WV Judge Pulls Gun in Courtroom – “and Then it Got Weird” – Everything Law and Order Blog

A dozen or so people sent me this media story over the weekend involving a West Virginia judge who has been accused of pulling a gun in his courtroom, mocking the “man purse” of a Texas lawyer’s ex-CIA private security contractor, and otherwise treating her abusively and unfairly. It was first published in the Daily Beast, and also was published in the WV Record on Friday. Now it’s even made the Daily Mail. This involves West Virginia state court Circuit Court Judge David Hummel, in the small town of New Martinsville, in Wetzel County, West Virginia, who presided over a trial regarding gas royalty payments to landowners back in March, being tried by a Texas corporate attorney, Lauren Varnado. She is apparently the source of the allegations. Despite this going viral in the national news, I’m going to point out something to you that I think they may have overlooked. More on that in a minute.

Read more: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2022/07/18/wv-judge-pulls-gun-in-courtroom-and-then-it-got-weird/

ETA: for some reason the end portion was cut-off on upload. While I try to remedy that, the Facebook version has the full video: https://fb.watch/emqkmtitvS/


39 thoughts on “WV Judge Pulls Gun in Courtroom – “and Then it Got Weird””
  1. Watching Some Of Your Older Videos I Watch Shaking My Hade In Disbelief On How Corrupt And F##KED UP W. V. Truly Is Who Do You Go To Beside Yourself When Your Constituional Rights Are Violated? In Todays Corrupt Era We All Need To Cary A Video Camera Of Some Sort Because Without Documentation You Don`t Have A Chance The People With Badges And Guns Say Oh We Are Videoing Everything So You Don`t Have To, They Don`t Care They Will Still Kick Your Ass While You Are Handcuffed. People Know Your Rights It`s A Matter Of Life Or Death.

  2. Gotta love a judge that’s an outlaw and let’s you know he’s a wildcard that doesn’t play by society’s rules.
    He doesn’t need or trust his court deputies to handle violence, he’ll personally also be security.
    He also doesn’t care for sissy Nancy boys and he’s gonna send a message to people he perceives as less capable and weaker than him by aiming a gun at them.
    Good judge.
    Good judgment

  3. Judge Hummel is is not a good judge six years ago. We come up against him for oil and mineral rights and he stole them right out from underneath us went to lawyers as soon as they heard Judge Hamill they told us the best thing was to forget about it they say all dogs has their days well looks like Judge Hummels days caught up to him

  4. Your videos would be better if you actually showed the video while talking about it- rather than reading your notes from screen!! There’s no interest to captivate viewers with this format seen in this video…

  5. A imaginated this corrupt judge of old western times with his 45 Colt short barrel preacemaker vislble on his desk,as telling lawyers This gun makes a dfifference in heaviness against all the heavy authority of law.I am the law ! Vae Victis !

  6. Maybe regular drug testing for judges is not a bad idea. They have great power and responsibility. Why is it that if someone has a law degree and a few political connections we are made to assume he is of sound mind and good judgement. America is having a huge opioid crisis affecting millions and we are to believe that sitting on the bench makes you somehow immune?

  7. It look like he set the gun on a book or something similar, which would bring it over the edge of the front of the bench. Personally, regardless of his excuses, there was no reason to pull his gun out in court (unless he was trying to intimidate someone. From a few things I’ve seen about this judge he is an egotistical person that like to throw around his power (in court). He like to influence witnesses (mostly children) in cases. He places himself in ways a judge should never do….. never show a gun in court, never influence witnesses…. A Judge’s presence should only be noticed at certain times…. At the beginning of the case/day, during objections/discussions at the bench, the ruling/judgement and maybe a few other times. Other then that a judge should be focused on testimony ad evidence pertaining to the case. Sorta hyper focused. But this judge seems to want to be noticed and have other’s/lawyers aware of his presence and power. Almost like a bully. He’s definitely not a good judge or professional in any way.

  8. It will get swept under the rug, prosecutor will drop the ball because he's in bed with the judge, judge will not take responsibility and show his dishonesty. System is showing its corrupt to the core.

  9. Be a good scene in a movie. And, I holistically believe that is the problem today… too many folks enamered with Hollywood, living in their heads and entertaining fantastic ideas that don't play out well in real life.

  10. I bet you a baker's dozen even if those lawyers were sitting down a judge sitting in that seat drawn his weapon out and sitting it on his desk would be highly visible to everybody in that room, watch the gavel

  11. I have zero sympathy for “gas company lawyers” as my home town is no longer in existence because of people just like them, so my prayers that someone would kill the gas attorneys will go unanswered today. In 1996 my hometown of Lybrook, New Mexico was sold to Williams Services. They sold off the pensions, kicked everyone out the town and bulldozed everything. The best part was that my dad does automation and he was the last person they “let go” before and the one day to fault siren went off and our phone rang, they had already removed every other family from the town, the plant has shut down do to unknown faults. I answered the phone and they begged me to talk to my dad. I asked my dad if he wanted to talk to them, he just said sadly “hang ups the phone son”. I hung up the phone and that plant sat with broken automation for almost a full year.

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