These Cops LOSE IT Over A Simple Question – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Welcome to Audit the Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.

This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.

Original video:

Auditing America’s channel:


Information on Capitol Building and Capitol Police-

Ga. Code § 35-2-121-

Ga. Code § 50-16-14-

Ga. Code § 50-9-9-

Ga. Code § 35-2-122-

Ga. Code § 50-16-16-

Ga. Code § 16-10-24-

Edmonds v. City of Albany-

Supremacy Clause-

Constitution; Article VI-

Marbury v. Madison-

Chandler v. Miller-

City of Indianapolis v. Edmond-


33 thoughts on “These Cops LOSE IT Over A Simple Question”
  1. The trooper's facial expressions, and the degree to which he takes himself seriously, are laughable. I get the feeling that if were asked, at a cocktail party, what he does, he would adopt these same expressions and say "I guard the STATE CAPITOL, damnit!"

  2. I’m all for auditing but as someone who worked Entry Control Points and Traffic Control Points on bases and in government buildings you cannot just walk into CERTAIN government buildings without an ID. If you must present an ID you won’t be let in without one that’s just it.

  3. Stop calling these people auditors, they have many arrests, criminal convictions for harassing, provoking, deliberately causing confrontations with police and public employees for YouTube clicks. They are not press, not journalists, not writing a story, have little knowledge of the constitution.

  4. If an ID costs money, and an individual has previously paid taxes to the government, I would argue that requiring an ID to enter a publicly accessible building is unreasonable. What about homeless individuals seeking services or information who likely don’t have ID?

  5. Understand that all of the amendments written in the US Constitution are to be obeyed, and to better understand the legal rights of US citizens and government employees such as police. Members of law enforcement with just physical training to enforce the law but with very limited knowledge of the law. Although police officers don’t have to know the law they can only hear the two sides of the story or to have have articulated that the law has been broken to make an arrest. The prosecutor and defense lawyer will present the case before a judge or a jury and then reach a verdict or guilty or not. The police itself can’t find you guilty or not.
    Even well educated lawyers has to counsel the law to make sure they are giving their clients the right advise. Never listen to a bunch of drunkard friends telling you what you like to hear but then when you go to court you’ll find a completely different version of what someone told you. I only listen to my attorney and if I am not happy with a lawyer I go find another one. Or if you have any doubts about some laws all you has to do is council with your local law library. True some cops go on power trips and violate people’s constitutional rights unaware that such conduct could cause their job and law suits.
    Now with the new world of in line and so many law suits filed against police, some auditors used their cameras as fishing pools, go out fishing for some dumb cops who do not know the law so that we can sue them and get a juicy check wrote up by taxpayers.
    It doesn’t matter how old the cop is. A Chicago Lieutenant Millano, 27 years in the force and doesn’t know the law. A young lawyer took this tyrant apart who concentrated more in his drink that the questions he was asked. And the tyrant still have a job at CPD.
    If I was a cop, I will be more concerned in arresting, drunk drivers, thieves, child molesters, rapist, murderer than been behind 10 more cops entertaining an auditor who knows his rights
    and is there just waiting for a salmon to bite the hook.

  6. There are auditors and there are those who claim to be auditors for “Views & Clicks”.
    An audit who is antagonizing another person and aggressively provoking another to illicit an emotional response is themselves ignorant and incompetent. Rendering the Audit void and useless

  7. In what way is “ensuring public safety” a reasonable exception to an innate human right? I heavily disagree with the courts on their ruling here. It is neither an expectation of, nor the responsibility of the government to provide citizen safety from potential domestic threats, or from the individual and freely chosen actions of another free citizen. The responsibility for government action starts at the point in which the choices of one person violate the rights of another.

    Violating rights in order to prevent the violation of rights is wild.

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