What Happened at Today’s Video Depositions of “Creepy Search Cops” – Everything Law and Order Blog

Today three of the defendant police officers in the “Creepy Cops Search Case” were scheduled for video depositions. I guess I found out why they wanted to avoid it. Here’s what happened…..

Yesterday’s video about their motion to restrict my channel: https://youtu.be/4DoUCL-LIEg

Motion Posted at Link: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2022/09/19/creepy-search-cops-ask-federal-court-to-restrict-my-youtube-channel/

Last update video: https://youtu.be/xkb7qXFh4qA

Video to submit? https://forms.gle/HmwnDQKvwvYPxe967

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NOTE: We don’t condone threats or violence of any kind. If you are upset or outraged by acts of government misconduct featured in this video, we encourage you to utilize lawful means of expression, including becoming involved in the political process, as well as seeking accountability through the judicial system.


39 thoughts on “What Happened at Today’s Video Depositions of “Creepy Search Cops””
  1. Hope you go after the FBI to. Thug cowards that got caught hiding behind thier qualified immunity. And trying to use the system to cover it up how can they say by letting the tapes out would endanger them ? What about the people you endanger ? What if they where home when you broke in and they defended themselfs ? You would of gunned them down and claimed officer safty if you aint done nothing wrong why do you and your unions and everybody else that we pay for want to hide it ?

  2. For decades, qualified immunity has protected law enforcement officers and other government officials from being held accountable when they violate people’s constitutional rights.

  3. The cops arw trained to lie, manipulate, and cover up any wrong doing and the government has made it so they rarely if ever get charged unless they need them to be charged for political purposes. It starts at our government and trickles down, thats what people forget. Laws were created to enslave the people, not help us. Law enforcement was created to oppress and force the law upon you, but are exempt when they violent those laws. Same with our government, the justice system employees the rich and anyone they either are being paid by to look the other way, or if it benefits the government.

  4. I call all government one or more of these words:

    meddlesome; intrusive in an offensive manner: She’s an officious woman who makes a nuisance of herself.

    mis·fea·sance (mĭs-fē′zəns)
    Improper and unlawful execution of an act that in itself is lawful and proper.

    mal·fea·sance (măl-fē′zəns)
    Misconduct or wrongdoing, especially by a public official.

    non·fea·sance (nŏn-fē′zəns)
    Failure to perform an act that is an official, contractual, or professional duty.

    ob·scur·ant·ism (ŏb-skyo͝or′ən-tĭz′əm, əb-, ŏb′skyo͝o-răn′-)
    1. The principles or practice of obscurants.
    2. A policy of withholding information from the public.
    a. A style in art and literature characterized by deliberate vagueness or obliqueness.

  5. Thanks to this video, these creepy cops have been exposed. Pleading the 5th in a civil trial will not help them. In times past, there were wanted posters on display in the post office. I think these guys have earned that right.

  6. there can't be any change and will never be any change in the abuse,racism,brutality, extra judicial k!llings,hate crimes by police since these are sponsored by state.
    It's the core of establishing police criminal enterprise.

  7. HOLDUP,,,, if you are being interrogated by the police, and you take the 5th, and don't answer questions, they assume you are guilty. BUT if they do it, it's acceptable? BULL 🐂 💩💩

  8. Why would they answer? They know what they did was illegal. Answering questions about it would only make things worse for them.
    The old saying comes to mind. "It's better to say nothing and appear a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
    Keep shining the light of truth on these folks. It makes them scurry for cover!

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