Tyrant Texas police arrest man for walking in snow – really! – Everything Law and Order Blog

Police in Plano Texas arrest a man for walking in the snow trying to make it home. Yes. Really

All charges have been dropped and all of the officers got bonuses (probably)

The police charged him for crossing the road. There’s no crime for walking in a road you can’t see where no traffic is even remotely near.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


36 thoughts on “Tyrant Texas police arrest man for walking in snow – really!”
  1. Cop: Please just stop and talk to us.
    Citzen: NO!
    Cop: You're officially detained for hurting our feelings by not wanting to talk to us.

  2. Cops pushing on him: I'm just trying to get your attention.
    Cop accidentally gets pushed: "You're not free to go because you're pushing on a cop."

  3. I hope he pursues legal action. That will be a good payday for him. Imagine if the public realized how much of their tax money is being spent on lawsuit settlements the Police would no longer get this free pass to be tyrants.

  4. These Officers are fucking CRAZY and need to be fired and imprisoned immediately!!!! This is probably one of the worst cases of tyranny I have ever seen!! From a welfare check to arrested, unbelievable. This gentleman wouldn’t have any problem at all finding council to represent him because Helen Keller can tell this is a slam dunk civil rights violation!!!

  5. What department is this.fking ridiculous. They need to be off the streets. Turn in the badge n gun. I need a phone number to call n complain

  6. Brother was doing nothing wrong. They completely escalated the situation. Charges dropped, but I hope this guy sues them. If he has a go-fund-me I be droppin him a bill or two!

  7. Pay ATTENTION People… you are the proletariat… you will Shut Up, OBEY, and PAY! The Government is an Equal Opportunity Oppressor… Your Race & Life does not Matter! You are Non-Essential Deplorables! Blue EGOS Matter!

    It is NOT about Racism… it IS Control-ism, Extortion-ism, Ruling Class-ism, Rule of Law-ism! They go after the low hanging fruit… We the People!

    The Cops don't give a rats ass what color you are… they are Tyrants and Thugs that are Above the Law! They have “Qualified Immunity” and a "USE of FORCE Policy" that says they can do whatever they want! The Black and Brown communities are an easy target! The Cops have the Power, Equipment, Resources, and Narrative to Destroy your Life and Steal your Property! They don't care about color… it is all about stats for the Ruling Masters! Follow the MONEY… who Benefits!

    The Sheeple need to take a hard Look at the REAL Enemy… the Government, Big Tech, MSM, & their Enforcers! They steal your Freedom and Liberty, your money, your property, your privacy, your dignity, your future!

    You are NOTHING but TAX CHATTEL! Everything is Illegal and is used as a vehicle for "Rights" Violations. YOU are nothing but a Government ATM… Follow the MONEY! Stefan Molyneux – The Story of Your Enslavement – https://www.freedomain.com/videos/

    Privacy: Who Needs it (Stossel) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BW3Kmw6-huI&feature=youtu.be

    No Knock Warrant Fail – Cops Hit Wrong House – Qualified Immunity Saves Them – Earning The Hate (Rick) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTUEbL3uut0

    Naomi Wolf: The Constitution Isn't Suspended Because of a Pandemic (PragerU) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlziG1pGNNc

  8. These cops need to lose their job on this one. They created everything that was wrong in this video. Lets be honest on this one, he was being followed because he is black, not because they were concerned about his safety walking in the street (in the snow). If you were really concerned about his safety you would have acknowledged that he was ok when he said he was ok and not follow him on foot in a dark alley. I hope he retains a lawyer on this for his civil rights were clearly violated

  9. police are the legal criminal eh……Police are policy pushers for the Politicians ……they're not here to serve n protect…they are here to enforce slavery….They are slaves enforcing slavery upon other slaves…that's the real world man!

  10. I wonder for how long we have to look at these what the fuck video's before something happens that this is over?

  11. I hope this kid, (if he lives the night!) wins a million dollar settlement and these cops end up working as sewer maintenance, w/o masks, till they drop!

  12. WE the PEOPLE have a right to defend ourselves against BANDITS and BLUE LINE GANG MEMBERS!
    Restrain those POS's. Sidewalk was completely covered /snow.
    HATE . HATE. HATE. HATE. HATE. HATE. I'm 70 and never been arrested.
    Last straw on this good citizen's back. Earning the HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE.
    Try to do that to me, you POS bored Tyrants. HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE
    Making enemies of Conservatives, like me and others is a very, very dangerous move, BLUR POS's!!

  13. These WELFARE checks hurt and kill more citizens than they help.
    Earning the hate!
    2A 2A 2A 2A MILIIA To arms!
    Not a threat but a CONSTITUIONAL Promise!

  14. 0:43 “you NEED to talk to us ok”. Misconception number 1. In no situation ever do you NEED to talk to a police officer. But almost every cop in America seems to be educated otherwise. The only way to stop a bad officer with a gun is a good guy with a gun.

  15. This is terrifying. They were going to criminalize walking home in snow regardless of whether he stopped or not. It’s one thing if you’re driving and get pulled over. This is insane. Notice how they immediately began rifling through his bags. They had no reason to detain him much less arrest him.

  16. Stupid cops! The guys walking home, my son is 39, and wears shorts all the time, we live in Buffalo! No cops bother him..trouble making cops!

  17. This is the same situation repeated over and over that is causing the Divide in this country. I'm not anti-police but goddamn police are way out of control and we should be worried about the future of our children and grandchildren when it comes to police interaction. somebody in the higher ups needs to do something before it's too late

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