SWAT Style Entry for Scary Crime of No Building Permit – Everything Law and Order Blog

Someone sent me another interesting video from Tik Tok, this time showing cops making an entry into a home pursuant to a search warrant, guns drawn, due to the alleged high crime of failure to obtain a building permit. You can hear them yell search warrant and then abruptly make entry, which is very close to a no knock entry. There is a constitutional requirement that police officer knock and announce their presence prior to making entry, even with a valid search warrant. There are exceptions for where a no knock warrant is obtained, or where exigent circumstances are presented at the scene, assuming the dangerousness presented wasn’t known prior to the warrant being obtained.

Read more: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2022/07/27/swat-style-entry-for-scary-crime-of-no-building-permit/

Link to original video: https://www.tiktok.com/@1_2_3_4more/video/7119230155666640174?_t=8UD8meAcQow&_r=1


29 thoughts on “SWAT Style Entry for Scary Crime of No Building Permit”
  1. The video is interesting; however, it only tells part of the story.
    When an Administrative Warrant is requested, it is part of weeks, if not months, of investigation. There is a paper trail, which includes telephone logs, visits to the property, and letters to the dwelling owner. After all means have been exhausted, then it goes to legal counsel for review and advisement on the next step. Sometimes, a Court hearing may be requested, and at that time, the government agency may request an Administrative Warrant.
    So why the armed officers? It is simple. The Administrative Warrant [generly] states the government agency shall conduct a review of the property based on the language of the warrant. This protects the owner's Fourth Amendment rights.
    So, how do you serve an Administrative Warrant? To do this, you need a highly trained law enforcement agency that is prepared to enter a property before any Building Official goes in. That means guns are drawn until the Officers can determine the property is safe for the Building Official.
    Also, to clarify, the owner, if they had shown up, would have been questioned; however, NOT shot. The only way a Law Enforcement officer may discharge their firearm is if they feel their life or other lives are in danger.
    So my comment to you is to follow the law of the community you live in or move.

  2. I wish I could afford to move to a free country but I can't. I am stuck in the USA in fear for my life. The alphabet sectors of government have become Nazi storm troopers and roadside thieves that are not afraid to kill you for minor traffic violations. SMH, what happened to this country 😪?

  3. Ever since 9/11 things have changed. The Feds doled out $millions to state and local police departments to buy military grade equipment and hire many more officers. This has led to many low quality cops on the street with the latest military weapons, armored personnel carriers etc. This is a deadly combination.

  4. What? building permit, I'm confused. What are they looking for? what was she building? A Meth Lab
    this is a new hip thing for code enforcement in my home town also, they get to call in their own militia.

  5. I saw this on another channel, the officers were to contact the owner and schedule a time the owner was there according to the court document. It was also retaliation for some handwritten signs derogatory to the local government.

  6. What an idiot this guy is, he went to school, then went to law school, then had to pass the bar exam to practice law in his state and his great idea is no one. No other profession, or trade should be required to do that just him ask him if he wants to do away with all bar, exams and school tests and all that stupidity you should be able to just call yourself a lawyer and represent people

  7. James Thurber wrote a story about people like this. The fat guy cops and the middle age soccer mom women cops are living their own fantasy lives at our expense. If there was anyone dangerous in the house they never would have gone in. They probably posted online how brave they all are. Walter Mitty lives

  8. Home is your castle ! I protect my home with #4 buckshot ! Had sad would it be if cops were killed or seriously wounded over a building inspection warrant ? Make no mistake we live in a police state ! They can kill,beat, harass, stalk, ilegally arrest you and never be charged or repraimanded ! Thats is definition of a police state .

  9. Stupid move on the city’s side. No reason to go to court for a warrant. Just refuse electrical, gas, water and sewer service until they get permits and pass inspections.

  10. As the population grows everything grows. I disagree with your philosophy of less or no government. We need government to build and protect. It's not perfect and it should be monitored and changed as necessary.

  11. I gotta be honest, I will never get an attorney to represent me in court. But you as an individual, you have a good heart and do post good honest content and are fair, which goes to show you that there are good people in this world that truly want to help people. Thank you for the videos

  12. I live in California where building permits are required, or so I thought. After some minor research, I found that permits are only needed if the property belongs to the county and does not apply to private property. I was threatened with daily fines, inspection fees, and the destruction and removal of my building at my expense from the county enforcement department. I marked all their paperwork void and sent it back and asked to see the law showing proof of their claims against me. The county lawyers went silent on me and I never heard from them again. That was 17 years ago, just lucky I suppose.

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