Cop Is Fired and Arrested After This Lawsuit – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Welcome to Audit the Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.

This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.

Original video:

KVUE’s channel:



Criminal court records (Cases 21-0823-K368 and 21-0824-K368)-

State Domestic Violence Laws-

Tex. Crim. Proc. Code. Ann. § 14.03-

Tex. Crim. Proc. Code. Ann. § 5.01-

Tex. Crim. Proc. Code. Ann. § 5.04-

Georgia v. Randolph-

State v. Greene-

People v. Higgins-

Graham v. Connor-
Darden v. City of Fort Worth-

Follow-up interview with Hernandez:

IACP outline:

IACP Model Policy:


43 thoughts on “Cop Is Fired and Arrested After This Lawsuit”
  1. 1st cop, tell me what happened to your neck. Your neck. What happened to your neck? 2nd cop, grabs her by the throat and throws her on the ground.
    Hmmm, who's on camera abusing the victim?

  2. Unbelievable that cops coming to protect a woman decides to put his hand around her throat and throw her to the ground in order to keep her safe! This is why no one should call the police to “help“ because that is not their objective. Their objective is to unlawfully detained, bully, and abuse anyone they can, even victims. I doubt Hernandez was even decertified and this probably still out on the street harming people.

  3. Hernandez es una vergüenza para todos los latinos.
    La violencia contra una mujer víctima de violencia doméstica.
    Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law.
    Hernandez beating a woman who is the victim of violence is a crime.

  4. I was arrested in 2001 for "domestic violence" in florida and was told by the arresting officer that it wasn't up to my girlfriend but mandated by the state that they "had to take someone to jail", is this true? And if not, do i have any right at such a long time, being 23 years later to press charges against the state?

  5. Major instructive moment here. Jackass cop aside, the presumption here by everyone including AtA is that the female was the victim of the reported original heated (perhaps violent) exchange. There was no evidence (scarcely) of this…..and it might’ve been the missing male (if she was in a heterosexual relationship) who was either the victim or the recipient of injury. While to a lesser degree, females are frequently perpetrators of aggressive exchanges, too. Assuming crime like this is gendered or racialized from the jump is entirely improper.

  6. "we're here to protect you from physically abusive men"

    There really isn't a situation the police can't make worse.
    There's a lot of shtick female officers get, but I think she was handling it well up until then, showing genuine concern and compassion at what might go through her mind.
    But that officer, grabbing a girl by the throat to allegedly protect her from someone grabbing her by the throat is a new level.

  7. UPDATE: The case was settled for $200,000. Unfortunately, that POS tyrant cop only lost his job. He received no jail time, and the assault charge was dropped. What that Nazi did was unfathomable, physically and verbally assaulting a victim of domestic violence. That young lady was choked to unconsciousness, only to be assaulted by a cop sworn to protect her.

  8. Geez, no wonder the victim doesn't trust the police. I cannot fathom why Hernandez thought that – grabbing a VICTIM by the neck and then victim blaming HER for his behavior – was fine. He is truly an idiot. I hope he goes to jail and loses his certification.

  9. County paid her $200k and he got an conditional suspended sentence of 1 year (he has to complete certain requirements for him not to go to jail). The notable thing for me is that the previous Sheriff (named Chody) did an internal investigation, then suspended him for 1 day and then promoted him in 2 months!

  10. Mr. Hernandez gave himself away when he talked about "circumstance y'all put yourselves in, and y'all make us have to deal with those issues. Ok." Mr. Hernandez is a man who believes women bring abuse on themselves, and who believes that violently assaulting the victim of alleged violent assault is not only the good, right, and proper thing to do, but that it's her fault for "forcing" him to do it.

    Classic abuser language and mentality—precisely the kind of people departments recruit, train, promote, and protect. Did it occur to you, Mr. Hernandez, that people don't call police for help precisely >because< people like you >will< violently assault them in the pursuit of your "righteous" cause? That you're every bit as much the problem as the alleged domestic abuser?

    Officers like him (and his silent partner, who never once intervened on the victim's behalf) are why people increasingly mistrust police to do anything but make a bad situation worse. I'm glad they eventually got around to firing/charging Mr. Hernandez, but that came >only< after first protecting him, then promoting him—presumably for precisely this style of policing. Unacceptable.

  11. Police have no obligation to look out for our safety. As soon as she says shes fine, doesnt want to talk to them it should have ended right there. Just my opinion. And the Karen nieghbors who called need to mind their own damn business.

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