Arrested for Singing in Public – Everything Law and Order Blog

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This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.

Original video:

ThisIsButter’s channel:


Saia v. New York-

Cinevision Corporation v. City of Burbank-

Ward v. Rock Against Racism-

Ga. Code § 16-11-39-


39 thoughts on “Arrested for Singing in Public”
  1. I love how cops think that just because they tell you to move on, that you actually have to. You don’t have to listen to anything a cop says if, you aren’t the subject of what they are investigating.

  2. I can see why black people think they are being targeted especially in communities of a larger black population but from what I’ve seen some police dept. do this across the board even to the elderly. It appears to be more how a particular police dept is run than race.

  3. Honestly, I think we need to force private businessed to uphold our rights because once you clock in.. your rights are null and void or you are fired. So if you work 8 hours thats 8 hours no rights, if you sleep thats 8 hours no rights, u get 8 hours left and then even then they are violated.. so when do we get to use our rights… when… the whole system is jank

  4. 7am and midnight? so like early in the morning when its quite he can sing so he can be slapped with disturbing the peace or something.. who the hell allows these laws.. those people need prison for life

  5. Wait…. The city ordinance said the dude couldn’t sing from 7am till 12 midnight? So he’s free to sing anything he wants from midnight to 7am? I’d abuse the shit out of the wording of that law. THERE’S NO SINGING AT THE NORTH POLE!!!

  6. Against the law to sing between the hours of 7 AM and 12 MIDNIGHT.
    Unless my math is wrong, that's 15 hours. Shouldn't it read from MIDNIGHT to 7 AM?
    Otherwise, We would be entirely free to sing, out loud, from MIDNIGHT to 7 AM!

  7. Did you see the look on her face when he told her her son was seen walking down the street screaming profanities?? DID NOT bother her in the slightest… Didn't even cross her mind something like that is not normal. According to her that's just what black people do… That is why she said he was arrested for "walking while black" 😅 Any time I see somebody doing that walking down the street I think, "Look at this clown… I wonder why anybody would do that? Like, is he hoping that a record producer hears him or something??And he gets signed right then and there? 🤣

    This is a PERFECT example of why they can't raise their children right and why
    people wonder why any normal human being would look at something like that walking down their street and have a problem with it. It's like, Listen kid I get it, Your ENTIRE culture has to put on this persona of being a Bad ass to others. Don't tell me it's not, Because that's WHAT RAP IS!! 💯 Basically a dude somewhat rhyming to you, telling you how they think they're the sh*t. There is no valor in rap music, It's all about being the grimeiest person you could be. But still have this "Look at me shinin" attitude…. But that'll get you nowhere in the real world, just in your own world. 🤷‍♂️ Tell me I'm wrong

    My father would have rightfully kicked my ass if he heard that I was doing that…. He would have told me to act like a normal human being and don't allow people to think that you're trash from your childish actions. But that's what this lady WANTS for her son! It's actually pathetic, yet you see it more and more. (Well…Just not from my house) 🏡

  8. I sorta wonder if it might have been better for him had she NOT come to the scene and become involved, just to see if they would have then arrested him on the "original charges" which might have offered him a much larger lawsuit payment or settlement since he would have been arrested instead of ticketed.

  9. That law about singing is specifically to target buskers. Peoria, Illinois has some seriously strict and rigidly enforced anti-busking laws and has ticketed and/or threatened with arrest people for singing, practicing guitar in their yards, or participating in rap battles in public places. The ordinance is written in such a way that anything that could be defined as a "performance" is considered busking, whether or not someone is asking for money or accepting money.

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