Former Logan PD Officer Sentenced to 9 Years for Civil Rights Violations – Everything Law and Order Blog

About 7 months ago, I posted a video about a West Virginia police officer, Everette Maynard, formerly of the Logan, WV Police Department who was found guilty by a federal jury of violating an arrestee’s civil rights by using excessive force. This was caught on video. This is the one where the officer was caught by a surveillance camera flipping the bird to the camera. 

Read more:

First video I did on this:


46 thoughts on “Former Logan PD Officer Sentenced to 9 Years for Civil Rights Violations”
  1. Excellent point @ 1:00. Especially for the layman.
    If you are unsure of what a statute or crime is. The jury instructions will explain the elements of the crime perfectly: "If you believe he did this, and this, and he meant to do it, you MUST find him guilty."
    You can literally just search for "(crime name) jury instructions" and learn all about it.
    Especially in my state (Michigan) because a bunch of judges got together and wrote "model jury instructions" for courts to use, in my state.
    Example jury instructions for pretty much every crime, which several experienced judges agreed were good.

  2. I have seen plenty of videos of officers doing the same thing. So they arrest one and prosecuted one and the jury convicted one in the past 3 years. Well that's really not going to solve the problem now is it?!

  3. I wasn't in the courtroom but I'm guessing that Maynard did not give the judge 'the finger' at sentencing like he gave it to the video camera
    in this video. BYE BYE 9 years of your life. BYE BYE pension. HELLO massive civil judgement.

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