good fruit. (If you have a good will/intentions maybe you wouldnt always be sucessfull but without it chance of sacess is zero – it would be evil 100 percent.)
    He sad this explicitly – people dont understanding what they are doing – they dont event try.

    And if we talking about consciousness , for now there is a cult of Mechanistic Approach when everything explained as a Mechanism(in mechanistic approach – as if it is a mechanism).
    Such a thing called a cult , exectly the thing Jesus was agaist.
    There is just the Book that you should follow , and dont understand – that is what a Ideology(cult) is.
    Just dont ask the question – just follow – all Tyrannical regimes is based on this stuff. (and blind would lead blind and both would fall into the abbyss)
    So this guys that take a words of Jesus and placed it into a book that everyone should follow (they could erase his so they decided to include residue of his words into theirs doctrine , and make his words misterious and incopmrehensible –
    and they would interprite it to you because you are so dumb that you cant possibly follow it right way , and understanding something is out of the question completely) (in other words madness)

    Now they trying to mistify Politic and Legislation.
    By the way it already been done , guess where – in RUSSIA , they just mistified politics there , it is something with what only chosen alledgedly could deal with(mistify) , and then you know the rest – there is a mad Bloody Dictator. (Emperor, Tzar …)

    In other words Jesus is for the free will and freedom (there is no first and no last – everyoune is manifestation of Primmordial mind – have the same nature , those who want to be above others make themselves beneath others by themselve,
    because others have the same nature(consciousness – prommordial mind) and if you deem your nature to be nothing who you are then – it is not that someone make you inferior , that is you yourself by themself making yourself beneath by your own actions – you woul make yourself miserable without alternative(it is what madness is))

    I digress
    About Consciousness though –
    You cant create consiousness – you could take one gearweel or on million and one it would still be a bunch of gearweels,
    there would be noone there who could comprehend (noone there)
    If we are talking about information – bunch of pebbles along the river is information too.
    Consciousness could comprehend yep but it is not an information or even layout and connections of information.
    World isnt a mechanism 🙂 .

    If we were to talk about Space it is just a theory.
    What is it then? Objects and their interactions – i talk about indivisible objects. (manifastation of primmordial mind – indivisible eternal Consciousness/Will/Primmordial mind)
    If objects interact to a high degree we call it close if to alow degree we call it far. (it is that simple)
    When we talking about places we talking about objets.
    Ruler it is just an instrument ( you could use it yes) but it isnt a foundation of existance it is just a scale (some stick with notches)

    When noone understand anything – any evil could be done by them.
    Evil is when a consciousness isnt manifested. (it is that simple) , if there is no light it is darkness then.
    You cant get rid of evil the same way you cant erase darkness , you can only add light (manifastation of Consciousness)
    And without a good Will there coulnt be a good deeds.
    those who dont want to know the Truth couldnt possibly know it. (because noone could do it for you)
    Delusion is Hell itself – you would make yourself misarable by himself , and this suffering couldnt possibly end earlier then delusion. (you are carrying suffering wherever you go , and the more severe delusion the more severe suffering would be)
    Noone would force you , you would do it to yourself.

    Those people that dont have a goodWill is a people that currently among those who responsible that this World
    in its current State.
    You cant possibly make this world a Good place by themselve but you could contribute to make this world a better place.
    Where is a will thre is a way. (you could find many ways if you have a will to comprehend them / find them)
    first of all Understand the truth (how it is)
    for exapmle how about comprehend fact of your own existance (fact that you exist) , it would be a nice start.
    Noone could possibly comprehend everything but there is a thing that absolutely crucial.
    And people that comprehended them and not would behave absolutely differently (like conscious and unconscious ones)
    thats a stark difference. (conscious people would never allow to enslave themself )

    Whan thay take away your responsibility – thay take away your freedom (you are not responsible for your life – you dont decide anything – everything is decided for you – therefore you no longer have freedom – you just gave up it)
    It is that simple. (think about it yourself)

    If we talking about existance and non existance – existance when consciousness interract with something
    and it dont exist if it doesnt interact with something. (but it always could)
    The more you comprehend , the more you consciousness , the more you responsible for your life the less
    someone could manipulate you (make you a slave)

    They always make those tales about "Chosen One" , you could do nothing chosen one would save everyoune.
    (thats so you dont actually dont contrubute to make a world a better place , dont have a GoodWill,
    there is a chosen one , you could be as ignorant as before , dont even try it is futile, only chosen one could.
    And if you dont even try (gave up completely) then your chance of succes to make a difference(hovever tiny it might be) is ZERO , zilch , non existent … — thats what they wont from you — dont do anything unless ordered — it is a mentality of a slave by the way, just in case you dont know , because only a slave wouldnt do anything unless ordered,check it out.
    And if you dont have a will and dont do anything then everything in someones elses hands(this isnt you – definitely)
    Nice life – no responsibility – No life – OOPs 🙂
    If you gave up you freedom you dont have the freedom to decide how would live and therefore how long and in which capasity.
    Everything would be done for you but you wouldnt like the result!!!!!!

    (I cant possibly write everything here … )

    And everything i wrote there is nothing if you dont check it out by yourself.
    it is Just a Road Signs – that is what the words is – just a Road Signs – just a bunch of letters.
    Only when you trod threre and have an expirience only then Road Signs is relevant (chek it out by yourself)
    You cant possibly know the Truth if you dont want to (if you arenet curious to know, if you dont want to know)
    It is just not gonna happen ever. (noone could comprehend for you)
    We could use words to comunicate only because we have similar expirience.
    We could follow some instructions , yep (to ease our life)
    But we actually comprehend – thats another question. (how conscious we are)
    In this regard each one is alone (though help is possible in terms of Road Signs) , if you have good map(gaidance) and good deeds only then you would have good results.

  7. Look I think the world of this female lawyer she is smart to the point and i hate to be the one to make this point but these trump appointed judges won't listen to her with that accent she needs to work on it or they will just prejudice her to the back again! She is 100 and 40% right but our justice system is focked up!!!!!

  8. A retired sheriff officer in Pinellas County, FL, told me that the mental health law is used instead of the laws against disorderly conduct or disturbing the peace; he said, "It's just easier." The officers do not need to appear in court and the person arrested for up to three days of observation, gets no due process; his Constitutional rights are circumvented. And a lady I know in a neighboring county was nearly arrested because she was wearing a mask with the face of the sitting president at a US Post Office; the gestapo at the door admitted her but after she waited her turn in line to mail her taxes, the clerk refused to serve her because he didn't like her mask; she is trespassed from the US Post Office in Pasco County, all without any due process. And after a school board meeting in Pinellas, a mom with her husband and kids was exiting the building with her mask not up all the way; an officer came up so close to her that she reflexively pushed back; the cop counted that as assault and threw her to the floor; she was arrested in front of her children and kept in jail over night; now she is trespassed from the school board building. Who needs criminals when you have law enforcement and governments like this?

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