Police Officer Michael Amiott Fired, Rehired, Sued, and now Prosecuted Live – Everything Law and Order Blog

There’s a jury trial in Euclid, Ohio this week where Euclid police officer, Michael Amiott is being prosecuted for a use of force incident following the 2017 traffic stop of Richard Hubbard. Amiott is charged with two counts of assault and one count of interfering with civil rights. Cell phone video showed the officer repeatedly punching Richard Hubbard after he was pulled over for an unspecified moving violation. The entire trial has been live streamed on Youtube by WKYC and some of the testimony has been interesting. This is what we’re dealing with by the way, in the mission to obtain some accountability where citizens are violently victimized by the government.

Read more and links: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2022/07/28/police-officer-michael-amiott-fired-rehired-sued-and-now-prosecuted-live/


39 thoughts on “Police Officer Michael Amiott Fired, Rehired, Sued, and now Prosecuted Live”
  1. So this thug cop is arrested and prosecuted AFTER the police department rehired him? That says volumes about the willingness of police departments to purposely and callously hire criminal cops, put them back on the street where they can victimize other citizens and not think twice about it.

  2. 05:17 – Officer knees the guy instead of punching him, knowing that he has a backup gun attached to that ankle. Why didn't he punch him or knee him with the other leg (if force was justified)? Because he is a violent sadist who wanted an excuse to beat this man nearly to death.

  3. You don't need to make fun of accents and haircuts to try and make your point. You're better than that. Some of us with the same accent and haircut are your subscribers and believe in your cause. You should know better living in WV given the history of people taking cheap shots at the residents there based on assumptions and stereotypes. I'm very disappointed.

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