Scientology’s Suspicious Deaths: Murder in the Church? | True Crime & Religion Documentary – Everything Law and Order Blog

We investigate three cases of deaths of Scientology members. We find incomplete police investigations, suspicious circumstances and family members who are convinced there is more to the deaths of their loved ones’ than meets the eye.

Scientology is one of the world’s most controversial and secretive religions. Famous followers extol its virtues but a series of suspicious deaths brings into question its treatment of its members.

A look at the dark side of a new but powerful religion.

This documentary was produced by NTV and directed by Markus Thöß & Harriet Kloss. It was first released in 2014.


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26 thoughts on “Scientology’s Suspicious Deaths: Murder in the Church? | True Crime & Religion Documentary”
  1. If he didn’t do the courses they would come after him and destroy him another way. This is the fate of the targeted individual. A person could be a witness to a crime or there’s some other reason for their elimination. The cult is smoke and mirrors to prevent anyone from linking to the real reason a person has been targeted and it has nothing to do with participating in a cult. I was targeted and at 19 years old someone came to me and said “you have something coming to you in # years. You are going to be soooooo confused, you aren’t going to know WHATS happening to you.” My life got very difficult, I was terrorized and the man I was told by a “psychic” is my soulmate treated me poorly and abusively until I realized this man was set to target and do me harm. I’ve decided to go to a lawyer and the FBI. I have so much information and remember so many sneaky things done to me that they’re going to so shocked with the information on them and that someone finally caught them.

  2. Please don't blame Clearwater, FL for the church's actions. Local papers have been trying to blow the whistle on mysterious deaths since the 80s. I grew up in the area and vividly remember the articles and knew from a young age how bad the church is. As teens we would drive through the area just in awe of the people in polos and khakis everywhere. One of the housing apartment complexes actually has barbed wire around it, facing INWARDS. This means it was to prevent people inside from getting out. The buses to work go in and out each day and their every movement is followed. Children and teens are held apart from their parents, sometimes in old, falling apart motels the church bought, to keep the families from leaving together. So the parents can't leave the church with their children. Basically, whole families held hostage by threats, separation, and even "disappeared" by the church. Often kids are moved among different bases and the parents have no idea where they are. I went to school with kids that somehow miracualously escaped. When I was 17, we had a "famous" next door neighboor that was a member. His father is one of the 3 tenors and he also performs. Because of his celebrity and wealth, he is an upper member, so basically free, like Tom Cruise and such. They don't believe in punishing their kids, and let them make their own decisions, even as toddlers. This included running free in the swampy area around our house and pond, that both had many aligators that would eat small animals. They also don't believe in mental illness, and condemn people for taking medications. I once saw his wife questioning another neighbor (the rest of us aren't in the church) about a bag she was carrying inside her own house from her car from the pharmacy. She was telling the neighbor that she shouldn't take meds and that the church could help her not take any (including tylenol, OTC meds). It was crazy. I have insane stories, because I babysat their daughters quite a bit. It's still very sad to me that the kids were basically brainwashed and I couldn't help them. They were just toddlers when I watched them. In the 80s, in Minnesota, the church tried to recruit my aunt that was in hard times, and my mom tried to tell her not to. Those members found out and came and threatened my mom to stay out of her own sister's business. My aunt was living with my parents at the time. After the threats, my aunt believed my mom, so narrowly avoided being sucked in to the church. By chance, my dad was relocated for work, and we ended up living in the city right next to Clearwater. My husband grew up in Clearwater, and lived there til we were married in 2007. Most people, businesses, schools, etc. in Clearwater are not church members. I hate that Clearwater has been stuck with the Scientology repuatation. However, the non-church members in the area, at some point do our best to hinder the church and its operations.

  3. Does Scientology's FAIR GAME policy say murder is prohibited? Or does it say that anything can be done to whoever they label a bad person? THE OPEN DOOR TO SCIENTOLOGY'S MURDERS.

  4. Thank Allah SWT this cult doesnt exist in my country Bosnia and Hercegovina 🇧🇦 someone try to open terrorist Gülen school in my country and peaple was against very hard against this cult or sekt and they shot down after few days after opening but Scientology evel cult is big and spread mostle in Christian countries like in this case Germany.

  5. The Bible says peace they really mean war. And when they say freedom they really mean captivity. Everything they say is the opposite. They're not on a quest to save the world. They're on a quest to enslave the world. They use the same promises and trinkets that Satan tried to use on Christ in Matthew the 4th chapter. The Church of Scientology is the Church of Satan. It'll be the worst mistake you die trying to get out of.

  6. AWFUL people, they try and scare to say they have people working everywhere not in scientology buildings but in councils and police so no wonder reports go a miss or documents get changed especially when it comes to fraud they even say don't tell people your scare them as if they need to be kept secret even more they need to be banned.

  7. Great documentary except for a number of inaccuracies. 10 years ago I found Scientology and it changed my life. I had been going through years of waiting for Jesus to save me but Scientology taught me to take control of my thoughts and energy. It changed me from being a scared, incompetent person who couldn't keep a job to one who took the decision that I am in charge of my life. I have been in the same job for six years and thriving. What Scientology has always known the rest of the world is now only touching on. For example, all is energy. You are a ball of energy and you control that energy with thoughts, emotions and past programming. Once you recognize this you have power over yourself and circumstances. It is possible to rid yourself of past programming but it takes work and you must be willing to do the work. The e-metre measures your body's energy and this is not fake. Scientists in recent years have invented very sophisticated machinery to measure the body's energy. The less energy the body has, the more illness is present. The more energy, the better health the subject is in. Scientology cannot be blamed for death. Everyone dies at some point. We die when we die. There is nothing we can do about that. No-one gets out alive. Once your earthly mission is complete, you leave your body behind. No matter what you believe or not, you will die.

  8. Oh wow, haha for real, this is whats behind dianetics? I really have a wide smile, after seeing the "machine" not sure what they call it. But I know it as a quantuum unit, it is true our frequencies on all levels can be "read" and that knowledge can be used in various ways, it can also pick up frequencies around us. If the world wasnt in the situations it is, I would definitely loudly let this be known, there was an actress who was in dianetics faces, even claiming that the leader of this church's wife was missing. 😂 This can be used for good reasons and also the worst of the worst.

  9. The guy that started this "Cult" was nothing more than a science fiction writer. He was also living in a boat and not in any specific country due to some bad things he did. This cult wants nothing but your money and blind devotion. The wife of the head guy hasn't been seen for years, their followers aren't allowed to seek medical attention for any illnesses, just look at Kirstie Alley, she died from cancer, and apparently you are supposed to pray the cancer away, same with John Travolta's wife, Kelly died from cancer. This thing is just bad all around. I am not against religion, however I am against religions that don't allow people freedom, or the ability to seek medical help when needed.

  10. STop @5:29 "Science Fiction writer" thats all that has to be said except he was a SHITTY sci-fi wtrier Dynetics was all a ponzi sceam wraped with bad sci-fi Who said this "The way to make a million dollars is to start a religion."

  11. Why do they not sue the "church" for the fraud or say they didn't actually complete the work they had been paid to do as they provided the invoices that they were paid for work they have a obligation to do said work or give it back at the least! SUE THE SHIT OUT OF THEM!!!

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